Sunday, June 6, 2010

Gaza Activists returning home
by Claudia Sonea

Who would have thought that a small strip of land can cause so many ruckuses? The Gaza strip might be small, but there are over 1.5 million people inhabiting the land and they are now trapped between Egypt and Israel. Both countries are building barricades isolating the land from the outside world. Starting with the 1940s, the Gaza strip attracted the interest of Palestine and Israel. The two countries succeeded in occupying the strip, but the real concern is that Israel blocked access to the land for the past three years through a separation barrier. The residents of the Gaza ! are in great need of basic medicines and equipment, as well as food supplies. This year in June Egypt opened its border crossing with Gaza allowing non-governmental organizations to take food and other goods to the people. "Gaza Freedom Flotilla" is one of the organizations that tried to deliver aid and building constructions materials. Nonetheless, the convoy did not reach its goal due to the fact that Israeli commandos seized the supplies and arrested the volunteers. After outraging people all over the world and stirring a wave of calls from the US and UN to release the 663 activists, Israel finally released this week even the last three French activists from the convoy. Although the media was all over the subject, police managed to get the three members of the Gaza flotilla out of the airport in a rush without giving any interview or being photographed. Nowadays there is no room for privacy and the experience th! ey underwent should have been enough for the others to just le! t them g et home without a fanfare and parade. Whether, the UN and US will have success in breaking the blockage, remains to be seen. For now, the situation is rather unstable and unpredictable.

related story (sgx17491):
by Claudia Sonea
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