Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sarkozy fights for tough sanctions on Iran
by Magdalena Rosova

French President Nicolas Sarkozy demands new United Nations sanctions on Iran for its nuclear program. President Sarkozy delivered his call during a nuclear summit hold in Washington. Leaders of 47 nations met on summit which was focused on the threat of nuclear terrorism. It was the biggest gathering of world leaders in United States ever since conference hold in San Francisco in 1945. The main topic was Obama's call for for securing all nuclear materials all over the world so that terrorist could not get to them. The nuclear materials should be collected withing four years. President Obama said that if the plan succeeded the American people would be safer and the world ! more secure. Considerable attention was given to Iran and North Korea as there is assumption that these nations succeeded in developing nuclear weapons. However, Iran and North Korea were not invited to the summit. President Sarkoyz asked United Nations to act promptly and impose fresh sanctions on Iran no later than in May. At a news conference at a summit in Washington Sarkozy told reporters that the sanctions should be imposed "in April or May, no later.” Sarkozy thinks that there was no much time left and therefore it was important to act immediately. "The moment of truth is nearing," Sarkozy said. At a nuclear summit, France and the United States were the biggest supporters of imposing sanctions on Iran. There is serious threat that Iran is already building a nuclear bomb. Iran denies the accusations saying that it was developing a nuclear program for civilian energy only.

related story (sgx17002): http://www.reuters! .com/art icle/idUSTRE63C12V20100413...
by Magdalena Rosova
for Cantell TV (

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