Thursday, September 30, 2010

Nature against the world
by Barbora Misakova

It is believed that three hundred houses were buried in a rural Mexican community early Tuesday. While authorities in the town of Santa Maria Tlahuitoltepec say about 7 killed and 100 missing people, numbers from state’s leader Ulises Ruiz differ – 4 killed and 12 missing. Whatever the numbers are, the situation is desperate. Communication with the town was impossible because of mud, rocks and in one case a collapsed bridge for 10 hours because they were blocking roads. What is more, bad weather prevented helicopters from being used so people had to wait till Red Cross workers reached them. Those residents who had luck and stayed alive were trying to dig out the! ir neighbors but without success. “We have been using a backhoe but there is a lot of mud. We can’t even see the homes, we can’t hear shouts, we can’t hear anything.” said Donato Vargas, an official in Santa Maria de Tlahuitoltepec. There is another hill in another area of town which threatens this Sierra Norte community which is maintaining its indigenous culture. “We are in a serious risk situation. In all of our neighborhoods there are houses and roads cracked and about to fall.” Vargas said. Heavy rains are troubling the whole Central America where it caused deadly floods and landslides. In Honduras, for instance, four people drowned in rivers swollen by Tropical Storm Matthew. Three adults died also in the town of El Oregano and one child in the Caribbean coast town of La Lima. About 30 people were killed by a landslide in Colombia. Nature is treating us badly, and again, there is nothing we can do to stop it.

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Frenchmen spent a lot more that thez could afford
by Zivka Deleva

They laughed at their Euro zone compatriot Greece, but they forgot to look themselves in the mirror. I am talking about the French government, that gave so much advises and suggestions how Greek politicians to find solutions over their crises, and now we come to the moment when media announced that French country has looked into the pockets weight too often, forgetting to remember how much it really has to spend. Now, of course, something has to be done, for the governmental account to be improved and brought into some kind of “normal” situation. Nicolas Sarkozy’s friends from the centre-right government decided to take some measures, like control the civ! il service spending, decrease tax breaks and with that, create a better starting point for the 2011 budget. For the next year, as the statistics say, France total debt will reach 86.2 percent of the national output for that year. Everybody is aware that people don’t like austerity measures – some other countries have already proved that, like Greece, Spain, Britain. The situation in France hasn’t been pinky. Workers have protested for the decision of increasing the retirement age to 62 from 60, which is a certain trend in whole developed Europe. No matter what he does now, Sarkozy will certainly have consequences on the next elections, after two years. But, people don’t care for trends, they search for their rights. That reform is one of the blackest smudge for Sarkozy’s presidency. His ratings are getting worse as each day goes by. France still has a triple-A credit rating, which makes her an attracting country for making business.
by Zivka Deleva
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Al-Qaeda threats European cities
by Zivka Deleva

Al Qaeda is threatening again. This time their targets were few major European cities like London, some in France and Germany, as well. But, the plans have been ruined by intelligence agencies in the countries. As they report, the terrorists were Pakistani people that had a mission to attack in a short time more important strategic places in Europe. The United States of America are as well imposed to possible threats, reported some counter-terrorist agencies. This doesn’t mean that if the criminals were stopped now, that the story is with a happy ending. These people never sleep and it seems that they are not going to give up their idea. The first signs of possible! attacks came two weeks ago, when US people marked nine years of the worst day in a lot of people’s lives. One of the most paranoid people after Americans, with no doubt are British people. And, maybe with so much terroristic threats in the last dozens of years, they have every right to be. France as well was shaken these days by a false bomb alarm around the Eiffel Tower and the Champ de Mars park. It started to happen very often, such kinds of false alerts that make French people nervous as well. Initiated in North Africa, but already emigrated in the country, French security officials were warning that disturbing days are still to come. Because they don’t want the enemy to surprise them, US military services have already killed some al-Qaeda militants in Pakistan, these days. “We are not going to comment on specific intelligence, as doing so threatens to undermine intelligence operations that are critical to protecting the U.S. and our allies,”! ; James Clapper, the director of national intelligence said. !
by Zivka Deleva
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Not much light in the case of European terrorist attack plot
by Milota Sidorova

For the second time in past two weeks the Eiffel tower had to be evacuated. First time it was due anonymous bomb threat call. This time it was due international anti-terrorist agencies intervention. The same measures were taken also in Buckhingam pallace and other places in Great Britain, France and Germany. What appeared to be aired only with a slight echo in media, turned out to be coordinated action of American and European police departments and though the action was commented by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as a significant preliminary security step and a cooperation, she refused to give any other detail on the action. What has really happened? According to! The Associated Press, the terror attack in its embryonic stages was uncovered. Though Big Ben, Buckingham Pallace or Victoria stations were ran by armed police members, AP's source said it didn't change the security threat level from severe to critical. Clinton mentioned al-Qaeda among suspitious organizations. Police was able to detect grey movements from Ahmed Siddiqui, German citizen who was captured in Afghanistan this summer. But so far, not much has been known about the attack and public can be rather confused about real possibility of a terrorist attack. Steps and media tensions increased after Spanish officials arrested an American citizen with Algerian background. Mohamed Omar Debhi was taken into custody due suspicion of financing al-Qaida's cells in North Africa. Though Debhi, 43 himself was neither a member of a plot, nor a direct chain in terror attacks, his duty was to laundry the money to Algeria.

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North Korea leader chose his youngest son as a heir
by Zivka Deleva

It is in the human nature to want to live a mark for the new generations. With no doubt, genetics is all about that, we create families, we reproduce so eagerly wanting to fight the death and transience and lust for eternity. These feelings are basic for each normal living being. And, now, if you put some political manners and desires, imagine that you lead a huge country for decades and it is time for you to go, you are too old or just tired, who would you want to replace you and go on with your ideology? That would off course be your children, if you have one. This example is very fresh and comes from North Korea. The leader KimJong II has succeeded to convince his people! that his youngest son is the right choice for their country. Probably the next heir of the powerful nuclear weapon country name is KimJong Un. He belonged to the Workers Party. Now, they say live the world to young people, but this time, it is weight too much. This young man still hasn’t his 30’s and his proud father has promoted him into a four-star general, few days ago. For me, it is still very strange that a man that has been born only twenty something years ago and had been educated in Switzerland, a very developed European country, can belong to a communist party, no matter if his father is the leader of its people. How come some progressive idea hasn’t showed to change his mind? Maybe it simply runs in the family – his father has replaced his grandfather, after his death 16 years ago. I still hope that youthfulness will bring something good to the people in North Korea.
by Zivka Deleva
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

China-Japan conflict
by Barbora Misakova

“Asian” tactics are remarkable! What France24 calls a “diplomatic spat” I would call a terrible mistake. Detention of a Chinese fishing boat together with its captain jeopardizes future cooperation between China and Japan on much more serious issues than they would probably expect. As a senior fellow and Asia expert Dr. Kerry Brown has said, this action could damage not only years of work, but also other development and security of these countries. As he told France24: “Japan has given China significant economic help in the past, and both countries have common problems such as energy, natural resources and an increasingly volatile North Korea. ! They need to cooperate.” While Japan has extended the detention and questioned Chinese captain accused of hitting two Japanese vessels in disputed waters, economies of these two countries have become more intertwined in recent years. Although there have been no signs so far the dispute would hurt business relations, other relations have been temporarily stopped. Beijing suspended on Sunday ministerial and provincial-level contacts and official Chinese youth organization cancelled a visit to Shanghai. China, which suspended “all senior government contacts” with Japan, also demands immediate release of the captain without any preconditions. What is more, Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu also said: “If Japan acts willfully despite advice to the contrary and insists on making one mistake after another, the Chinese side will take strong countermeasures, and all the consequences should be borne by the Japanese side.” Incident took place near the ! group of islands called Senkaku, which is controlled by Japan ! since 19 72 and which is claimed by both countries. But according to Japanese Foreign Minister there is no territorial question existing.

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Nuclear employees kidnapped in Niger
by Milota Sidorova

Five days ago seven people were kidnapped in Niger. Five of them were French, including married couple, one was from Madagascar and one from Togolese. But all of them were working in nuclear programs – according to official reports they were kidnapped overnight Wednesday to Thursday by a group of gunmen. But so far French officials and Nigerien authorities haven't been sure who was behind the accident – the possibilities were at least two – Areva nuclear firm employe, his wife and five more workers of another French company, Sogea Satom were ambushed by a group of local Touareg rebels or by al Qaeda's North African affiliates. The group was able to break! through two layers of security guards – this fact seemed to be supporting a theory the attack was carefully planned. French officials suggest they would do „everything to help the hostages“, but so far they have been considering possible scenarios for the abduction. There were several Touareg's kidnappings in last years, they successfully managed to take over an executive with the Chinese uranium company in 2007. They were always trying to pressure uranium mining companies in the region and hopes that the hostages would come back unharmed were high. There was no case of a murder of foreigner in Touareg community, but it could be different if Al Qaeda was behind it. Although they kidnapped and released dozens of foreigners, they also executed at least two hostages after open attack between the group and French army in Niger back in July 2010. The recent act would also had a symbolic meaning – kidnapping of employees of nuclear companies should be a w! arning sign for France that draws about 80 percent of its elec! tricity from nuclear resources, mostly coming from Niger.

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Mubarak leading President Obama?!
by Barbora Misakova

Holding leader of your own country in high regard is a general phenomenon which can be presented in many forms. But how to know which form of respect is just too much? How to know where are the borders of showing this respect? Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has probably too many followers and admirers, or at least one but true. And that one has probably the biggest problem with recognizing these borders. The state-run newspaper Al-Ahram clearly feels their President Mubarak fits into the category of those who lead and that’s why he deserves the best “seat” anywhere he goes. But no one would expect the position on photographs is also that important! Origi! nally, the Egyptian President Mubarak together with the Israeli and Palestinian leaders Binyamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas were shot as trailing behind Barack Obama. On the second picture, edited by Egyptian newspaper, he was leading President Obama and other world leaders like he was at home. When two, but quite different pictures from the Middle East peace talks at the White House came into the world, reactions were various. But most of them reminded reaction of the BBC channel which reported that Al-Ahram apparently had some fun with Photoshop. The doctored picture was exposed by the Egyptian blogger Wael Khalil and quickly struck a chord with Egypt’s vibrant network of online opposition activist. As many other spoof versions of this 82-year-old President exist, there is no certainty, this was the last one. Muburak has already been landing on the moon, breaking the 100m world record and hoisting aloft the World Cup.

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Mexico celebrates 200 years!
by Barbora Misakova

Mexican “el grito” also called “Cry of Independence” is one of the most significant celebrations in the country. Every year the days from Sept. 15 to 16 are the days of honoring the 1810 war that threw off Spanish rule and this event has assumed an almost mythic status. Each year on the night of September 15, the President of Mexico rings the bell of the National Palace in Mexico City. After that, he repeats a cry of patriotism with the names of the important heroes of the Mexican War of Independence. After the three shouts of “Viva Mexico!” he rings the bell again and waves the Flag of Mexico to the applause of the crowd. But while past ! years were under sign of people celebrating on the streets, this year’s grito may be the most subdued ever, as fears of violence keep vast number of Mexicans off their plazas. Drug war that in the past 3 ½ years has killed more than 28,000 people is terrifying everyone. Mexico had to fight many years against their inner enemies such as president-dictator Porfirio Diaz that turned Mexico into one of Latin America’s most disgraceful oligarchies, where most of the population lived little better than dogs. These days Mexico is facing another challenge – narco-violence and drug industry which is one of the biggest barriers in Mexico’s egalitarianism. But Mexico has also a lot to celebrate this week. Its democracy is taking deeper root and its economy is far more modern and productive than it was 16 years ago. And President Calderon with his anti-narco campaign and sweeping reforms that as he hoped would modernize and professionalize Mexico’s dy! sfunctional judiciary, is trying to ensure long-term instituti! onal cha nge! Let’s then shout: “Viva Mexico!”

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Three Atlantic threats
by Milota Sidorova

Past years, a growing number of weather accidents have been detected over American continent and Mexican Gulf area. American meteorologists increasing tropical storm activity has been a general feature of this season. Last week it was Earl tropical storm that changed into a hurricane threatening Eastern U.S. coastline, including N.Y. These days a trio of newcomers have appeared over the Atlantic Ocean. Three at the same time are twisting over great masses of water each following different direction. Tropical storm named Karl is currently heading towards oil-production area in Mexico´s Bay of Campeche. Tropical Storm Julia that meanwhile transformed into a hurricane is! the case of headaches of even European meteorologists, because since it moves over the ocean it is absorbing energy. Temperature gaps, pressure differences and the presence of enormous water masses change into strong windy streams rotating water walls that we see as a hurricane. And while i tis over the ocean its power can just increase, once it reaches the coast, it looses the water and engines created by mentioned temperature, humidity and pressure gaps. So far Julia remains an free mover hurricane, but it could influence weather in Europe – this situation is however not very common. If it would be strong enough it could create pressure depression followed by heavy rainy clouds that could slowly move towards Europe. And it the depression would be too low, it could also stayed there for days, rising fears for new floods. The third Hurricane Igor that still remains on Category 4 is expected to run over Bermudas during the weekend.

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Will there be ever peace?
by Barbora Misakova

How long will these peace talks last? It took years till Israel and Palestine agreed with formation of two separate states. As George Mitchell, the Obama administration’s envoy for Middle East peace, said on Tuesday their common goal is to create two states for two nations. But as it seems it will not be as easy. After two days of inconclusive Mideast peace negotiations, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said he sees no alternative to continuing the talks in search of a peace deal with Israel. During a welcoming ceremony for his visit of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton he said: “We all know there is no alternative to peace through negotiations, so w! e have no alternative other than to continue these efforts.” While Clinton reiterates all over again her determination to find compromise solution, Egypt’s leader Hosni Mubarak urges Israel to curb West Bank settlement construction for three more months to give peacemaking a chance. Mubarak allegedly told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the delay could give the both sides time to draft their future borders and reasoned that after those lines are agreed, both sides can build within its future borders. Although this way of thinking is logical, Netanyahu’s office said that Israel doesn’t plan to extend the building restrictions currently in place, which are due to expire in late September. As Associated Press informed, the Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations which started Tuesday in Egypt and concluded Wednesday in Jerusalem produced no apparent breakthrough. As both sides expressed, they would continue striving toward their goal of a final! settlement within one year.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Atlantic Ocean overhung by hurricanes
by Zivka Deleva

The Atlantic Ocean is overhung by three storms that already came these days. Dangerous Karl, Igor and Julia are nice names for human beings, but terrible when you connect them with the word storm or hurricane in front of them. The Bay of Campache in Mexico has been under threat and more fear has risen that the Gulf of Mexico, the much talked about in the recent months after the oil spill, is endangered as well. By far, there aren’t big consequences out from any of the devastators, but it is expected that the Iceland of Bermuda is going to be hit by hurricane Igor. The strongest of al was Karl, with about 40 miles per hour, as the US National Hurricane Center reported.! Five hurricanes and 11 storms is the total report by far, which doesn’t mean that it will stay that way, because the Atlantic hurricane season is not over yet. It usually runs through November. Forecasters say that this season is going to be one of the most active ever. Numbers don’t mind that much, because it is very likely that the storm Julia is going to become Category 1 hurricane very soon and that Mexican oil sources are not safe at all. "Igor is a Category Four hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale. Some fluctuations in intensity are possible during the next 48 hours, but Igor is expected to remain a very powerful hurricane through Thursday" - the hurricane center said. None of the Mexican oil giants still have created a strategy how to safe their property, but they say that they have everything at sight.
by Zivka Deleva
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Could they be sustainable?
by Milota Sidorova

We're not living in era of any consistent political system. Communism as well as capitalism changed and even if media speak of „communist“ leaders or „capitalist“ models and free market, it don't really exist. It's been all changed and hybridized, influenced by new models. On the other hand, some of the greatest philosophers suggest that no idea is sustainable in human society in long-term. If we want to speak of social benefits of communism we should better lower down the scale and talk about it between individuals and even in this case it would be far far ago. If we want to talk about communism, it's better to talk about Marx. If we want to talk ab! out capitalism and so called „free market“ we should better come back to history as well, since our system remains more of corporation ridden hybrid capitalism. We are living in era when governments generously support any bigger corporation, prevent it from bankruptcy, assuring free flow of taxpayers' money that in the most extreme cases lead into deepening debt laid on several more future generations. We are far from times when anyone could make up his own business and challenge rivals thinking it would go that smoothly. The questions remain – how will this all end? Where is the fragile boundary between healthy social politics and corruption and unproductive dependency on state funds? Where is a sense of possibilities for creative and responsible business and lobbying killing not only business rivals, but deepening unemployment and having serious consequences on environment? If we look at our so called „political system labels“, we won't be c! ertainly not surprised by Fidel Castro's quote : „commun! ist mode l is not working in Cuba“. Castro and the whole government realized the fundamental change in Cuban society and named it out loud. He says in the time when his brother Raul Castro reports major changes and cutting steps – reduction of state employees, and decreasing some traditional funds. It will be the first change seen in the light abandoning the message of „revolution“. But still, it would be far from any capitalist solutions. How could we talk about capitalist solutions if the most serious damages were caused by international business embargo, ridden by „capitalist“ U.S.?

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V hĺbke času...
by Milota Sidorova

Už dlhšie nežijeme v ére nejakého konzistentnejšieho politického systému. Komunizmus alebo kapitalizmus, póly, okolo ktorých oscilujú média sa podstatne zmenili. Hoci ešte stále rezonujú pomenovania „komunistický“ vodca a„kapitalistický“ model alebo voľný trh, vo svojej podstate neexistujú. Ovplyvnili ich nové skutočnosti a nová politika, pre ktorú ekonomickí pozorovatelia doteraz nenašli príznačné pomenovanie. Na druhej strane niektorí z najväčších filozofov upozorňujú na! fakt, že žiadna, akokoľvek dobrá myšlienka nie je v ľudskej spoločnosti dlhodobo udržateľná. Ak by sme chceli hovoriť o sociálnych benefitoch komunizmu, museli by sme pravdepodobne rapídne zmenšiť mierku a k tomu sa ešte poriadne vrátiť v čase. Ak by sme chceli hovoriť o pozitívnom komunizme, museli by sme hovorť iba o Marxovi a v rovine teoretickej. Tak isto by sme slobodný trh našli niekedy poriadne dávno. Žijeme v dobe, kedy sa takzvaný kapitalizmus mení na korporatizmus. Korporácie skupujú menšie spoločnosti a mimoriadne úspešne ovplyvňujú politické systémy krajín. A vlády štedro dotujú množstvo väčších spoločností, poskytujú im výhodné pôžičky, niekedy hraničiace s investíciou, krytoy da&! #328;ovými odvodmi obyvateľov a beztrestne zadlž! ;ujú ; celé gerenácie dopredu. Nežijeme v dobe, kedy by si niekto založil podnik a očakával, že mu to bez klientelizmu a korupcie pôjde naozaj ľahko. Naskytá sa otázka – ako to všetko skončí? Kde sa vôbec nachádza tá tenká línia medzi zdravou sociálnou politikou a korupciou a neproduktívnou. lenivou závislosťou väčšiny obyvateľstva na štáte? Kde je zmysel pre vycítenie možností a kreatívneho a pritom zodpovedného podnikania? Kde táto nedeštruktívna politika naráža na tvrdý lobing a bezohľadnú devastáciu nielen obchodnej konkurencie, ale aj primárnych občianskych istôt a životného prostredia? Ak sa na politické systémy pozrieme touto optikou, iste nás neprekvapí nedávny výrok Fidela Castra, ktorý poveda! l, že „komunistický model v našej krajine nefunguje“. Castro, ktorý stále predsedá komunistickej strane si uvedomil podstatné zmeny v kubánskej spoločnosti a nebál sa ich vysloviť nahlas. Jeho výrok taktiež prichádza v čase, kedy jeho brat Raul Castro, súčasný kubánsky prezident pripravuje prvý zásadný šetriaci balíček opatrení – malo by dôjsť k rapídnemu zoštíhleniu verejnej správy, zníženiu počtu štátnych zamestnancov a zrušeniu niektorých tradičných podporných fondov. Podľa ich vlastných slov by sa obyvatelia mali prestať totálne spoliehať na štát. Možno to bude prvá zmena, ktorá opustí odkaz „revolúcie“, avšak v súčasných podmienkach, je azda nevyhnutn&#! 225;. A hoci Castro kriticky zhodnotil stav komunizmu vo svoje! j krajin e, o posune ku kapitalizmu sa nezmienil.

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Tehran releasing American woman hiker
by Milota Sidorova

American hiker Sarah Shroud is coming home after 13 months of imprisonment in Iran. Her release is not only a tradition kept during Muslim month of Ramadan, but also an act of good will. Shroud was captured along with two American toursits Josh Fattal, 27 and Shane Bauer, 27 on their way across northern Kurdish region when they managed to cross Iranian borders. So far Iran has accused them for spying, although three hikers claimed the crossing was accidental. But Bak Sahraei, the second counselor of Iran UN mission on behalf of Iran government has reported a decision to release her out and called for reporters to a Tehran Estaghal hotel on Saturday morning to witness the ac! tion. The whole action would be covered by Swiss embassy that is managing U.S. issues in Iran for almost 30 years. Shroud who meanwhile got engaged with Bauer would be the only one released, but their mothers hope that other would soon follow. They were allowed to meet them only once in July 2009. Since then they were in contact. Shroud's mother claimed her daughter had serious health problems and her demands were rejected in the prison.Shroud however, will not be the first released woman, since Iran did the same during the American hostage crisis in 1979-1981 with African-Americans showing respect for women and minorities. The act of a good will has also more layers, affecting international moods that are currently tense. Iran has a negative popularity for death stoning penalties for certain types of female „crimes“. And it is also higly possible that Iran will demand some counter-release on the U.S. side. Recently it has released a list of 11 Iranians capture! d by the U.S.

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Friday, September 10, 2010

Split or not to split? That is the question!
by Barbora Misakova

Where is no will, there is no compromise. Belgium is divided across linguistic fault lines, where French spoken are in the south and Dutch in the north. Negotiations between Francophone and the Flemish part of Belgium went awry, what ended up in resignation of socialist francophone leader Elio Di Rupo on Friday. Belgium has been in a political limbo ever since inconclusive June elections and future prognosis are optimistic neither. Francophone politicians started to openly discuss the prospect of dividing the country in two. As senior Socialist leader Laurette Onkelinx warned: “We must start preparing for the end of Belgium.” Frederic Simon, France24’s cor! respondent, who is in the Brussels now, says: “The country has never been that close to splitting up.” In spite of that, King Albert II is moving quickly to get coalition talks back on track. After Di Rupo’s resignation, he did not hesitate and appointed a pair of new negotiators in the hope of finally reaching a consensus to form a government. Sometimes it even seems like the king Albert was the only person who realizes how much this dispute touches on so many sensitive Belgian issues across multiple levels such as wealth distribution, culture or issue of language. But the words of Miss Onkelinx for La Deniere Heure newspaper, tell their own tale: “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that because if we split, it will be the weakest who will pay the heaviest price. On the other hand, we can no longer ignore that among a large part of the Flemish population, it is their wish.”

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Rozdeliť či nerozdeliť? To je otázka!
by Barbora Misakova

Kde nie je vôľa, tam nie je ani kompromis. Belgicko je rozdelené na dve lingvistické časti, kde francúzsky hovoriace obyvateľstvo osídľuje juh krajiny a holandsky hovoriace žije na severe. Posledné vyjednávanie medzi frankofónnou a flámskou časťou Belgicka nevyšli, čo vyústilo do piatkovej rezignácie lídra frankofónnych socialistov Elio Di Rupa. Belgicko je v politickom vákuu už od bezvýsledných júnových volieb a prognózy do budúcnosti nie sú o nič lepšie. Frankofónni politickí lídri preto zač! ;ali otvorene diskutovať aj o možnosti rozdelenia krajiny na dve časti. Ako varovala líderka frankofónnych socialistov Laurette Onkelinx: „Musíme sa začať pripravovať aj na rozpad Belgicka.“ Frederic Simon, korešpondent stanice France24, ktorý sa momentálne nachádza v Bruseli, hovorí: „Krajina nikdy nebola tak blízko k rozpadu.“ Napriek tomu však kráľ Albert II koná rýchlo, aby dostal koaličné rokovania späť na správnu cestu. Po rezignácii Di Rupa, kráľ Albert neváhal ani chvíľku a zvolal dvoch nových sprostredkovateľov v nádeji, že dospejú ku konsenzu o zostavení novej vlády. Niekedy to však vyzerá tak, ako keby bol kráľ Albert jedinou osobou, ktorá si uvedomuje kam až môžu tieto diskusie dospieť a akých citliv! 53;ch záležitostí sa môžu dotknú! ť. V prípade rozdelenia krajiny na dve časti by prišli na pretras také citlivé otázky akými sú delenie spoločného majetku, ale aj otázky kultúry a jazyka. Slová Onkelinxovej pre noviny La Deniere Heure hovoria za všetko: „Dúfajme, že k tomu nedôjde, pretože ak sa rozdelíme, budú to tí najslabší, ktorí za to zaplatia najvyššiu cenu. Na druhej strane, nemôžeme už dlhšie ignorovať, že medzi veľkou časťou Flámskej populácie, je to ich želanie.“

related story (sgx18181):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Save the pension system!?
by Barbora Misakova

If you planned to go to Paris or London, I would recommend you not to do so. You would probably get to the city, but your other moves in there will be complicated as French strikers disrupted trains and planes. Also workers from hospitals and mail delivery are engaged in massive street protests over plans to raise the retirement age. Workers from London subway are also protesting. They are unhappy with staff cuts, so they walked off the job and the only way you can travel in London are buses now. Crisis hit us all and not very softly, I would say, but steps of most of European governments were not lucky. While in 220 French cities are people pouring into the streets and cal! ling for refusing austerity plans, Prime Minister Francois Fillon reminded the French that it could be worse as nearly all European countries negotiate on raising the retirement age to 67 or 68. But people don’t care. “I am just getting tired of this because this is not the first time.” said Henda Fersi, a passenger at the Part-Dieu train station in Lyon. As it seems, simple math – you live longer, you work longer – is making French protester angry. One sign in Paris showed a raised middle finger with the message: “Greetings from people who will die on the job.” But Labor Minister Eric Woerth said it was the “duty of the state” to save the pension system. But who will save the people is probably unimportant question.

related story (sgx18164):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Faten eden od narkodilerite!
by Barbora Misakova

Gledanjeto filmovi za mafija i dileri na droga e nešto daleku od realnosta. Brutalnosta na vistinskite oddaleku ne e kako taa na filmovite...Navistina! Maltretirani i ubieni lugje so presečeni srca ili jazici se mnogu postrašni koga kje gi vidite vo vesnicite okolku vo filmovite. I vojnata protiv ovie lugje e vistinska svetovna vojna, koja verojatno nema nikogaš da završi. Ponedelnikot beše srekjen den za Meksikanskata federalna policija i pretsedatelot Felipe Kalderon, koga Edgar Valdez Viljareal, isto taka narečen La Barbi, beše uapsen. Ovoj poranešen srednoškolec fudbaler od Teksas, si go izgradi "renometo" od siten uli&#! 269;en diler do eden od najgolemite narko-gospodari. Valdez, isto taka posle negovoto apsenje, verojatno ušte misli deka e nedopirliv, barem toa go pokažuva videoto kade toj ponekogaš gleda i se smee. Meksikanskata policija go brkaše Valdez niz pet meksikanski zemji cela godina, što ja pravi misijata na Kalderon uspešna zasega. Kako i da e, vlastite ne se zadovolni zašto ima ušte mnogu "muvi" za fakjanje, vklučitelno so šefot na Sinaloa Hoakin "El Čapo" Guzman, najbaraniot meksikanski gospodar na drogata. Valdez im reče na isprašuvačite deka toj znael deka ne samo Guzman, no isto taka i brakjata Arturo i Hektor Beltran Lejva i drugi. Kompjuteri, telefoni i druga oprema konfiskuvana vo rezidencijata a Valdez bi možele da bidat od pomoš so davanje povekje informacii za negovata grupa i drugi lugje so koi sorabotuval. Valdez, kako amerikanski gragjanin što živee ilegalno vo Meksiko, bi tr! ebalo da bide deportiran vo Soedinetite Amerikanski Držav! i dokolk u Meksiko se soglasi, ili kje se sooči so sudenje vo Meksiko za kriminal vrzan so droga.

related story (sgx18128):;_ylt=Ak8tMNwVM...
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone! calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Vulkanska erupcija na Sumatra
by Milota Sidorova

Vo 2010 godina se slučija nekolku vremenski i seizmički ekstremi i nekolku meseci otkako islandskiot vulkan go zapre evropskiot i transatlantskiot vozdušen soobrakjaj, se razbudi drug vulkan. Povekje od 18.000 Indonezijanci gi napuštija svote domovi pod Sinabung koj eruptiraše vo nedelata. Sinabung e lociran vo Severna Sumatra i ja zgolemi svojata aktivnost i proizvede ogromen oblak so čad i prašina, kamčinja i sulfur što go pokrija neboto vo visočina do 1.500 metri. Naučnicite zabeležaa izvesna seizmička aktivnost vo petokot, no najgolemata eksplozija se pojavi vo nedelata. Crveniot alarm stigna do najvisoko! to nivo na itnost i vlastite pobaraa ecakuacija na celata populacija vo oblast od šest kilometri, no spored vestite, povekjeto od niv ja izbegnaa lavata na samo nekolku saati pred da eruptira od kraterot. Čadot beše zamenet so lava što se pojavi 15 minuti pred celiot vulkan da eruptira, pridružen od plaen, vreva i zemjotres. Prašinata ja pokri oblasta na rastojanie od 30 kilometri vklučitelno farmi na lokalni žiteli. Prašinata pomešana so dožd može da proizvede debel i lepliv sloj što može da ja uništi celata žetva. Iako nema izveštaj za žrtvi, vlastite rekoa deka dvajca lugje umrele od srcev udar i mnogumina imaat poteškotii vo dišenjeto - silniot miris na sulfurot ostanuva vo vozduhot. Povekjeto od žitelite nosat maski za dišenje. Spored oficijalnite vesti, vozdušniot soobrakjaj ne pretprpe promeni poradi vulkanskata aktivnost. Sinabund eruptiraše posle! 400 godini na relativen mir. Indonezija leži na dlabok ! greben i često e meta na seizmički aktivnosti kako što se erupcii, zemjotresi ili cunami. Zasega, naučnicite ne preciziraa kolku vreme selanite kje treba da ostanat daleku od domovite, no možebi kje bide "najmalku" edna nedela, reče portparolot na Agencijata za spravuvanje so nezgodi, Prijadi Kardono.

related story (sgx18119):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload! and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Čakajúc na záchranu
by Milota Sidorova

Viete si predstaviť, že by jediné vaše spojenie so svetom predstavoval komín o šírke pomaranča?Viete si predstaviť, že táto šírka, tých zopár centimetrov by siahalo na úplné dno tunela, viac ako 600 metrov pod zemou?Radšej o tom ani nepremýšľať...Príbeh čílskych baníkov, príbeh takmer neskutočnej náhody sa presunul do svojho ďalšieho dejstva. Ak doteraz bojovali s tichom, teplom a tmou takmer istej smrti v hrobke silnej skaly, nepredstaviteľnú radosť z náhleho spojenia so zemou vystriedala nová si! tuácia.Je kritická, pretože prináša náročnú skúšku – ako prečkať v tesných podzemných podmienkach niekoľko mesiacov? Úrady a záchranári hovoria, že ich vyprostenie zaberie možno až štyri mesiace, baníci však o presnom časovom odhade neboli informovaní. Vedia, že to bude dlho, nie však koľko naozaj...Psychológovia sa snažia projektovať situáciu tam dolu – mnoho z nich hovorí o potenciálnej nervozite, mentálnej únave a syndróme “ponorkovej chorobe”. Niektorí na doteraz zverejnených videách nachádzajú známky začínajúcej depresie. Ďalší však tvrdia, že sú na tieto podmienky zvyknutí, pracujú pod zemou niekoľko rokov až desaťročí, dostávajú mizern! 3; plat, denne riskujú svoje životy, svetlo a č! erstv 53; vzduch predstavujú vzácnu komoditu. 33 mužov už preukázalo svoje kvality tým, že tam dolu v relatívnej pohode prežili takmer mesiac.Chcú však na svojej záchrane pracovať – záchranári však nevedia akým spôsobom začať práce. Plánov je niekoľko, názory na ne sa rôznia. Pôvodný, takmer štvromesačný plán počíta s vyvŕtaním šachty cez masívnu vrstvu skaly priamo do hniezda. Niektorí však tvrdia, že to baníkov môže vážne ohroziť – cez šachtu by nadol padalo niekoľko ton drviny. Plán B zasa ráta s rozšírením jedného z troch existujúcich spojovacích komínov – táto práca by podľa odhadov zabrala dva mesiace. Nie sú však známe riziká. Úrady nech! cú baníkov vystavovať akémukoľvek zbytočnému nebezpečiu.Pokiaľ by sa podarilo tunel rozšíriť na minimálnu šírku, záchrancovia by nadol spustili jedoduché vystúpavé zariadenie a baníkov vytiahli jedného po druhom von...

related story (sgx18116):;_ylt=AkjuOTad7oYm...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Ca! ntell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasti! ng coupl ed with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Waiting for them to decide
by Milota Sidorova

How is it to be connected with the rest of the world just by chimney as wide as an orange?How is it to be placed on the bottom of the line, burried more than 600 meters underground?Better to not to think about it.A story of Chilean miners has proceeded into its next chapter. So far, they've struggled hard, beat the silence and darkness of almost certain death of a solid rock tomb.But they've been found healthy and alive. Adrenalin fell down and was replaced by enormous hope.Officials said their return will take about four months and according to news, 33 miners weren't told the exact time of their rescue, although they know it is going to take some time.Nerves and mental bo! redom may be playing the game, but as miners used to extreme conditions they have greater chances to survive. According to some psychologists the most important is to create a daily order, rules and hierarchy and not to stop any action. And while experts walking on the ground, breathing fresh air who try to figure out the best possibility for their rescue, miners have offered a help by themselves.Four months of drilling suggests that they may be burried under thick layer of solid rock and the only possible way is to drill a way through. If this happens, miners will have to help anyway, since the rock dirt will fall down, but some are afraid it would worsen their health conditions and put them into danger. We speak of at least of ten million tons of rock falling on them.Plan B, as named by certain media would mean widening one of three existing exits. This possibility would take about 60 days. Rescuers would then install a kind of pod and pull miners one by one outside.
related story (sgx18113):;_ylt=AkjuOTad7oYm...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

One of drug dealers catched!
by Barbora Misakova

Watching movies about mafia and drug dealers is quite far away from reality. Brutality of the real ones is unlike those in the movies…REAL! Tortured and murdered people with hearts or tongues cut out are much scary when you see it in the newspapers rather than in the movies. And the war against these people is a real saint war, which probably will never end up. Monday was a lucky day for Mexico’s federal police and President Felipe Calderon as Edgar Valdez Villarreal, also called as La Barbie, was arrested. This former Texas high school football player worked his way up from petty street dealer to one of major drug lords. Valdez, also after his arrest, probably ! still believes he is untouchable, at least the video where he sometimes looks up and laughs, shows so. Mexican police was chasing Valdez across five Mexican states for a year, what makes Calderon’s efforts for recovering and supporting his war on organized crime recovered, at least so far. However, authorities are not satisfied as there are much more “flies” to catch, including Sinaloa chief Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, Mexico’s most-wanted drug lord. Valdez told interrogators that he knew not only Guzman, but also the brothers Arturo and Hector Beltran Leyva and others. Computers, telephones and other equipment confiscated in Valdez’s three-level residence could be helpful with providing more information about his group and other people he was cooperating with. Valdez, as a U.S. citizen living illegally in Mexico, should be deported to the United States if Mexico agrees, or he could face prosecution in Mexico for drug-related crimes.!

related story (sgx18112):;_ylt=Ak8tMNwVM...
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.