Friday, October 31, 2008

Earthquake hits southwestern Pakistan
by Zuzana Zelenakova

The earthquake of 6,4 magnitude struck Balochistan province in southwestern Pakistan on Tuesday night killing at least 160 people. Hundreds of others were injured and approximately 15,000 local inhabitants lost their homes. Some houses were destroyed during the earthquake and others collapsed in the following landslides. The area that was hit probably the hardest is Ziarat, where mostly mud and timber houses were destroyed. "I would like to appeal to the whole world for help. We need food, we need medicine. People need warm clothes, blankets because it is cold here," said Mayor Dilawar Kakar. Convoys with relief material are streaming into the area, but it is quite difficult to get a whole picture of the casualties as the region´s population is scarce and local infrastructure is not very dense. The army was involved as well transporting medical teams and also relief material including thousands of tents and blankets on four helicopters to the damaged area, because many roads are blocked due to landslides. Help had still not come to many affected areas. Authorities are currently trying to deal with burying the dead as soon as possible. "Graves are being dug with excavators as we can't keep dead bodies in the open," said a senior official from Ziarat, Sohail-ur-Rehman. "We can't dig separate graves for each of them, as the number of deaths is high and still people are searching in the rubble," said elder Shamsullah Khan from village of Sohi. The earthquake was also felt in Quetta. "There were two tremors, the second one was serious and people rushed out of their houses," said local resident Amjad Hussain. More than seventy years ago the town was almost completely destroyed in an earthquake killing about 30,000 people. The latest serious quake struck the north-west of the country in October 2005 with 73,000 dead.

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by Zuzana Zelenakova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

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edited by Beata Biskova

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Earthquake hits southwestern Pakistan
by Zuzana Zelenakova

The earthquake of 6,4 magnitude struck Balochistan province in southwestern Pakistan on Tuesday night killing at least 160 people. Hundreds of others were injured and approximately 15,000 local inhabitants lost their homes. Some houses were destroyed during the earthquake and others collapsed in the following landslides. The area that was hit probably the hardest is Ziarat, where mostly mud and timber houses were destroyed. "I would like to appeal to the whole world for help. We need food, we need medicine. People need warm clothes, blankets because it is cold here," said Mayor Dilawar Kakar. Convoys with relief material are streaming into the area, but it is quite difficult to get a whole picture of the casualties as the region´s population is scarce and local infrastructure is not very dense. The army was involved as well transporting medical teams and also relief material including thousands of tents and blankets on four helicopters to the damaged area, because many roads are blocked due to landslides. Help had still not come to many affected areas. Authorities are currently trying to deal with burying the dead as soon as possible. "Graves are being dug with excavators as we can't keep dead bodies in the open," said a senior official from Ziarat, Sohail-ur-Rehman. "We can't dig separate graves for each of them, as the number of deaths is high and still people are searching in the rubble," said elder Shamsullah Khan from village of Sohi. The earthquake was also felt in Quetta. "There were two tremors, the second one was serious and people rushed out of their houses," said local resident Amjad Hussain. More than seventy years ago the town was almost completely destroyed in an earthquake killing about 30,000 people. The latest serious quake struck the north-west of the country in October 2005 with 73,000 dead.

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by Zuzana Zelenakova
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pyongyang fires missiles into sea: unconfirmed report
by Martina Janeckova

South Korea’s Yonhap news agency reported on Wednesday, 8 October that North Korea has fired two short-range missiles into the Yellow Sea as a part of routine military training. “We understand North Korea fired two short-range missiles in the afternoon of (October) 7th into the (Yellow) Sea,” Yonhap quoted an unidentified South Korean official. “North Korea declared a no-sail order in the (Yellow Sea) before the missile launch,” the official said. South Korean and U.S. defense officials would not confirm the report. However, analysts say that North Korea has a history of timing its missile launches to periods of increased tension in the region. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said he was unable to confirm the reports, but said firing such missiles was “not helpful in any way in managing tensions within the region.” Last week a senior U. S. diplomat went to Pyongyang trying to convince North Korea to return to a disarmament-for-aid deal and stop its plans to restart the nuclear plant Yongbyon. Last month North Korea announced that after not being removed from a U. S. terrorism list, it will rebuild the Yongbyon nuclear plant. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill went to North Korea to talk about the system to verify North Korean nuclear assets. Washington said it would take the North Korea off the terrorism list once a system had been agreed to verify its nuclear claims. A senior Vienna diplomat familiar with North Korea and U.N. monitoring there said Hill probably received a significant proposal from the North Koreans, who may be trying to squeeze concessions from the Bush administration before it leaves office.
by Martina Janeckova
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North Korea removed from blacklist
by kristina leskova

On Saturday United States of America announced that they will take North Korea off a terrorism blacklist, as informed Sean McCormack from State Department. This decision was admitted after North Korea agreed with verification actions in nuclear facilities. Pyongyang enables nuclear experts to take samples and test all official declared but also undeclared nuclear facilities. There is one more advantage for North Korea – if they will cancel the nuclear program they will get economy help – it means some financial help and they will get supplies of oil. This case lasts several months, because there are still some problems between North Korea and USA. For example several weeks ago Pyongyang limited the international inspector’s access to nuclear facilities, because Washington secluded take off North Korea from the blacklist. But after Saturday announcement North Korea is satisfied and they will let the inspectors everywhere where they need to go. But another problem is Japan. They do not agree with taking off the North Korea from blacklist. The reason is that agents kidnapped many Japanese citizens in 70´s and 80´s. But the American president George Bush informed that he will solve the question of kidnapped people on the dealings with North Korea. How did North Korea become the member of countries which support terrorism? This happened in 1987 during attempt on South Korean airplane. And after a nuclear attempt Washington inducted sanctions. Other reasons can be interest in spreading nuclear weapons, violation of human rights and status of communist country. I hope that North Korea will collaborate and this could decrease terrorism attacks in the whole world.

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by kristina leskova
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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses World News: Some conflicts are just enrooted in us
by Barbora Misakova

Arguments between Jews and Arabs exist so long, that most of us already lost in it. So to clear it a little bit, let’s look on some facts. When the World War I. ended, the League of Nations approved the British Mandate of Palestine what in their language have meant intent to create a national home for the Jews. Two years later, in 1947, United Nations divided Palestine into two states – one part should be for Jews and the second one for Arabs. In 1948 the Jews declared independence of the state of Israel. Of course Arabs had another plans and that’s why they just refused to accept this, quite brave step of Jews. I think that talking about violent conflicts and wars which followed is unnecessary. But what is important is the fact, that Jewish state was expanding its borders even beyond those which were appointed in the UN Partition Plan. And, naturally, it was a thorn in Arabs’ side and it is a reason why these decades of violence are still continuing.

Since then some of the conflicts were ended when Israel signed peace treaties for example with Egypt or Jordan, but conflict with Palestinians is still hanging in the air. And now we are getting into the point, where lot of perspectives on the whole situation and relation between Palestinians and Israelis diverge. Is it a national conflict, political or religious? The truth lies somewhere between. A peace agreement should be a result of long lasting Israeli and Arabian dialogues. But the road to this destination wouldn’t be easy. There will have to be concessions from both sides, and they are going to be painful for everyone. This time Israeli leaders are considering Saudi plan which offers a comprehensive peace between these two enemies. This plan offers peace in exchange for land captured during the 1967 war – the West Bank, Gaza Strip, east Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. Israel has said that plan gives a good basis for other discussion, but it is not good enough to sign it immediately. Even though the Saudi plan was in general welcomed, Yuval Steinity, an Israeli lawmaker from the conservative opposition consider it a nonstarter, because “it doesn’t recognize Israel’s right to defensible borders … (and) demands Palestinian refugees settle in the Jewish state as well as the Palestinian state, which is totally unacceptable.” As it seems, some conflicts are just so enrooted that it is more than impossible to get rid of them. Let’s hope this is not that case.

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by Barbora Misakova
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Chris Cantell Discusses World News: Nekoi konflikti ednostavno se vkoreneti vo nas
by Barbora Misakova

Raspraviite pomegu Evreite i Arapite postojat tolku dolgo, što poveketo od nas se izgubeni vo nea. Da pojasnime malku, da pogledneme nekolku fakti. Koga završi Prvata svetska vojna, Ligata na Narodite go odobri britanskiot mandat na Palestina so nivniot jazik što znaceše namera da se sozdade nacionalen dom za evreite. Dve godini podocna, vo 1947, Obedinetite nacii ja podelija Palestina na dve državi - eden del treba da bide za evreite i vtoriot za arapite. Vo 1948 godina evreite proglasija nezavisnost na državata Izrael. Se razbira arapite imaa drugi planovi i zatoa odbija da go prifatat ovoj mnogu hrabar cekor od strana na evreite. Mislam deka zboruvanjeto za nasilni konflikti i vojni koe sledi e nepotrebno. No ona što e važno e faktot, deka evrejskata država gi šireše svoite granici nad onie koi bea naznaceni so planot za podelba na OON. I prirodno, toa ja probi arapslata strana i toa e pricinata zošto ovie dekadi na nasilstvo sé ušte prodolžuvaat.

Ottogaš nekoi od konfliktite bea završeni koga Izrael potpiša mirovni dogovori so Egipet ili Jordan, no konfliktite so palestincite sé ušte visat vo vozduh. I sega ja gledame celta, kade mnogu od perspektivite na celata situacija i relacijata pomegu so palestincite i izraelcite. Toa e nacionalen konflikt, politički i religiozen? Vistinata leži nekade pomegu. Mirovniot dogovor treba da bide rezultat za dolgotrajnite izraelski i arapski dijalozi. No patot do ovaa destinacija nema da bide lesen. Ke treba da ima soglasuvanje od dvete strani, i tie ke bidat bolni za sekogo.Ovoj pat izraelskite lideri čekaat na saudiskiot plan koj nudi mir pomegu ovie dva neprijateli. Ovoj plan nudi mir vo zamena za zemjata koja e zarobena za vreme na vojnata vo 1967 godina, Zapadniot breg, Pojasot Gaza, istočen Erusalim i Golanskite visočini. Izrael izjavi deka ovoj plan dava dobra osnova za drugi diskusii, no toa ne dovolno dobro samo da se potpiše itno. I pokraj toa što saudiskiot plan e opšto dobredojden, Juval Steiniti, izraelskiot zakonodavec od konzervativnata opozicija se smeta za nepočeten, poradi "ne go priznava pravoto na Izrael da gi brani svoite granici ... (i) bara palestinskite begalci da se smestat vo evrejskata država kako i palestinskata država, što e sosema neprifatlivo." Kako što se čini, nekoi od konfliktite se samo vkoreneti i e ednostavno nevozmožno da gi otstranite. Da se nadevame deka ova ne e slučajot.

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by Barbora Misakova
for PocketNews (
translated by Zivka Deleva

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

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edited by Beata Biskova

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses World News: Severna Koreja povtorno gi aktivira svoite nuklearni kapaciteti
by Martina Janeckova

Vo četvrtokot na 9ti oktomvri, Severna Koreja najavi deka saka da gi restartira kapacitetite koi ja proivedoa nejzinata atomska bomba. Jongnion ima tri glavni kapaciteti: 5 megavaten reaktor, kompanija za reprocesiranje na plutonium i kompleks za proizvodstvo na gorivo. Reaktorot e centar na kompleksot. Reprocesniot centar e možno da ekstrahira plutonium za oružje od koristeni stapovi od priroden plutonium. Severna Koreja se soglasi da go otstrani Jongbion nuklearniot kompleks vo zamena za diplomatska soglasnost i dogovor so SAD, Južna Koreja, Kina, Rusija i Japonija. Spored vlastite vo Severna Koreja, 8 od 11 čekori potrebni da se onesposobi reaktorot se završeni do juli. No dogovorot se sooči so prečka vo avgust koga SAD odbi da ja otstrani Severna Koreja od terorističkata lista sé dodeka taa ne se soglasi so verifikacijata na listata za nuklearni sopstvenosti na Severna Koreja. Amerikanskiot nabljuduvač za nuklearni raboti izjavi deka "Severna Koreja go prekinala Nuklearniot Neproliferatorski Dogovor vo januari 2003 i 2006 godina i puštila podzemna test eksplozija na nuklearno oružje." Dzon Bolton, koj služel kako ambasador na Obedinetite Nacii i Amerikanski zamenik sekretar vo Severna Koreja izjavi deka Severna Koreja samo saka da dobie poveke koncesija i toj ja kritikuvaše amerikanskata administracija koja planiraše da gi ispolni baranjata na Severna Koreja "vo rok od edna nedela" so otstranuvanje na zemjata od listata na narodi koi go poddržuvaat terorizmot.
by Martina Janeckova
for PocketNews (
translated by Zivka Deleva

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell Discusses World News: Dalaj Lama ima zdravstveni problemi
by kristina leskova

Dalaj Lama e spiritualen i politički lider na Tibetjanite. Toj često pati e narekuvan Negovoto visočestvo. Lama znači učitel i toa e titula koja e dadena na mnogu različni rankovi od Tibetskoto Budističko sveštenstvo. Lugeto veruvaat deka Dalaj Lama e inkarnacija na Tulkus. Tulku e tibetski budistički učitel koj se rodil odnovo. Dalaj Lama odbira volonterski da bide preroden na ova mesto i toj saka da go uči čoveštvoto. Koga ke go pogledneme značenjeto na Dalaj Lama, otkrivame deka Dalaj znači okean i Lama e duhoven učitel. Taka koga ke gi sostavime ovie dva zbora zaedno Dalaj Lama znači duhoven učitel dlabok kako okeanot. Rezidencijata na Dalaj Lama od 1959 godina e vo Daramsala što e mal grad smesten severna Indija. 14tiot Dalaj Lama e Tenzin Giaco - toj e roden vo 1935 godina. Toj e roden vo familija so 15 braka i sestri. Toj e mnogu harizmatičen i kako i prviot Dalaj Lama toj patuval na zapad za da predava Budizam. No toj vo isto vreme e samo čovek i vo poslednite denovi toj ima nekoi zdravstveni problemi. Prvo na 27mi avgust 2008 godina toj beše hospitaliziran vo bolnicata vo Mumbai i toj trebaše da otkaže dve megunarodni patuvanja. No doktorite rekoa deka toj e samo premoren i preporačaa poveke odmor za nego.Vo petokot toj beše hospitaliziran vo Nju Delhi posle medicinski pregled. Denes doktorite otstranija kamen od žolčkata od negovoto telo. Toa e golema operacija, no doktorite go narekoa "ednostavna rutinska procedura." Lugeto vo Tibet bea zagriženi za negovata sostojba, zatoa što Dalaj Lama za lugeto vo Tibet znači nadež, tie veruvaat deka nešto dobro ke se sluči koga toj e živ.

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by kristina leskova
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translated by Zivka Deleva

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Chris Cantell Discusses World News: Pjongjang ispaluva raketi vo moreto: nepotvrden izveštaj
by Martina Janeckova

Novinskata agencija Jonhap od Južna Koreja vo sredata, na 8mi oktomvri izjavi deka Severna Koreja ispalila dve kratko dostrelni raketi vo žoltoto more kako del od rutinskiot voen trening. "Razbravme deka Severna Koreja ispali dve kratko dostrelni raketi na sedmi oktomvri popladneto vo (Žoltoto) more," citiraše Jonhap neidentifikuvan oficijalen pretstavnik na Južna Koreja. "Severna Koreja naredi da nema plovidba vo Žoltoto more pred da bidat lansirani raketite," izjavija vlastite. Odbranata na Južna Koreja i SAD nema da go potvrdat izveštajot. Kako i da e, analitičarite velat deka Severna Koreja ima istorija so lansiranje na raketi vo periodi na zgolemena tenzija vo regionot. Portparolot na Stejt Departmentot Šon MekKormak izjavi deka ne e vo možnost da gi potvrdi izveštaite, no reče deka ispaluvanjeto na takvi raketi "ne e od pomoš vo nikoj slučaj za rešavanje na tenziite vo regionot." Minatata nedela postar amerikanski diplomat otide vo Pjongjang obiduvajki se da ja ubedi Severna Koreja da se vrati kon sostojbata na razoružuvanje so dogovor za pomoš i da zapre so planovite za obnovuvanje na nuklearniot pogon Jongbion. Minatiot mesec Severna Koreja najavi deka otkako ne bila otstraneta od amerikanskata lista na teroristički državi, povtorno ke go izgradi nuklearniot pogon Jongbion. Asistent sekretarot na Državata Kristofer Hil otide vo Severna Koreja da zboruva za sistemot da se verificiraat severno korejskite imoti. Vašington izjavi deka ke ja trgne Severna Koreja od listata na teroristički državi otkako sistemot ke se soglasi da gi verificira svoite nuklearni imoti. Postar diplomat od Viena zapoznaen so Severna Koreja i monitoringot od strana na OON izjavi deka Hil verojatno dobil značaen predlog od strana na Severna Koreja, koi možebi se obiduvaat da istisnat koncesii od Bušovata administracija pred da gi napušti kancelariite.
by Martina Janeckova
for PocketNews (
translated by Zivka Deleva

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These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

Chris Cantell Discusses World News: Severna Koreja otstraneta od crnata lista
by kristina leskova

Vo sabotata Soedinetite Amerikanski državi objavija deka tie ke ja trgnat Severna Koreja od crnata lista na teroristički zemji, kako što informiraše Šon MekKormak od Stejt Departmentot. Ovaa odluka beše donesena otkako Severna Koreja se soglasi so verifikacijata na nuklearnite kapaciteti. Pjongjang im dozvoli na nuklearni eksperti da zemaat primeroci i da gi testiraat site oficijalno priznati, no i nepriznati kapaciteti. Ima ušte edna prednost za Severna Koreja - ako tie ja otkažat nuklearnata programa tie ke dobijat ekonomska pomoš - toa ke znači nekoja finansiska pomoš i tie ke dobijat zaliha na nafta. Ovoj slučaj trae nekolku meseci, zatoa što ima sé ušte nekoi problemi pomegu Severna Koreja i SAD. Na primer pred nekolku nedeli Pjongjang go zabrani pristapot na megunarodni inspektori do svoite nuklearni kapaciteti, zatoa što Vašington zakaža isfrlanje na Severna Koreja od crnata lista. No posle najavata vo sabotata Severna Koreja e zadovolna i tie ke im dozvolat na inspektorite da odat nasekade. No drug problem e Japonija. Tie ne se soglasuvaat so toa Severna Koreja da bide otstraneta od listata. Pričinata e deka agentite kidnapiraa mnogu japonski gragani vo 70tite i 80tite. No amerikanskiot pretsedatel Dzordz Buš informiraše deka toj ke go reši prašanjeto so kidnapiranite koga ke se dogovara so Severna Koreja. Kako Severna Koreja stana členka vo grupata državi koi go poddržuvaat terorizmot? Ova se sluči vo 1987 godina za vreme na obidot da se napadne Južno Korejski avion. I posle nuklearniot napad Wašington sprovede sankcii. Drugi pričini može da bidat interesite za širenje na nuklearnite oružja, povredata na čovekovite prava i statusot na komunistička država. Se nadevam deka Severna Koreja ke sorabotuva i ova može da gi namali terorističkite napadi vo celiot svet.

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by kristina leskova
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translated by Zivka Deleva

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses World News: El Dalai Lama tiene problemas de salud
by kristina leskova

El Dalai Lama es el líder espiritual y político de la gente Tibetana. A menudo le llaman como Su Santidad. Lama significa el profesor y esto es un título dado a muchos grados del clero budista Tibetano. La gente cree que el Dalai Lama es una encarnación corriente de Tulkus. Tulku es el profesor budista Tibetano quien ha sido nacido de nuevo. El Dalai Lama decide voluntariamente ser nacido de nuevo a este lugar y quiere enseñar a la humanidad. Cuando pensamos en el significado del Dalai lama, averiguamos que Dalai significa el océano y Lama es el profesor espiritual. Cuando juntamos estas palabras nos sale que el Dalai Lama es un profesor espiritualmente tan profundo como el océano. El Dalai Lama vive en Dharamsala desde 1959 que es una pequeña ciudad situada en India del norte. El 14° Dalai Lama es Tenzin Gyatso - nació en 1935. Nació en una familia de 15 hermanos. Es muy carismático y como el primer Dalai Lama viajó al oeste para enseñar el budismo. Pero él también es sólo un ser humano y en estos días tiene problemas de salud. Primero, el 27 de agosto de 2008 fue hospitalizado en el hospital de Mumbai y tuvo que cancelar dos viajes internacionales. Pero los doctores dijeron que sólo fue agotado y le recomendaron más descanso. El viernes fue hospitalizado en Nueva Deli. Hoy los doctores realizaron una cirugía para retirarle piedras en la vesícula biliar. Los doctores llamaron el procedimiento " un procedimiento simple rutinario ". La gente en Tíbet se preocupaba por su condición, porque el Dalai Lama representa esperanza para la gente Tibetana; creen que algo bueno pasará cuando está vivo.

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by kristina leskova
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translated by Veronika Pellerova

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Chris Cantell Discusses World News: Corea del Norte retirada de lista negra
by kristina leskova

El sábado los Estados Unidos de América anunciaron que retiraba a Corea del Norte de su lista negra, como informó Sean McCormack del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores. Esta decisión fue admitida después de que Corea del Norte permitió las acciones de verificación en instalaciones nucleares. Pyongyang permite a expertos nucleares tomar muestras y probar a todas las instalaciones nuvleares declaradas pero también no declaradas. Hay una ventaja para Corea del Norte - si cancelarán el programa nuclear conseguirán una ayuda económica - esto quiere decir una ayuda financiera y conseguirán las provisiones del petróleo. Este caso dura ya varios meses, porque todavía hay algunos problemas entre Corea del Norte y EE.UU.. Por ejemplo, hace unas semanas Pyongyang limitó el acceso de los inspectores internacional a sus instalaciones nucleares, porque Washington aislado retiró Corea del Norte de la lista negra. Pero después del sábado Corea del Norte está satisfecha y los inspectores tendrán acceso a todas facilidades. Pero otro problema es Japón. Ellos no están de acuerdo con el retiro de Corea del Norte de la lista negra. La razón es que los agentes secuestraron a muchos ciudadanos japoneses en los años 70 y años 80. Pero el presidente americano George Bush informó que él solucionará el problema de la gente secuestrada en los encuentros con Corea del Norte. ¿Cómo se hizo Corea del Norte el miembro de los países que apoyan el terrorismo? Esto pasó en 1987 durante la tentativa sobre el aeroplano surcoreano. Y después de un intento nuclear Washington inductó sanciones. Otros motivos pueden ser el interés en extender armas nucleares, violación de derechos humanos y el estado de país comunista. Espero que Corea del Norte colabore y esto podría disminuir ataques de terrorismo en el mundo entero.

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by kristina leskova
for PocketNews (
translated by Veronika Pellerova

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

North Korea is reactivating its nuclear facility
by Martina Janeckova

On Thursday, 9 October, North Korea announced that it wants to restart the facility that produced its atomic bomb. Yongbyon has three main facilities: a 5-megawatt reactor, a plutonium reprocessing plant and a fuel fabrication complex. The reactor is the centerpiece of the complex. The reprocessing center is able to extract weapons-grade plutonium from used fuel rods and in fuel fabrication complex there are made fuel rods from natural plutonium. North Korea agreed to remove the Yongbyon nuclear complex in exchange for diplomatic concessions and energy aid equivalent to 1 million tons of oil under the deal with the U. S., South Korea, China, Russia and Japan. According to North Korean officials, 8 of 11 steps needed to disable the reactor had been completed by July. But the agreement hit a snag in August when the U. S. refused to remove North Korea from the terrorism list until North Korea agrees to verification of the list of North Korean nuclear assets. U. N. nuclear watchdog said that “North Korea informed the IAEA inspectors that effective immediately access at Yongbyon would no longer be permitted and informed that it had stopped its nuclear disablement work.” North Korea quit the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty in January 2003 and in 2006 it let off an underground test explosion of a nuclear weapon. John Bolton, who served as U. S. ambassador to the United Nations and U. S. undersecretary of state in charge of North Korean nuclear dossier said North Korea only wants to get more concessions and he criticized the U. S. administration that it was planning meet North Korea’s demand “within a week” by removing it from list of nations supporting terrorism.
by Martina Janeckova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

World News, CantellTV, Chris Cantell, Christopher Cantell, digital broadcasting, SigEx Foundry, SigEx Telecom

Dalai Lama has some health problems
by kristina leskova

The Dalai Lama is the spiritual and political leader of the Tibetan people. He is often called as His Holiness. Lama means teacher and it is a title given to many different ranks of Tibetan Buddhist clergy. People believe that Dalai Lama is a current incarnation of Tulkus. Tulku is a Tibetan Buddhist lama who has been reborn. Dalai Lama chooses voluntarily to be reborn to this place and he wants to teach the humanity. When we take a look on the meaning of the word Dalai Lama, we find out that Dalai means ocean and Lama is spiritual teacher. So when we put these words together it means that Dalai Lama is a teacher spiritually as deep as the ocean. The residence of Dalai Lama is since 1959 in Dharamsala which is a small town situated in northern India. The 14th Dalai Lama is Tenzin Gyatso – he was born in 1935. He was born into a family with 15 siblings. He is very charismatic and as first Dalai Lama he travelled to west to teach Buddhism. But he is also only a human and in the last days he had some health problems. At first on August 27, 2008 he was hospitalized in Mombai hospital and he had to cancel two international trips. But the doctors said that he was only exhausted and recommended more rest for him. On Friday he was hospitalized in New Delhi after a medical checkup. Today the doctors removed a gallstone from his body. It was a surgery major, but the doctors called it “a simple routine procedure”. The people in Tibet were worried about his condition, because Dalai Lama means hope for Tibetan people; they believe that something good will happen when he is alive.

related story:;_ylt=AoKI.3gJfdsenvID_KBTDV.s0NUE

by kristina leskova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses World News: Drug kamen
by Claudia Sonea

Ne znam zošto, no ima nekoi novi kamenja i metali vo svetot koi gi fasciniraat lugeto i se smetaat za skapoceni. Vo ovoj moment na pazarot, platinata e najskapiot metal, zlatoto e sleden skapocen metal koj ima visoka vrednost za svetskata ekonomija i posledno e srebroto. Koga zboruvame za skapoceni kamenja dovolno e da se spomene najvažniot: Dijamantot.
Kralevite i Kralicite, piratite i svadbenite prsteni napravija simbol od dijamantot i poradi toa e mnogu skap. Paradoksot e deka ovoj skap kamen ovie denovi se eksploatira vo najsiromašnite delovi od svetot kako Afrika od strana na alčnite razvieni državi. Vakva e situacijata vo južno afrikanskoto kralstvo Lesoto koe e poznato poradi toa što dava četiri od 20te najgolemi surovi dijamanti. Namesto da dobijat najmalku polovina od profitot, tie dobivaat samo 30%, dodeka ostanatiot del go zemaat britanskite globalni dijamantski rudarski biznisi narečeni Gem Diamonds. Kompanijata e gorda deka može da gi pretstavi rudnicite koi gi poseduva na svojata internet stranica vo Lesoto, Elendejl vo Avstralija i Cempaka vo Indonezija. Prašanjeto e kolku dobro se plateno ostanatite vladi.
Eden od najgolemite dijamanti e otkrien vo Letseng rudnikot na 8mi septemvri so težina spored ekspertite od Antvrepen od 478 karati. Vrednosta e proceneta na okolu 12 milioni dolari, sega zamislete 6 milioni dolari kolku raboti može da popravat vo Lesoto. Za žal ništo ne e napraveno da se podobri situacijata na lugeto vo Afrika. Namesto da se napravat donaciski kampanji, tie stavaat svoj interes vo ovaa rabota: "Daj mu na čoveka riba i potoa ke mora da go hranite do krajot na životot." Pomognete im da go iskoristat ona što ima da go ponudi prirodata koja gi blagoslovila nivnite teritorii i sprečete da bidat izmameni.

related story:;_ylt=AuMrCmqeywMOt51XtbLCekCs0NUE

by Claudia Sonea
for PocketNews (
translated by Zivka Deleva

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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