Thursday, June 3, 2010

Netanyahu defends Gaza blockade
by Magdalena Rosova

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that blockade of Gaza was important and vital for national security of Israel. Netanyahu added that the state would remain in force. Israel has already deported more than 600 detained pro-Palestinian activist. Activist did not want to leave as they wanted to keep international attention. On Monday Turkish ship full of activists tried to break Israeli blockade and bring humanitarian aid to Palestinians. Israeli troops who wanted to control the ship said activists were armed and offered resistance. Nine people were killed during the incident that happened on the board. World answered with outrage over the deaths. Netanyahu refu! sed to ease controls, Palestinian Hamas is threatening existence of Israeli state. Netanyahu said without strict blockade Hamas would easily get to long-range Iranian missiles, which is threat to whole Europe and not just Israel. Turkey, a Muslim country and strategic ally of Israel accused it of terrorism has recalled its ambassador from Israel and asked it to lift the blockade. European countries and United Nations also call for international objective investigation of the incident. United States, Israel's key ally, was more quiet and called Turkey and Israel to calm down. 1.5 million Palestinian living in Gaza are depending from humanitarian aid. Israel is letting in civilian goods, but halt weapons. Netanyahu defended the actions of Israeli soldiers saying they shoot in self-defense. Netanyahu warned international community that if they had lift the blockade there would be new Iranian port on the Mediterranean. “The same countries that are criticising us today, s! hould know that they could be targeted tomorrow," he concluded! .
related story (sgx17465):
by Magdalena Rosova
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