Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bush gets his way
by Claudia Sonea

The request for more money for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan has finally got an answer and Bush can breathe easy now. On Wednesday the Congress approved $70 billion for military operations. Still, this decision did not make everyone happy; the Democrats who tried to force a change in President Bush's war policy were very disappointed. While the economy is in danger of recession and US currency loses ground in favor of other, US Congress decides to invest more money in war and support Bush's endless strive for it. The reasons were mainly that all the Democrats did not want to appear as denying money to troops in Iraq and also the fact that violence had decreased in that region showing that the American intervention has results. Furthermore, the anti-war democrats were forced by Bush and his Senate GOP allies who approved and signed the year-end budget deal. The long lasting fight with Democrats over agency budgets implied some accusations from Conservatives and outside groups such as the Club for Growth, which seeks to elect lawmakers opposed to tax and spending increases, that too much money were spent. Mostly there were passed by the bill $28 billion more in domestic spending than Bush's budget and the money was deducted from "emergency" spending, transfers from the defense budget and other maneuvers. But the Republicans justified the measure as being the baseline, according to House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio who supported the spoiling of the plans of record budget increases for veterans and to build a fence and provide additional security along the U.S.-Mexico border. For Democrats although the Congress' decision was a defeat, but the finishing of the budget and enact the spending bills smoothed it a little (because last year they criticized the majority of Republicans for not doing it). Therefore the spending legislation would pay for food and toy safety inspections, NASA, the FBI, the Coast Guard, education, health research and national park operations. To all this 9,000 pet projects sought by lawmakers, at a cost of more than $7 billion, are added, stated Taxpayers for Common Sense, a Washington-based group that fights such projects. Another result would be the increase of the pay of federal civilian workers by 3.5 percent, the extent of farm subsidies the food stamp program until March 15 and the elimination of money for a next generation nuclear warhead. All in all, the bill brought an ease on everyone when it comes to the continuous fight between the Democrats and the US President. Still, for the troops back in Iraq and Afghanistan this means another year without family and Christmas spent away from home. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year for them!

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by Claudia Sonea
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Bush gets his way
by Claudia Sonea

The request for more money for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan has finally got an answer and Bush can breathe easy now. On Wednesday the Congress approved $70 billion for military operations. Still, this decision did not make everyone happy; the Democrats who tried to force a change in President Bush's war policy were very disappointed. While the economy is in danger of recession and US currency loses ground in favor of other, US Congress decides to invest more money in war and support Bush's endless strive for it. The reasons were mainly that all the Democrats did not want to appear as denying money to troops in Iraq and also the fact that violence had decreased in that region showing that the American intervention has results. Furthermore, the anti-war democrats were forced by Bush and his Senate GOP allies who approved and signed the year-end budget deal. The long lasting fight with Democrats over agency budgets implied some accusations from Conservatives and outside groups such as the Club for Growth, which seeks to elect lawmakers opposed to tax and spending increases, that too much money were spent. Mostly there were passed by the bill $28 billion more in domestic spending than Bush's budget and the money was deducted from "emergency" spending, transfers from the defense budget and other maneuvers. But the Republicans justified the measure as being the baseline, according to House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio who supported the spoiling of the plans of record budget increases for veterans and to build a fence and provide additional security along the U.S.-Mexico border. For Democrats although the Congress' decision was a defeat, but the finishing of the budget and enact the spending bills smoothed it a little (because last year they criticized the majority of Republicans for not doing it). Therefore the spending legislation would pay for food and toy safety inspections, NASA, the FBI, the Coast Guard, education, health research and national park operations. To all this 9,000 pet projects sought by lawmakers, at a cost of more than $7 billion, are added, stated Taxpayers for Common Sense, a Washington-based group that fights such projects. Another result would be the increase of the pay of federal civilian workers by 3.5 percent, the extent of farm subsidies the food stamp program until March 15 and the elimination of money for a next generation nuclear warhead. All in all, the bill brought an ease on everyone when it comes to the continuous fight between the Democrats and the US President. Still, for the troops back in Iraq and Afghanistan this means another year without family and Christmas spent away from home. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year for them!

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by Claudia Sonea
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Friday, December 14, 2007

Will Maddie be back by Christmas ?
by Zuzana Moravcova

The private investiagtor revealed yesterday that Madeleine McCann could certainly be home for Christmas. Francisco Marco, the director of Barcelona-based Metodo 3, claims Maddie is being held by paedophiles somewhere in the Iberian Peninsula or North Africa. The investigators are still gathering the proof, but Marco is fairly certain which group of paedophiles is responsible for the abduction. He does not know whether she is still alive. Three-year-old Madeleine McCann disappeared from a holiday apartment of the Ocean Club in Praia da Luz in Portugal on May 3, while her parnts were having a dinner in a nearby restaurant. There have been various concerns about who could be responsible for her kidnap, including speculations that her parents had managed the whole incident. Kate and Gerry McCann were suggested to have accidentally killed their own child in the holiday apartment and then disposed of her body. Seeing these suggestions and documented by some inconspicious evidence, they were made official suspects three months ago. Portuguese police sources are regularly quoted giving details about the McCanns' role in their daughter's disappearance. The lead public prosecutor must now decide if there is sufficient evidence to bring charges against them, if he needs to request the police to carry out further investigations or if the case against them should be dropped. The couple have earlier denied any involvement and have appealed for police to concentrate on the theory that their daughter was abducted by a stranger. The police have been sceptical about the recent claims saying McCanns could possibly have Maddie home by Christmas. However, the investiagtors remain optimistic. Mr Marco strongly hopes for a positive result. "I have to believe it 100 per cent because I know how to look for living people, not dead ones."
by Zuzana Moravcova
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Christmas in the trenches
by Ludmila Martinicka

Christmas are holidays when whole family should meet in one room. Sometimes it is the only day per year, when people forget about their problems and arguments. In my family we use to quarrel quiet lot during the day of Christmas Eve. Everybody is nervous about how the evening will look like, if everything is prepared properly,... but in the evening we just stop and forget about it. Don't even think about it. Some people are not so lucky. They must stay at work, or don't have anybody to spend this nice time with. Even worse it is for soldiers, which spent Christmas so far away from their family relatives and homes. May be not alone, but lonely. About hard times of the World War I tells the letter found few weeks ago, which was written in 1914 before Christmas. The letter was describing horrors of Christmas. Christmas should be a time, when all the disputes are stopped, all the injustice forgiven. Have you ever heard about the story of the war, Christmas and a football match? There were two armies, fighting, facing each other every day for a really long time. Soldiers were dying and troops were smaller. During Christmas the commanders decided to give up the fight and arrange a football match instead. Doesn't matter where we are on Christmas, most important is to have Christmas in our hearts.
by Ludmila Martinicka
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United Nations Climate Change Conference comes to the final
by Dana Kotorova

United Nations Climate Change Conference took place in Indonesian Island Bali for last two weeks. Today is the final day of this conference. Representatives of over 180 countries were talking about climate changes and mainly about how to avoid them. The representatives are trying to make an agreement about emission reduction from 25 percent to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2020. The United States of America, Canada and Japan are arguing, that this reduction is in the contrariety to the conclusions of Kyoto conference. Kyoto Protocol aimed to reduce global warming. This protocol expires in 2012. On the issue of emission reduction ranges, the U.N. climate chief, Yvo de Boer said: "What's becoming clear to me is the more robust industrialized countries are willing to be in terms of the effort they are working towards, the stronger the reaction you're likely to get from developing countries." Indonesia's Environment Minister, Rachmat Witoelar, the conference president finally told, that the emission should be reduce at least by half 2050. "It is something that governments earlier this year said they should be guided by in the context of the negotiations. So this range does not represent concrete emission reduction targets for industrialized countries and this conference will not produce an agreement on concrete emission targets," said de Boer.
by Dana Kotorova
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Konferencia o klimatickych zmenach sa blizi do finale
by Dana Kotorova

Konferencia o klimatickych zmenach sa konala pod zastitou Spojenych Narodov posledne dva tyzdne na Indonezskom ostrove Bali. Reprezentanti viac ako 180-tich krajin rokovali klimatickych zmenach, no najma o tom, ako im predist. Krajiny sa chceli dohodnut na redukcii emisii z 25 na 40 percent z roku 1990 do roku 2020. Spojene staty Americke, Kanada a Japonsko vsak argumentuju najma tym, ze takato dohoda by bola v rozpore so zavermi konferencie, ktora sa konala v Kyoto. Protokol z tejto konferencie sa zavazoval najma na znizenie globalneho oteplovania. Zavery protokolu by sa mali naplnit do roku 2012. Na margo sporu ohladne redukcie emisii sa vyjadril Sef pre klimu Spojenych Narodov, Yvo de Boer: "Co sa mi zad jasne, je, ze vyrazne industrialne rozvinute krajiny sa snazia byt za danych okolnosti pristupne znizovaniu emisii. Podstatne je, co na to povedia rozvijajuce sa krajiny." Indonezsky minister pre zivotne prostredie a prezident konferencie, Rachmat Witoelar uviedol, ze znizenie emisii bude nutne do polovice 2050. "Je to nieco, co vlady krajin zaciatkom tohto roka garantovali ako voditko pri rokovaniach. Takze tato hranica nereprezentuje konkretny ciel znizenia emisii pre industrializovane krajiny a tato konferencia neposkytne konkretne rozhodnutie o emisnych cieloch," povedal de Boer.
by Dana Kotorova
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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Celebrating Christ
by Claudia Sonea

How could we celebrate Christmas without celebrating Christ, in fact he's the one we praise in our carols, his birth is the one generating the joy. Well, Britons think they can despite the urging of officials and religious leaders to keep the Savior. After the suicide bombings of British Islamists from July 2005 when 52 persons have been killed the United Kingdom and Europe there was a debate on religion and integration in Britain that led to the fear of creating Christianophobia if the traditions and beliefs are popularized. However, Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims together with Britain's equality watchdog gave an important lesson to Britons urging them to enjoy Christmas without worrying about what other religions might think. Celebrating your holidays don't make discrimination, other things do. All religions have their own holidays. Trevor Phillips, chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission stated that it should be normal to make a big fuss about Christmas and even more about Christ; after all it is his birth that we all celebrate. He advised to stop with the non sense and just enjoy everything, leaving aside the fear of offending minorities in multicultural Britain. Furthermore, Conservative Parliamentarian Mark Pritchard underlined that the officials, the media and even Royal Mail to mark Christian festivals and traditions show evidence of reluctance in order to not raise Christianophobia. The Evangelical Alliance UK (EAUK), representing over one million evangelical Christians, created this sudden interest after backing a debate on Christianophobia and its evolution. According to Parliamentarian Alistair Burt, an EAUK council member, the nation would have much to suffer if Britain's faith heritage is marginalized and after the surveys published Wednesday, December 12, showing that only 12 percent of adults in Britain have detailed knowledge of the Christmas story, he might just be right. He added that it is a must to improve Christian knowledge as the correlation between happiness and religious faith is very strong. Believe in everything you want without preventing others to believe as well and there will be no more religious conflicts. Celebrate Christ, the Savior.

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Return of the tourists to Bethlehem
by Ivana Bruderova

Bethlehem city hall have this year one more reason for looking forward Christmas. In the last months number of tourists was increasing and everything seems to be like this year more than 65 000 visitors will come for Christmas. Bethlehem, the town situated in Israel, is special by the fact it's sacred place both for the Islams and Christians. But due to the tension between Israelis and Palestinians could be the visit of this place extremely dangerous in the last years. The violence spread this mixed Muslim and Christian town during the second Palestinian uprising started in the 2000. Nowadays is this place relatively calm and tourists began to return. Despite of this Bethlehem doesn't appear as a place of "Peace on Earth" as some of people imagine the place of Jesus' birth. The town is from three sides enclosed by the giant concrete walls which don't make you feel more safe. Israel believes in needful of this barriers. It was built to protect Israels from the Palestinian suicide bombers. "It's imprisoning us," said mayor of town Victor Batarseh. If you visit Bethlehem in these days you will not find Christmas atmosphere as we are accustomed to. There is no decorations such a Christmas trees, lights or tinsels due to the problems between Palestinian authority and Bethlehem city hall. But the budget of $50, 000 is prepared to change it in the following days. To persuade tourists it's now safe to stay in Bethlehem, Tony Blair spent night in one of Bethlehem's hotel. Bethlehem need tourists because as Batarseh said they help " breaking the wall of separation barrier, not physically but psychologically."
by Ivana Bruderova
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Maestro Kent Nagano and MSO bring joy to sick children
by Daniela Simkova

Music, a word known to everyone, means a joy, hope, passion, and love. Through music you can escape to a world never known to anyone else except you. But have you ever thought about music as a heeling component? "Healing begins, it's been said, when you have a sense of hope and when you have belief that there is a future,"said Maestro Kent Nagano, a music director of The Montreal Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Kent Nagano along with MSO started a music therapy for children at Montreal Hospital. They performed a classy interpretation of the songs best known to children, which are The Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and Jingle Bells. "Music is really something that heals a lot and that's what I try to do with the children: bring them music and bring out their own music through their own creativity," stated Pascal Comeau, a hospital's director of music therapy. Music therapy helps to sick children forget about their pain and suffering from the disease. The music therapy supporters thinks that music can decrease some of the mental or even the physical symptoms of various illnesses. Since the music is the special reflection of a human being, it can do a miracle. Music is something what shouldn't be held in the back but we should share this incredible melodies. Maestro Kent Nagano said: "We wanted to make sure that when we make music, we just don't make it alone inside the walls of a concert hall, that we share our music outside the walls as well, and with as many people as we can reach."
by Daniela Simkova
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Christmas celebration in the Philippines
by Zuzana Hanzelova

The celebration of the Advent in the Philippines is quite different from what we have. Out Christian traditions have many differences. In the Philippines, the Advent season is made by the distinctive events, local practices. Their observance of Christmas dates to the time when Christianity was introduced to their forefathers. The midnight masses and the Noche Buena starting December 16 is an old tradition from Spaniards. The Misas de Aguinaldo, nine days of masses held before sunrise, were capped by the Misa de Gallo midnight mass on the Eve of Christmas Day. The Christmas Eve treat included queso de bola, hot chocolate, chicken galantina, acharra, and leche flan. The Christmas tree and Santa Claus, exchanging of Christmas cards and gifts, as well, was brought by the Americans. But with the passing time, Philippine people added their own distinct flavour to the celebration of dawn masses, such as the pto bumbong, bibingka suman, and salabat (native tea) on their church patios, and the Noche Buena table centerpiece became the native lechon. Today, the celebration of the holiday in December is a bit different. Festivals of all sorts are held throughout the country, such as lantern or parol festivals, Christmas tree-building and lighting events, and others. Although in the Philippines, December is celebrated as Christmas Festival Month, they do not forget that Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ and that this urges their to be messengers of love and hope. Even though the Philippine celebrate their Christmas quite different it doesn't have to mean that the spirit of the Christmas is different, as well. It isn't. The idea of helping each other, and spreading peace and love still remains.
by Zuzana Hanzelova
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Christmas in Vienna
by Daniela Simkova

This year's Viennese Christmas tend to be special. Christmas evokes a music in our hearts. We all know that this special Christian celebration of the birth of the Jesus Christ will be conveyed with various concerts and celebrations. All the musicians throughout history, modern or classic, have inspired from the special moments of Christmas. It has become a rule that the most amazing symphonies are brought to life during the Christmas time. All of us can't wait to see this year's New Sigmund Romberg's Orchestra, which will give us a performance at the Del E. Webb Center for the Performing Arts in Wickenburg. A "Viennese Christmas" with the New Sigmund Romberg Orchestra will take its time at 7:30 p. m. Saturday and at 3 p. m. Sunday as well. This Orchestra is special, because it is known as the first touring American Orchestra traveling with own soloists and virtuosoes to provide a wonderful music and winter atmosphere as well. The concert is divided into two parts. The first one will consist of the classic Christmas carols and music and the other one, the second part, gives us an incredible melody of traditional Viennese music. The main matter of interest is in the traditional interpretation of Viennese waltzes during the second part of the concert. As for the tickets to this concert, you can get the adult ticket for $35 and the student ticket for $5. The student ticket is available just for the students who are 18 and younger. If you are interested in this wonderful occasion, you can call 928-684-6624 or you can visit to get more information.
by Daniela Simkova
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

How two Koreas solve their conflicts
by Martina Harvanova

People have conflicts, it is natural. Sometimes although they don´t want to open some touchy issues not to cause a conflict or tension, some external factor just changes up the situation and a disagreement appears. Circumstances can differ, but one thing already mentioned is clear. There are always some misunderstandings and clashes. However, the fundamentals is trying to illuminate and solve them. In possibly fastest and for both sides appropriate way. Behalf the mutual cooperation and other potential benefits one agreement like this has been signed up recently. As a result of October summit between South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun and North Korean leader Kim Jong Il in Pyongyang, the first cargo train started its regular services across the border of the divided Korea on December 11th. It is the first connection between them in more than half a century. The train is supposed to deliver cargo such as stones etc. to provide North Korea with material needed to build their infrastructure. The train will serve as means of supply for both countries. Nowadays, only freight trains are crossing the border, but there is a hope that such cooperation won´t remain only at this point. The thought goes further and its motivation is to transform the train to a passenger vehicle. The biggest idea is, however, to advance the exchange of material to the exchange and reunification of people. Here we go. Two apparently mortal enemies help each other in a truly progressive way. In fact, North-South relations have warmed since a historic summit seven years ago. And it is becoming more and more warmer. It isn´t effortless for two foes to negotiate and consecutively mediate. However, it is worth it. Personally, I find such decision at the very most beneficial and winning. And particularly for us, common people.

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by Martina Harvanova
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

South Korea – Mallipo beach
by Ludmila Martinicka

On the December 8th, two days after visit of Santa Claus to houses, bringing sweet gifts to all children probably a devil visited area of South Korea and brought unimaginable disaster. The ocean and the sea coast is covered by oil slick. Similar disaster hit Korea in 1995 and was marked as the worst ever. But was less than half of the size of this one. Government of the South Korea was preparing to state a coastal zone and send a direct aid to damaged area. Over 100 ships are on the sea are trying to clean the sea and save the sea life using mechanical and chemical ways in the same time. More than 7 thousand of volunteers are working on the cleaning. From local residents, civil servants and members of the coast guard to police and military. They scooped up oil that began washing ashore at Mallipo beach Saturday from a damaged supertanker. People living from the marine business are trying to save what has left, but loosing their hopes. And their businesses as well. Area of Mallipo beach was known as splendid tourist destination. Wonderful beach, the sea, crabs, oysters, mallards, snipe and great crested grebes... Tourists were feeding migrating birds, now there will be no tourists and also no birds. The smell of crude oil whip off all living beings. Sea farmers will receive the quick compensation for their losses, Prime minister of South Korea instructed the officials. But no more details were given.

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by Ludmila Martinicka
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

South Korea – Mallipo beach
by Ludmila Martinicka

On the December 8th, two days after visit of Santa Claus to houses, bringing sweet gifts to all children probably a devil visited area of South Korea and brought unimaginable disaster. The ocean and the sea coast is covered by oil slick. Similar disaster hit Korea in 1995 and was marked as the worst ever. But was less than half of the size of this one. Government of the South Korea was preparing to state a coastal zone and send a direct aid to damaged area. Over 100 ships are on the sea are trying to clean the sea and save the sea life using mechanical and chemical ways in the same time. More than 7 thousand of volunteers are working on the cleaning. From local residents, civil servants and members of the coast guard to police and military. They scooped up oil that began washing ashore at Mallipo beach Saturday from a damaged supertanker. People living from the marine business are trying to save what has left, but loosing their hopes. And their businesses as well. Area of Mallipo beach was known as splendid tourist destination. Wonderful beach, the sea, crabs, oysters, mallards, snipe and great crested grebes... Tourists were feeding migrating birds, now there will be no tourists and also no birds. The smell of crude oil whip off all living beings. Sea farmers will receive the quick compensation for their losses, Prime minister of South Korea instructed the officials. But no more details were given.

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by Ludmila Martinicka
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Argentian"s female President
by Claudia Sonea

Women are becoming more and more independent and the gap that existed for many centuries between them and the men is slowly filling in. In USA there is already a history of women as space shuttle commanders and now South America amazes with two female Presidents, Michelle Bachelet in Chile and starting Monday, October 10, Cristina Fernandez is Argentina's first elected female president. During 2001 and 2002 Argentina went through an economic meltdown and the nation hopes that Fernandez together with her husband Nestor Kirchner who made a great job while he was President (May 25, 2003 until December 10, 2007) increasing his center-left economic programs, creating jobs and reducing high poverty levels, will make will get them through the economic crisis. In her inaugural speech after she was sworn President, her husband achievements were underlined and her effort to continue her husband work was also added. Fernandez won the elections on a left-leaning ticket and using the divided opposition she succeeded to gain 45 percent. Furthermore, the clever campaign of refusing to debate the rivals and giving as few interviews as possible, while media photographed her meeting world leaders, is considered to have been the key of her election. She managed to hide her lack of administrative experience and revealed her diplomatic qualities. Compared to Hillary Clinton, Fernandez might forge better ties with US President, without spoiling the alliance of her husband with Venezuela's Hugo Chavez. Meantime, in Argentina she will have to deal with the inflation that private economists estimate in the double digits, corruption scandals and a long-sputtering energy crisis, unemployment and poverty, problems that remained unsolved from her husband term. Cheered by supporters outside Congress waving blue-and-white flags, Argentina's President vowed to get the trials that have been delayed more than 30 years concluded, to strengthen Argentina's oft-criticized justice system, overhaul a poorly funded system of public schools and tackle rampant crime and a looming energy crisis. In Argentina's history the first female president was Isabel Peron, the second wife of former strongman Juan Peron that assumed power after her husband death and 20 months later she was ousted due to a coup. However, the alliance with her husband and people's trust in her assure that she will not have the same fate. Bravo to her and to her election that represents a step forward for women everywhere.

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by Claudia Sonea
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Clash over emissions in Bali
by Zuzana Moravcova

Europeans and environmentalists are in confrontation with opposition by U. S. and others over a question of greenhouse gas emissions targets inclusion in a ‘roadmap' for a new climate accord intensified Tuesday. Over 10,000 politicians, officials, activists and journalists attended the talks on the tropical resort island. Delegates from 190 nations were discussing ways to widen a U.N.-led fight against global warming to all nations. They began updating the 1997 Kyoto protocol. A new international climate-change deal must be settled in time to ensure that action continues after 2012, when the current phase of the Kyoto Protocol ends. There were negotiations about reductions of 25 percent to 40 percent in industrialized nations' overall emissions going to be required by 2020, calling for even deeper cuts later. Stavros Dimas, the European commissioner for environment, said it was crucial toward preventing global temperatures from exceeding 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) over preindustrial levels. Indonesia has earlier planted millions of trees to absorb an estimated 50,000 tons of greenhouse gases to be emitted during U.N.-led climate talks in Bali. "The government of Indonesia is dedicating the carbon stock of the trees to offset the emissions produced by the U.N. meeting," said Environment Minister Rachmat Witoelar. "We need this range of reductions by developed countries," he claimed. "Science tells us that these reductions are necessary. Logic requires that we listen to science."
by Zuzana Moravcova
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Led Zeppelin to opäť roztočili na scéne
by Zuzana Moravcova

Britskí bohovia rockovej hudobnej scény 70tych rokov priÅ¡li predviesÅ¥ neuveriteľnú Å¡ou po rokoch do londýnskej O2 Arény 26. novembra. Keď ich oslovila vdova Ahmeta Erteguna, bývalého vykonávateľa nahrávacej spoločnosti ktorý uzavrel zmluvu s kapelou v roku 1968, aby zorganizovali čestný koncert, žijúci členovia Led Zeppelin & Jimmy Page, Robert Plant a John Paul Jones, spolu s Jasonom Bonhamom, synom nebohého Johna Bonhama, sa zhromaždili v nahrávacom Å¡túdiu v júni a rozhodli sa uskutočniÅ¥ dvojhodinový koncert v priebehu niekoľkých mesiacov. Å ou obsahovala ,,zahrievacie" príspevky Rhythm Stars Billyho Wymana, Petea Townshenda, Foreigner a Paola Nutini. Fanúšikovia boli ohúrení, keď hlavný spevák, Robert Plant, 59, odÅ¡tartoval tento horlivo očakávaný koncert, spievajúc "Good Times Bad Times". Už Å¡edivý Jimmy Page, 63, pripomenul svetu, prečo ho považujú za jedného z gitarových velikánov sveta, zatiaľ čo John Paul Jones, 61, predviedol svoju vÅ¡estrannosÅ¥ preskakujúc z basy na klávesy. Namiesto bývalého bubenníka, Johna Bonhama, ktorý v roku 1980 zomrel na otravu alkoholom, jeho syn Jason Bonham doplnil formáciu za bicími. Led Zeppelin zahrali ich najúžasnejÅ¡ie veľdiela ako "Stairway to Heaven," "Kashmir" a "Whole Lotta Love" rovnako vášnivo ako aj menej známe kúsky "In My Time of Dying" a "For Your Life," ktoré hrali poprývkrát naživo. Podľa mnohých fanúšikov, Led Zeppelin zneli eÅ¡te lepÅ¡ie ako za čias ich "pekelného" rozkvetu v 70tych rokoch, čo bolo, vzhľadom na ich kvality, už aj tak Å¥ažko predstaviteľné.
by Zuzana Moravcova
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Monday, December 10, 2007

Africa and the rest of the world
by Petra Calovkova

Africa is known as a continent of the poor, the battered and generally of the people who have struggled throughout the history. And who actually still struggle, because of the conditions they live in haven't changed much by now. Africa has been supported by many other nations and people are always trying to find a best solution, but it is not a simple task at all. European Union and African leaders met in Lisbon , where one of the issues discussed was European Partnership Agreements, which concentrates on trade of EU countries with Africa, Caribbean and Pacific countries. Most of the African leaders rejected this offer during the summit. They think it will not change the situation too much and also some of them think that EU should not interfere in Africa's issues. But what is EU concerned about is relationship between China and Africa. China's trade there has increasing trend. But Chinese approach to Africa was criticized. One reason is that they are not concerned about human rights abuses on the continent, even thought they are interested in trading and gaining profits. Also they are criticized for being focused on Africa's raw materials and energy rather then helping the country. But according to China Daily, the focus of China-Africa relationship is actually on infrastructure and telecommunications. Furthermore, they want to help with moving the agricultural production mode to a higher level. Obviously African governments are not against this cooperation, since they are supporting the growth of a trading. The question is which solution is really going to be better for Africa and weather any of them will be able to move this continent somewhere where they will be able to find a better future. With that question another follows. Is actually any help initiated from outside ever going to change Africa in a good way? African people are different from Europeans and also from Asians. Of course there should be communication and even help, but if the initiative would come from African site with ideas on what they actually need to be done, that might make more sense. There is no need to change their different world into one that we or Chinese live in. We should support them to keep their one, but make it better. For people who live there and those who will in the future and let them be able to also communicate and interact more with the rest of the world.
by Petra Calovkova
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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Bush and his opinion to Iran
by Jana Kokavcova

It is hard to say how should feel American president when hear about nuclear weapons in country, where he has some own interests and country that is really important for import of some raw materials. We don't know why, but Bush is not very happy to hear about weapons. Maybe it is in that catastrophic 11th September and he has some prejudices against nations from Mideast. And maybe he only love world peace and could not be happy that some countries would like to have powerful weapons to be strong enough when someone contest the country. I know how he could feel when he see a lot of violence in the world. But…I think, Bush and America are very powerful and have some weapons that are not official confessed by now, so it is not in Bush's competence to decide what Iran could and what Iran should. Iran has its own president. Yes, it is not very positive thing to hear about nuclear weapons that could destroy all the people in the world, but it is hard to say what will happen tomorrow. No one would like to see another world war. Two were and are enough for us. We should illuminate before we make another mistake. It is in priority of every country to be happy to have peace. And we should save the peace like a fortune, because without peace we will live in danger, in fear and dark. Bush is right. They should not have any nuclear weapons. People shouldn't have against other people any weapons, but world is dangerous and every country would like to feel in safe.

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by Jana Kokavcova
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Putin, Bush and East Europe
by Jana Kokavcova

What do you think have Putin and Bush in common? Nothing? It is not true. Both have power and both are heads of big, really very big, powerful countries. Anything else? There are some common signs in their character. Both are strong, strict, and solid and have very hard nerves. Maybe you think how beautiful would it be become the head of America or Russia. In their hands are many decisions that have influence to people's lives. They must be very watchful, because have a lot of enemies. And must have respect and love people, because people are the main reason why they are in government. It is not so simple to be a president. There is big responsibility and big fear that something will not happen so well how they planned it. On Tuesday was in the U.S. visit from Russia. Pentagon visited Russia's army forces chief General Yury Baluyevsky. He met his U.S. counterpart Michael Mullen and they were talking together about policy, army… Russia and America have many things in common. It is not only in size of the country, but in some traditions, typical characters and some other facts. What they were talking about was the situation in Mideast too. America is really afraid of nuclear power of Iran and think world is in danger. Because of these reasons U.S. would like to have something like stations in Poland and Czech Republic. Putin thinks it could be only a good maneuver how to have East Europe in U.S. power. Nobody knows where the true is, but maybe we will be smarter after few months.

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by Jana Kokavcova
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Teddy bear Mohammed calls for murder
by Romana Schlesingerova

British teacher, who let the kids at the elementary school in Sudan named their teddy bear Mohammed, insulted the prophet. The court sent her to the jail for 15 days and once she will be free again, she will have to leave the country. The people of Sudan are not very confident with the verdict. Thousands of Muslims call for her death in the streets of Khartoum. Gillian Gibbons (54) from Liverpool sacrificed her entire life to the work with children. She had started to teach in Khartoum this year in August. Her effort to explain the life of animals, finally cause massive demonstrations. The teacher asked the kids in class to choose a name for the bear. They picked up various, but the majority-23 suggested Mohammed. They created a notebook with the title "My name is Mohammed" and took turns in playing with the animal at home. They were supposed to write down everything they did with him over the weekend. The police arrested the teacher last Sunday, taking the notebook and auditing the little girl, who was the real owner of Mohammed. Some parent complained to the Ministry of Education about the serious insult of the prophet Mohammed. Gibbons had been supported by her Christian and Muslim colleagues from the school. They proofed, that it was a matter of the cultural misunderstanding. She was firstly convicted to 40 bumps with whip or a year of jail. Finally, the court sent her to the jail for only 15 days and deportation right afterwards. People of Sudan are not happy and called angrily for the death. Muslims entered the streets and asked the execution, burned her pictures and yelled: "Shame on Britain."

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by Romana Schlesingerova
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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

President is leaving
by Natalia Holvova

There are moments in every single state when impressive person has to leave. That person led the country for years and it is hard if those years were successful. Even if this person was bad leader this moment can be nostalgic and sentimental. This is going to happen in Venezuela. President Chavez was not reelected in Sunday's presidential election. He is leaving the office. If there are people whose personality is beaming brighter than all the others, he stays in the hearts of his staunched forever. Chavez acted as a gentleman. He was sad because of election results; on the other hand he declared happiness that Venezuelans are allowed and able to vote freely and without any pressure. He sees this fact as a maturity of democracy in the country. Some people were happy, some people were crying. As always when big man is leaving, some people love him, some people hate him. This is a destiny of the leaders. They can not be only loved and there is nobody who was only hated. Visible and clever man on the top of the country is always somehow contribution. An important man is leaving the office but as it usually is in cases of important people neither this man is leaving forever or giving up the power he has in the country. There is hope for his fans that he will be close enough to help them and far enough for his enemies to compete with them on the political field.

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by Natalia Holvova
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Monday, December 3, 2007

Tropics in expansion
by Claudia Sonea

The global warming is a serious issue and humanity has to deal with it. As a consequence of it, a new climate research shows that Earth's tropics have expanded a couple hundred miles over the past quarter century, leading to a more arid weather for some already dry subtropical regions. The tropics are the geographic region of the Earth centered on the equator and limited in latitude by the Tropic of Cancer (south of Miami) in the northern hemisphere, at approximately 23°30' (23.5°) N latitude, and the Tropic of Capricorn (cuts Australia in half) in the southern hemisphere at 23°30' (23.5°) S latitude. It represents one-quarter of the globe and generally regarded as hot, steamy and damp with long-term climate from the point of view of the meteorologists. Published Sunday in the new scientific journal Nature Geoscience, the newest study about the changes that took place in the atmosphere and the influence had on tropics reveals that the tropics are expanding toward Earth's poles more than predicted. As it is, the U.S. Southwest is affected by the changes with a more dry weather. According to their measurements, four different meteorological measurements made by independent teams, since 1979 the tropical atmospheric belt has grown between 2 and 4.8 degrees latitude, which means a total north and south expansion of 140 to 330 miles. One of the causes is Hadley circulation, which is essentially prevailing rivers of wind that move vertically as well as horizontally, carrying lots of moisture to rainy areas while drying out arid regions on the edges of the tropics. Others are the amount of ozone in the atmosphere, the depth of the lower atmosphere, and the level of dryness in the atmosphere at the edges of the tropics. Dian Seidel, a research meteorologist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration lab in Silver Spring and author of the study stated that the expansion is a lot bigger than expected and that there is no way of knowing if it's a temporary expansion or the exact causes. Andrew Weaver of the University of Victoria and Richard Somerville of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography comes in her support and shares the concerns that the desertification is the main effect of the tropics widening and that can only reflect negatively upon us, the humanity. Stay connected and protect the environment if you still want to enjoy it.

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by Claudia Sonea
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Most interesting part of the world.
by Zuzana Valkova

I would like to tell you something about Africa. This continent is so huge and so interesting, that you can speak about it for many hours without a break. But I will tell you about few things I find interesting. First of all, did you know that you are actually African? How is it possible? It is easy, because it is proved, that human origins are from this continent. I know it was long, long time ago, but still, origin is origin. Africa is the second largest continent on this planet, it covers 22% of the planets land area, but nobody has ever counted how many people live there. I am not wondering, it would take whole life to count so many people. But someone counted, or I guess estimated, that in Africa are used about 1000 languages. There is also thousands of different kind of animals and plants. Most of them, you can find only there. This is continent of teenagers, because half of the population of Africa is under age of 15. But they are not as we were; they have to live in very dangerous conditions. That's because almost all the countries belongs to the poorest in the world. And about 35 millions people are infected with HIV. But on the other side Africa is very rich continent. Because of the natural resources. The biggest diamond ever found, was found right here. So do you find Africa interesting? Many people these days are trying to help Africa through special foundations. Now, when you know that Africa is so interesting, you can help too.

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by Zuzana Valkova
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Where is Russia going?
by Natalia Holvova

According to preliminary parliamentary election in Russia results it is clear that Putin's party United Russia won. It seems that president has got more that 63 percent of all counted votes which insure his stable place in Russian politics even after he leaves the office in a year. Russian constitution does not allow him to run for third period of presidency but there are kind of rumors that he could be "national leader". This is only prediction, there is nothing like a function of "national leader" yet. If Russia wants him to stay the leader, I am sure they will find the way how to keep him there. Even though Putin seems like total leader, there are undeniable benefits for the country he brought. His way of the oil and gas trade is eventually making money for the national budget and the country is doing much better now. He does not want to be the U. S. ally anymore. He wants to build Russian empire on its own that is able to compete with other world superpower! West world maybe does not agree with his way but he is a part of the country and even there are some shadows above the election legality he is the leader! Russia is huge country with great potential and there was no one for years to improve this potential and get back the fame and glory that Russia used to have in a past. This man is at least doing something and nobody has to agree if people are happy with this.

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by Natalia Holvova
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