Monday, December 10, 2007

Africa and the rest of the world
by Petra Calovkova

Africa is known as a continent of the poor, the battered and generally of the people who have struggled throughout the history. And who actually still struggle, because of the conditions they live in haven't changed much by now. Africa has been supported by many other nations and people are always trying to find a best solution, but it is not a simple task at all. European Union and African leaders met in Lisbon , where one of the issues discussed was European Partnership Agreements, which concentrates on trade of EU countries with Africa, Caribbean and Pacific countries. Most of the African leaders rejected this offer during the summit. They think it will not change the situation too much and also some of them think that EU should not interfere in Africa's issues. But what is EU concerned about is relationship between China and Africa. China's trade there has increasing trend. But Chinese approach to Africa was criticized. One reason is that they are not concerned about human rights abuses on the continent, even thought they are interested in trading and gaining profits. Also they are criticized for being focused on Africa's raw materials and energy rather then helping the country. But according to China Daily, the focus of China-Africa relationship is actually on infrastructure and telecommunications. Furthermore, they want to help with moving the agricultural production mode to a higher level. Obviously African governments are not against this cooperation, since they are supporting the growth of a trading. The question is which solution is really going to be better for Africa and weather any of them will be able to move this continent somewhere where they will be able to find a better future. With that question another follows. Is actually any help initiated from outside ever going to change Africa in a good way? African people are different from Europeans and also from Asians. Of course there should be communication and even help, but if the initiative would come from African site with ideas on what they actually need to be done, that might make more sense. There is no need to change their different world into one that we or Chinese live in. We should support them to keep their one, but make it better. For people who live there and those who will in the future and let them be able to also communicate and interact more with the rest of the world.
by Petra Calovkova
for PocketNews (

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