Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Noel brings wet days to Haiti and the Dominican
by Corina Ciubotaru

The times are wet and wild in the Caribbean. Tropical storm Noel hit Haiti and the Dominican on Monday, bringing winds of 50 mph, and some expected 12 inches of rain. Apart from Haiti and the Dominican, Noel will also cross Jamaica but pass right along the U.S. coast. It is expected to weaken as it moves away from Haiti, but grow strong again as it heads for Cuba. In the two countries it affected so far Noel has caused landslides, floods and the evacuation of 600 people. Its center was on Monday located 40 miles south of Port-au-Prince and it was heading northwest at 15 mph. Noel is now apparently going towards the Bahamas, where it will most likely hit Ragged Island, Nurse Cay, Flamingo Cay, Water Cay and a Tropical Storm watch will be in effect by Tuesday morning. It comes to the region after recent floods led to the evacuation of more than 4,000 and the death of 37, and it has killed 20 people by itself so far. It is the 14th named storm of the season in the Atlantic; a storm is named after wind speeds reach 39 to 73 mph. Even residents of nearby Florida were advised to closely monitor forecasts as experts from Colorado State University expect the end of the season to be especially active. In October and November, they think it is likely that four named storms, two hurricanes and a major hurricane will form in the area and might cause damage even to America, which has not been hit by major hurricanes this season.

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China changing
by Claudia Sonea

After potentially deadly chemicals were found in the goods exported by China like toothpaste, toys and seafood, there was an International outrage reinforced by a pet food ingredient that caused the death of a large number of cats and dogs in North America. Therefore things had to change and in August was launched a four-month quality-control campaign by a Cabinet-level panel. It was the desire of Beijing's government to prove to the world that is a serious matter and they are committed in respecting their woes regarding the food and drug safety. In consequence, on Monday there were arrested 774 people on charges of trading substandard goods. It was all the result of 626 criminal investigations nationwide into the manufacture and sale of fake or substandard food, medicine or agricultural products between August and mid-October, according to the General Administration for Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. The investigations held at a large-scale concluded not only with the arrests, but also with the shutdown of a large number of illegal hubs of activity. Furthermore, Gao Hongbin, the vice minister for agriculture revealed that a system of barcodes to track catfish is used by the Chinese consumers to track their food and it's something innovative for consumers that costs only a few pennies and represents one of the measures taken in the four-month campaign. He added that it even led to the increase of the product's value, so it benefits everyone. But the success of the programs implemented by Vice Premier Wu Yi depends on the local lower-level officials, of the education and the technology that can be used to change people's mentality on the matter in order to not sale tainted products, to discover it and establish a link. Due to the multitude of pesticides that are not labeled properly, an online interactive network must be created and help China to respond to specific complaints. In the past two months nearly 200 illegal food companies were shutdown; more than 300,000 technical staff went to rural areas to help 18 million rural households. Xinhua News Agency also reported Monday that China will also increase quality standards for pharmaceutical licensing as a consequence of the numerous cases of injuries and deaths caused by drugs that were not valid. In only two months they succeeded a bunch of things that make people gaze and look forward for the incoming changes. They promised long lasting decisions and there is no reasons to doubt them, because until now they fulfilled our expectation and even more.

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GPhone - No Need to Compromise
by Barbora Kasparova

User of the Gmail account? Ever had fun with the YouTube videos? Good news for you! Google in cooperation with another market leader Orange are supposed to launch a new product of the Google family. It should to be introduced by 2008, according to the Wall Street Journal. A Google Phone, a device promising to enable you to have all of your favorite Google applications with you at all times. It looks like the iPhone needs to watch out for possible competition. After all, to be the first one does not necessarily mean to be the best. The Google company is being very secretive about their new product (we cannot blame them, can we?). Even though some information has found its way through, to have the exact figures we'll have to wait for the official introduction on the market. Some features of the new Gphone include GPS (Global Positioning System), and a special advanced payment plan called GPay. If you are a money concerned user, the GPhone will let you save by watching a short ad before making a phone call. Let's see - a smarter, cheaper version of iPhone? If that is the result, let's await great success.

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Monday, October 29, 2007

Iraq war continues
by Claudia Sonea

After Gen David Petraeus, the top US commander in Iraq, stated that on Sunday that the threat from al- Qaida in the capital city Baghdad was reduced, gunmen kidnapped 10 Sunni and Shiite tribal sheiks from their cars while they were heading home to Diyala province after talks with the government on fighting al-Qaida. Moreover, a suicide car bomber struck a crowded commercial zone in Northen Kirkuk, killing at least eight people and wounding 26. Police officials states that the seven Sunnis and three Shiites were ambushed in Baghdad's predominantly Shiite neighborhood of Shaab at about 3:30 p.m. and later on the body of Mishaan Hilan, a Sunni sheik, was found 50 yards further away from the scene of the kidnapping. A Shiite relative accuses Sunni extremists and said the attackers picked a Shiite neighborhood to create strife between Shiite and Sunni tribe. However, Jassim Zeidan al-Anbaqi said something like this will not happen. It all contributes to a strategy of scarying those who want to help the Americans and join them. Petraeus, after a transition ceremony as the 1st Armored Division, which is based in Wiesbaden, Germany, took in charge the command of northern Iraq from the Hawaii-based 25th Infantry Division at Camp Speicher, a U.S. base near Saddam Hussein's hometown. Maj. Gen. Mark Hertling, the new commander of the region, without any solid figures to provide declares a big decrease in attacks. At least 35 people were killed or found dead across the nation, including the decomposing bodies of 12 Shiites found near the Diyala provincial, in this fight between al-Qaida and US. On the other hand, US top commander reflects on the matter of Al-Tai, a Sunni Arab from the northern city of Mosul, who negotiated the cease-fire, than ended the 1991 Gulf War, when a U.S.-led coalition drove Iraqi forces from Kuwait. Despite the fact that al-Tai's lawyers said immunity was promised to their client, Petraeus denies. Nevertheless he admits to behave nice towards him, bringing his family to see him and giving him special attention. Is there a purpose for everything? There is still the matter of constantly intimidating those that join Americans' cause. Stay connected and watch what happens next.

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Saturday, October 27, 2007

NATO in trouble
by Claudia Sonea

On Thursday, NATO Defense Minister at the talks in the Dutch coastal resort of Noordwijk agreed to diminish the outraging demand of creating a 25,000-strong rapid reaction force on standby, ready to intervene in crises around the world. That means an army always of mercenaries always prepared to leave their homes in order to go and do the dirty actions of politicians playing God. After the Cold War the bitter taste of the alliance made the brainchild of former U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the NATO Response Force (NRF) to step in and come with the idea of creating a pool of 25000 trained soldiers who will fill in the necessary the army might need. They will be always in standby, but ready for getting in action at the most in five days. The project did not stand a chance in face of the NATO members’ pressure to hold a strong army of 40000 people in Afghanistan. However, at the press conference hold after the talks NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer stated that the military forces on standby will decrease in time. As it is, the future of NRF is quite unstable, especially because allies, including US, gave up on requesting troops or equipment with the motivation that there is a bigger need in Afghanistan and Kosovo. NATO military chiefs are evaluating a more reduced NRF with the possibility of adding when it’s needed, keeping in mind that there are still seven missions to be fulfilled, from evacuations to counter-terrorism. Provided that this move could affect the efficiency of intervening in case of crisis, Scheffer is not sure about such a move. Furthermore, the NRF was declared fully operational at NATO summit last year, but they were used until now only to fly in and distribute relief to victims of the October 2005 earthquake in Pakistan. The main debate now is whether to use NRF in order to plug some shortfalls in the Afghanistan peace force. Many allies oppose, but it is likely to be done. Don’t go away…more to come.

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Bush ego hits US
by Claudia Sonea

Politics is a tricky ground and there are many things to take in consideration. However, every time you take a look at US economy and current situation, you just think sometimes it gets overboard. Bush although is not a genius, certainly has ego and tries desperate to show who's the man by getting in other countries' affairs. America has long enough played God and interfered with other people decisions. Now the Fed, the investors and financial analyst are preoccupied by the economy state and the fact that the dollar is losing ground in front of other currencies. On top of everything President Bush had the courage to request 200 billion dollars more for supporting the war. There are 3000 jobless Americans only now after Bank of America decided to let them go and instead of investing in economy 200 billion dollars, it is best to spend it on a futile war whose results are being delayed in showing. The Congressional Budget Office gave a report that estimated a cost of 2.4 trillion dollars by 2017. White House through secretary Dana Perino showed offended saying that it's a report ordered by Democrats in the Congress. She added that the report is hypothetical and it's impossible to predict how much it will cost in the future. CBO Director Peter Orszag told the House of Representatives Budget Committee that the figure can be influenced by taxes and that it's the highest, but not sure if it's the worst scenario. In his support comes committee chairman John Spratt who states that no matter what you say the cost are keep increasing and although you cannot predict the final costs, it is obvious that it's not good. To save the party and leader's decision the top Republican on the committee, Paul Ryan, says it's not a big figure by comparison to the former ones made by military missions during political crisis. Despite accusations CBO is non-partisan analyst for the Congress and estimated cost could start from 1.2 trillion next year, if not from 1.7. 705 billion dollars will be only from interest rates if the financing continues to be from government borrowing. In the cost it is included spending on medical care and disability compensation for veterans, and survivors benefits and aid for building up foreign armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Congress already provided 602 billion dollars on military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan- 70 percent in Iraq. Also Lawmakers spent 39 billions dollars on diplomatic operations and foreign aid. How long a man will control the world? He might have good intentions but somehow his ego seems more plausible to his actions.

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Turkish invasion of Kurdish Iraq isn't supported by the global community
by Corina Ciubotaru

Turkey, the second largest military force in NATO, is apparently very determined to attack the rebel Kurds from Iraq, and will not let anyone get in its way. Military airplanes and helicopters were seen taking off from Turkish airbases near the Iraqi northern border and a village near the Iraqi city of Dahuk was bombed on Wednesday. Over 100,000 troops are standing by near the border between the two countries, waiting for the orders of a full-scale invasion, and Turkey is annoyed by the Americans' reluctance to join it in the war against the Kurds. Long-time allies, the two disagree on this topic as the U.S. would be much more interested in keeping peace in Northern Iraq, which is just about the only peaceful place in the country. Talks of this invasion became more widespread after the United States accused Turkey of genocide a couple of weeks ago, but American forces are still expected to give aid in fighting against Kurdish separatists from the Kurdistan Workers Party or PKK, which has recently been outlawed in Turkey. The rebels killed 12 Turkish soldiers on Sunday, but as an invasion draws near, the decision to start it is every day less supported by the international community who has grown tired of wars after the one in Iraq. Iraq will also face economic sanctions from its neighbor and said it intends to cut oil supply to Turkey through the Ceyhan pipeline if the sanctions are enforced. The Kurds are self-administrating and they get most of their supplies from Turkey, including weapons and food.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Spiritual professor
by Claudia Sonea

It is incredible how over-night a spiritual leader can become nothing else but a teacher. Indeed both of the missions have a common purpose; that is to guide to the enlightment of mankind. Dalai Lama is the best in proving that despite what one thinks about workplaces and status the truth lays in commitment. He was formally installed as a professor at Emory University on Monday during a festivity where Tibetan monks wearing moon-shaped yellow hats chanted and played cymbals, gongs and horns. Student Emily Allen handed him the ID card saying that even though he does not need any identification card to be recognized, the ceremony is more symbolical due to their desire of wishing them welcome. He wanted to please the audience and in his first speech encouraged to give up on financial interest and use their education in greater purposes. The 72 years old exiled Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate made a joke and said that the students ought to listen to him, now that his a teacher, making this way obvious that both professions are based on preaching and listening in order of achieving knowledge. Afterwards at the Centennial Olympic Park in downtown Atlanta he named US as the greatest example of democracy and that more members of Peace Corp should be sent to other countries to spread the democracy and not soldiers, because the new way and the most efficient is that of peace and patience and not that of war who only attracts violence. Dalai Lama will provide private teaching sessions with students and faculty during Emory's study-abroad program in Dharamsala, India and will visit Emory periodically too. He fled in 1959 during a failed rebellion against Chinese government and is seen by China as a Tibetan separatist, therefore they lashed out when the US Congress decided to award him with the greatest civilian honor last week. Nevertheless, the Tibetan spiritual leader soothed everything saying he rather preache for a genuine autonomy of Tibet than a total independency. Well-known for the goals they have in life, the representatives of Buddha on Earth, called Dalai Lama, spread the ideas of peace, love and understanding between people from across the Globe. Isn't it true that a teacher's goal is to spread knowledge and teach people to distinguish right from wrong, to cultivate the pleasure for reading, for progress? All in all, the missions are not that different after all, so it won't be hard to adjust fo the Dalai Lama. Anyway, good luck!

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United States are worried about situation in Turkey
by Nina Gotzmannova

Can you imagine you will receive a phone call from U. S. President George Bush or Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice? If yes, you certain must be a President of another country or someone really important. And the reason why these two people will give you a call must be something of their or worlds' highest interest. Something like that recently happened to Turkish President Abdullah Gul and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. The first one had a phone call from Bush and the second one spoke with him during a secure videoconference. The reason is simple. United States are worried about what is happening on Turkish-Iraqi borders and they want to be sure Turkey won't invade to northern Iraq. Turkey is fighting against Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which is rebelling against official government, causing trouble and is also listed as a terrorist organization by many states. Kurds still want to have an independent Kurdish state, but unfortunately the region where they live is partly in Turkey and partly in Iraq. United States are afraid if Turkey will send its troops to Iraq it will threaten the stability of northern Iraq. The region in one of the safest and most quiet part of the country and nobody wants to see the relative peace ruined. Turkey and Iraq have to join their power together to stop rebels. Turkey has 60,000 soldiers near Iraqi borders, but they are waiting for instructions. To fight in marches is not the best idea and both countries know that. Hopefully they will find a better solution of this difficult problem.

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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Benazir Bhutto's return to Pakistan greeted with a suicide bomber
by Corina Ciubotaru

Benazir Bhutto's return to Pakistan was not greeted with joy by all the country's people. During her procession to the tomb of Pakistan's founder, a series of explosions killed 126 people in the capital Karachi and proved to be the deadliest bombing in the country's history. They did not harm the former Prime Minister who was returning from exile after eight years, as she was lucky enough to have been resting in a protected space of her truck. But she knows she has become a target after adopting pro-U.S. views and attempting to negotiate with Pakistan's leader Gen. Pervez Musharraf, and among her enemies are the Talibans and al-Qaeda. Terrorist groups are the prime suspects in the suicide bombings on Thursday as they work mainly with this type of attack but police are still gathering evidence. Ms Bhutto apparently had been warned by her allies that an attempt would be made to end her life, but she declared once again in front of many supporters that these attacks would not scare her into giving up on the country. Early next year, Pakistan will hold elections that will hopefully acknowledge Musharraf as President and most likely Bhutto as Prime Minister, thereby increasing the state's power in matters like the war between Pakistanis and Islamic rebels such as Talibans. Benazir Bhutto's father, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, was also Prime Minister before his government was overthrown and he was killed two years later; she is the leader of the Pakistan People's Party, which her father had founded.

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Afghanistan has problems with illegal weapons
by Nina Gotzmannova

Afghanistan, six years after the intervention of United States after the attacks on WTC in 2001 and one of the countries most affected by the anti-terrorism war, is still struggling with lot of problems. One of them is the amount of illegal weapons into the country. The last known incident with guns happened last month. A convoy full of arms was stopped in the western part of the country. According to NATO-led troops this convoy came from Iran and brought into the country advanced technology improvised explosive devices. Another thing that is missing in Afghanistan is discipline. There are lots of trouble with security, development, government, guns and of course rebels from Taliban. They still cause trouble and the shipment with arms was probably assigned for them. The most affected part of Afghanistan by Taliban is Kandahar. Reputedly the situation is better now and the province is safer than ever, but the truth may be different. When U. S. troop's officials declared that, Taliban had increased the number of suicide and bomb attacks to deny that. Fortunately the Afghan government is not moping and waiting for Taliban to kill everyone in the country. They invited them into the political arena. To fight violently is not the best way how to achieve the goals Taliban has set and the innocent civilians are suffering. Afghan president also wants to talk with the Taliban leader face-to-face if necessary. The only problem is that Taliban contains from too many small fractions and if the leader will say something, there is no guarantee all the fractions and group around the country will follow him.

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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Last peace lost.
by Barbie Kunkelova

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan stated on Tuesday on Press TV that Turkey did not mean that a military incursion was imminent by trying to get the consent to attack the Kurdistan Workers' party (aka PKK) from the government. There are already 1,500 Turkish soldiers stationed in northern Iraq which upsets the US Parliament & president G.W.Bush tried to convince Turkish officials it is not a good idea to delete the last piece of Iraq that remained calm and clean of fighting and violence since 2003 (when the conflicts with the US started). Those soldiers are supposed to be monitoring the area and sending information straight to the government. This is an ominous fact because over ten years ago, when Turkey attacked Kurds with troops of 50,000 soldiers for the last time, the results were catastrophic. One of the great results was the horrific increase of the oil prices. If this happens again, the absolute cut of oil supplies from northern Iraq is easily to come up. Now they estimate the amounts as follow: 3,800 Kurds spying outside and 2,300 inside Turkish territory. According to Yahoo News, after a debate on whether they should attack the Kurds or not, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki's close aide said publicly that the two Prime ministers decided that Iraqi soldiers are going to get rid of the inside Iraq's Kurds and Turkish soldiers will try to handle the Kurds inside Turkey. Mr. Erdogan, however, wanted to summon all the Kurds back into Iraq, to keep them under control. Turkey would love to show the world it has been underappreciated for no reason & that it has all the strengths and vitality to deal with the Kurdish problem on its own.

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Rice's utopia.
by Barbie Kunkelova

Arab or Jewish? Or both? On one beautiful day in year 1922 the Great Britain rulers' advices to Arab people finally became successful & they have been talking the Arabs into revolting against the dominators of Ottoman Empire. Thanks to their endeavor the Empire dissolved into several small states at last. In 16th century this Empire covered huge parts of Southeastern Europe, Middle East and North Africa, at that time it contained twenty nine provinces and Istanbul was the capital city. I'd say the main reason this huge Empire doesn't exist anymore was its size. The area was just too big to be controlled by one ruler. After the fall of Ottoman Empire, it was many new states makers of the maps had to keep on their minds, along with the controlling countries above them: Lebanon and Syria under French, Iraq, Transjordan and Palestine under British. Most of these states achieved independence throughout the years, yet Palestine remained a problem for a long time. For a period of time, Palestine was supposed to become a Jewish state, while many Arab leaders wanted it to join one of the larger Arab state. For a long time, this became a reality, the Arab ruled Palestine until the declaration of the State of Palestine in 1988. The newest proposal for an independent state is deeply supported by Condoleezza Rice. She hopes for a bright future & that there will be no need for a barrier between Israel and Palestine, that there will be no more fights.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Countries bordering the Caspian Sea fail to agree on reserves
by Corina Ciubotaru

Iran seems to have found a strong supporter for its nuclear program in Russia, which would seriously hamper the United States' plan to end its nuclear program. President Vladimir Putin went to Iran on the first visit by a Russian leader to the country since World War II for a meeting of the five nations bordering the Caspian Sea on Tuesday where all of them agreed their territories should not be used by Western forces. The Caspian Sea is the third largest reserve of oil and natural gases, so an alliance between them against foreign countries who might want a piece of their gas was inevitable, but their main goal was to try and divide the reserves between them. Areas of influence over the inland water have been only vaguely defined since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 and Putin stated every country should have a veto right in regard to where the pipelines transporting oil from the sea should be built. Even though the five countries have not reached an agreement on this matter, they were able to outline other areas of economic cooperation. Statements made after the summit by both Putin and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wanted to let the Western world know Iran's nuclear program is tacitly supported by Russia and that the build of nuclear plant Bushehr will continue as planned. The five Caspian countries jointly declared their right to develop a peaceful nuclear program and acknowledged the rights of all signatories of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. The five states bordering the Caspian Sea are Iran, Turkmenistan, Russia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

China is waiting for the political loosening
by Nina Gotzmannova

Only in five countries has the leader position Communist Party, better long forgotten phenomenon from the 19th and 20th century. China is among them. Although one of the rules of the communism is no private ownership, China represents the power of economy and incredible economy growth. After five years the delegates all over the country have a Party Congress, where they will sum up the progress and set new goals to achieve. The 17th Party Congress is held under strict security arrangements. The 2,200 delegates were carefully chosen to listen to the words of Hu Jintao, Chinese president. He presented the "state of the nation" report on Monday and revealed several interesting facts about China. The economical growth of the one of the world biggest and most populated country is no surprise. But Hu admitted that this growth wasn't with any consequences. There was a strong impact on the environment, something very precious in the country dealing with the problem of overpopulating. With destroyed environment there may be strong economics, but no place for people to live. And that's definitely not what the Party wants. Other problems except pollution China has to deal with are the deep gulf between rich and poor and official corruption. But in Hu's two hours long speech resound some more positive words. Hu said there is a possibility of some political loosening. He has been president in the past five years and under his reign China has become a major economic and diplomatic power. In 2008 China will host Olympic Games. In the end of his speech reporters had a chance to ask questions, for the first time in history. It seems the loosening has begun…

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Prisoner exchangements
by Claudia Sonea

The war between Hezbollah and Israel continues, but there have been made improvements. From 2004 when Israel made for the first time an attempt on improving the relations by releasing more than 400 Lebanese and Arab prisoners in order to free an Israeli businessman and the remains of three soldiers. On Monday new exchanges have been made, the Iran-backed Hezbollah exchanged the remains of an Israeli civilian for a captive Lebanese guerilla and two others. This comes as a result of UN efforts to obtain the freedom of two Israeli soldiers, Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser, seized in July last year, this way putting an end to the 34 days war that followed the abduction. The office of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in a press release revealed that the move not only that will grow the confidence the two countries have among each other, but it will also help in freeing the two prisoners whose condition is still a mystery due to the fact that Hezbollah has given no information in this perspective. The UN appointed mediator, supposedly a German intelligence officer, is brokering a deal between the two for the release of the soldiers in exchange for Lebanese and other prisoners. Also Hezbollah hopes that the exchange will grow in time. Hassan Naim Aqil and the bodies of Ali Wizwaz and Mohammed Damashqiah captured by Israel after the battle at Lebanon were given for the body of Gabriel Dwait, an Ethiopian immigrant who drowned in 2005 and was captured by local fisherman from the coastal side who handed over to Hezbollah. At Naqoura took place the exchange where officials from the U.N. and International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) facilitated it. The Hezbollah convoy with an ambulance brought the Israeli body and left four hours later with the prisoner and the bodies. In celebration of the event family members showered the car in rice. Furthermore, father of Wizwaz expressed his pride towards his son's sacrifice. All in all, the actions of good will might lead to a final solving of the long lasting conflict and bring peace between us. Don't go away…this issue is far away from being completely solved. More to come!

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Tear down the wall.
by Barbie Kunkelova

China is officially opening up to the world, to the West. Lucrative market, all ready for new Western investors! Or maybe as Beyonce's songwriters Ne-Yo, Mikkel, Tor and Amund would put it: To the left, to the left, everything you own in the box to the left. Companies from allover the world are interested into what is happening currently in China and vice versa. And the fact is growing stronger day by day. That is because China's economy is becoming the world's third-largest as well as capitalist instead of communist one. And because Chinese finance officials are interested in what the foreign perspectives are, in what the finance officials from Europe and US have to say. That wasn't necessarily true before. While the meetings included signs of interest from China's site, today the opposite is taking place & Chinese officials are trying to empathize and upgrade. This new attitude sparks debates about new views China was lacking before. If China will start applying the foreign direct investment abroad, more and more companies will stream back in and widen the market. China's online market has opened few years ago. According to BBC News, the removal of the barriers to Western companies' trading will allow big e-tailers like Amazon to establish a local presence. A year ago, China has blocked and censored search engines such as Google or AltaVista. The Chinese gas door to the world opened only this September & the local gas companies are now allowed to sign contracts and interact with foreign companies and to invest abroad. This move was done in order to channel funds into China's gas industry. The country's president, Hu Jintao said he is concerned about bridging the gap between the rich and the poor in China. This can be considered a huge progress since there has never been such a public announcement from Chinese government before.

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Monday, October 15, 2007

Blackwater is going home after killing dozens of civilians in Iraq
by Corina Ciubotaru

The killing of civilians in Iraq has been the subject of many news articles in the last 3 months; they are killing each other with the aid of suicide bombers, they get shot by security companies or they die because they were too close to an exploding vehicle. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis are dead and there is no way of knowing how many more there will be until peace is established in the region. But the event that really stood out the most in this news is the Blackwater incident, where a private U.S. security company has opened fire and killed 17 civilians on September 16th apparently for no reason at all. Investigations by Iraqi officials clearly point out that the guards started shooting out of the blue, with witnesses claiming no shot was fired to provoke them, and that soon after the convoy of four armored trucks opened fire, Blackwater helicopters joined them. Following these findings, the Bush administration was asked to remove the security company from the country and replace it, and Blackwater itself was asked to pay $8 million in compensation to each family of the killed civilians. Dyncorp and Triple Canopy are the other two security companies working to protect American officials there and it's likely they will try to take over Blackwater's business. These companies are not subject to martial law since they are not members of the military so their employees have been sent to Iraq on top of the thousands other soldiers. Their numbers vary in estimations between 30,000 and 45,000.

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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Armenians' truth denied
by Claudia Sonea

During the government of the Young Turks from 1917 and 1919 over 1.5 million Armenians were deported or killed in the Ottoman Empire. It was the first modern, systematic extermination. To this point twenty-one countries officially recognized it as genocide, but the government of the Republic of Turkey rejects the allegations and description of the event as genocide. The US postponed for long time the recognition and despite the reactions of the main ally Turkey, on Wednesday the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee finally approved a resolution, which was proposed by a lawmaker with many Armenian-Americans in his district, admitting that the event of 1915 was genocide. This resolution will go to the House floor, where Democrats say it will be a vote by mid-November and a companion bill will be in the Senate. However, they are both mostly symbolic and don't need president's signature. As it was to be expected, Turkey felt offended and threatened that both diplomatic and military relations between the two countries will be severely damaged if the Congress passes the bill, backed by many Western historians. The key role of Turkey cannot be underestimated; especially in the Iraq war due to the fact that supplies for troops pass through the Turkish air-base Incirlik and Turkey provides thousands of truck drivers and other workers for U.S. operations in Iraq. Nevertheless, it is also important to acknowledge history and how well California Democratic Representative Adam Schiff, the chief sponsor, put it, the alliance it's important for both US and Turkey and should not be affected to easily. The White House and the Republicans through their representative Dan Burton made an appeal to the Congress saying that it might upset the only ally they have in Iraq, while Representative Gregory Meeks, a black Democrat from New York stated that the Congress should take more interest on what happens in its own backyard (slavery, killing of American natives). Turkey's ambassador to the United States, Nabi Sensoy, expressed his government disappointment and did not want to make any predictions on its upcoming reactions. There were many similar resolutions over the years, but were always blocked due to the fact that the Republicans had the power. Still now Democrats are in the majority and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is a committed supporter of such measures. Schiff has 225 co-sponsors, which mean more than half the House. Will military aid weight more than the acknowledgement of the truth? Will the lives of the Iraq soldiers weight more than that of those that are no longer among us? Don't go away…the epilogue is about to come.
by Claudia Sonea
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Hamas will maybe have talk with Fatah
by Nina Gotzmannova

The Palestinian Islamic movement Hamas recently announced, they are ready to sit down in a discussion with their rival, Fatah, major Palestinian political party. Leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniya, posted a statement on his website and revealed some facts they might talk about. Since June 2007 Hamas is controlling Gaza, a coastal strip of land in Izrael. Haniya said that Hamas controlled Gaza only temporarily and they may be willing to give up. This news is especially good for the inhabitants of Gaza, because when the borders were closed, no one was allowed to go in or out. Recently Palestinian students, who are "locked" inside the territory and unable to leave and continue their study abroad, protested against Gaza's blockade. The Fatah movement may welcome this step. Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president stated that Fatah won't discuss anything with Hamas until Hamas won't relinquish Gaza. And the day is finally here. But according to a senior Fatah official they didn't received an invitation to this dialogue, so they are acting as nothing happened. They are right, a statement on a webpage is nothing official, and in this complicated case any mistake can be fatal. There are also sayings from Haniya and other Hamas representatives that Hamas was always prepared to hold a dialogue with Fatah and their intentions are serious. They want to have a meeting in one of the Arab capitals after El ad-Fitr will finish. El ad-Fitr is a festival marking the end of Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Ahmed Yousef, one of the Haniya advisors also added that Hamas never wanted and don't want to make Gaza a separate state.

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Heal the news.
by Barbie Kunkelova

"What's going on, daddy? Why are you watching shooting and imprisoning again? You watched it yesterday and before that too! Let's watch Sponge Bob!" "No, Anthony, let me finish the News before mom summons us for dinner. It's because the world is so violent and bloodthirsty, the people shoot each other every day. Every single day. See the numbers in the corner about the man's head? They read Thursday." "But Thursday is today, daddy. And a week ago too!" "Exactly, and this Thursday a bad accident happened in Iraq, which is very far but it happened because of Americans." "We had an accident??" "Kind of. American soldiers were on a raid, a mission in Baghdad, and attacked Al-Qaida's soldiers. And they were very violent, they killed 34 people! 34 people dead on one Thursday, imagine that, Tony." "Dad, why were they on a mission? Do you like them? And kids too?" "Yes, children were killed too, by accident. But terrorists also. Fifteen of them. Bad things are happening in Iraq since they discovered the mass destruction weapons few years ag &" "Like big weapons?! Like - " "Yes, very big, bad! And our president didn't like that, so he sent war on those weapon makers. Since then the Iraqi public scene has not been alright. Invasions are better than inspections, you see. And no, I don't like them." "What color were the weapons, daddy?" "President never found them." "So why are the soldiers & " "Tony, hold your breath, I'm going to switch to the Pakistan News. I need to know what Musharraf's destiny is." "And then we'll watch Sponge Bob!" "Yes, dear, that's all a man could dream about after watching world news &a peaceful piece of sponge."

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Is Iran lying?
by Claudia Sonea

Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State says it does. At a press release she stated effectively that Tehran's desire is to be able to produce nuclear bomb and tricked the U.N.'s atomic watchdog, International Atomic Energy Agency, about its intention. Everything being generated by Iran's history of refusing to talk about what is going on there and obviously the strong desire of possessing nuclear-grade material. These allegations coming from US it's nothing new, but Condoleezza's direct accusations definitely took everyone by surprise. Washington has tried from the beginning of the year to win Russian support for new U.N. sanctions against Iran but has faced firm resistance from Moscow, President Putin stating that there is no proof Tehran is trying to build a nuclear bomb. Rice stated she was expecting this type of reaction from Russia that on the Sept. 28 agreement to consider new sanctions in November, still the fact that Russian government demonstrated its concern about Iran's program by limiting its cooperation to prevent Tehran from acquiring a full nuclear fuel cycle. Five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council â€" Britain, China, France the United States and Russia â€" and Germany agreed with the support of the European Union to hold off on a new sanctions resolution until November. However from them only France and Britain is sure to support the US, while Russia and China might not support the sanctions. Fear is still floating in the air, what a pleasure in endangering human lives. Nuclear bombs have become the object of fighting among politicians, while innocent civilians are leading their everyday life not knowing when a crazy leader of I don't know what leader will decide it is time to muscle and launch one of the deadliest bomb.

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Turkey says it will restrict US access to Iraq
by Corina Ciubotaru

Recent talks in the U.S. Congress have led to a proposal to accuse Turkey of genocide. In the time of World War I, the Ottoman Empire fell to pieces and many Armenians living in Turkey fell victim; the troubled times were not forgotten by either Turks or Armenians and now, groups of Armenian-Americans living in the United States have brought their lobbying actions to a blissful end. President Bush has strongly opposed the decision to name the acts as genocide because now, Turkish authorities announced they would stop allowing U.S. forces to pass through the country on their way to Iraq and use the bases there. Turkey is a neighbor to Iraq and Incirlik air base has been intensely used to carry troops and supplies to the war zone, whose own streets are extremely prone to roadside bombs. What's even more disturbing to the Bush administration is that Turkey now intends to hunt down Kurd rebels in northern Iraq, thereby destabilizing the area. Turkish and Iraqi officials have already met to discuss these attacks. Meanwhile, Turks deny genocide ever happened since the Armenians were not intentionally exterminated; recently, two journalists were convicted for republishing an interview where their then editor Hrant Dink referred to what happened in that period as genocide. Dink, a very outspoken critic of the Turks for the way they handled that situation, was killed in January in front of his newspaper. The Turkish ambassador in America was called to consultations a few days ago and he is due back in about a week.

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Afghanistan has problems with private security firms
by Nina Gotzmannova

The Blackwater incident in Baghdad last month, when the security team killed 17 people, is not the only one in the region. Also in Afghanistan they face problems with these guys. They are thinking if they are wearing a uniform, gun, have US passport and are located in the Middle East, they can do whatever they want. But these practices won't be tolerated anymore. Some of the organizations are suspected of robbery and murders. On Thursday were two of them shut down and next week it will be up to thirteen more. The names are not known, because among the companies may be firms guarding the Western ambassadors. The main problem with private security companies in Afghanistan is that they consider themselves above the law and do whatever they want. They terrorize Afghans, are disrespectful to local authorities and don't cooperate with authorities. The employees have committed crimes, such as robbery, illegal possessing of weapons or even murder. The last incident happens this week, when private guards killed two women in Baghdad. It is impossible for some "civilians" to act like the government or army forces, so these unlawful procedures must be stopped. In Afghanistan is operating about 59 registered security firms. According to Western officials there might me 25 more, which are working without a license. After the expected closing of several most discussed companies there may be finally law and order. Because if United States want to apologize their invasion into other countries by bringing there democracy, they should be really democratic, respect the law and not behave like the exact opposite of their own words.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Burma still on fire
by Claudia Sonea

On August 18 in Myanmar or unofficially Burma a mass protest started due to the government that raised the price of gas and diesel oil by 500% because of a budget deficit resulted from a salary hike for civil servants and that the capital city was moved to Pyinmana, now called Naypyidaw. The leader Min Ko Naing (with the nom de guerre Conqueror of Kings) is now imprisoned in Insein Prison after being severely tortured among others protestants. The monks of Burma, coordinated by an underground organization, stepped in and on 19 September 2007, several hundred (possibly 2000 or more) monks staged a protest march in the city of Sittwe, Rangoon and in many other cities. In order to ease the international and intern pressure the military junta that rules the country for more than four decades, made a donation of 8,000 dollars in cash and huge amounts of rice, cooking oil, toothpaste and medicine to fifty monasteries and a nunnery in northern Yangon, according to the official New Light of Myanmar newspaper that is under government's orders. The Buddhist monks, who were violently beaten and arrested, supposedly accepted the gifts. Furthermore in Buddhism religion if the gifts are rejected that means excommunication and by accepting them the soldiers were brought back into the faith. During the weekend many of the imprisoned people were freed and allowed to go back to their houses and 400 out of 533 monks detained were released. Moreover Junta chief Senior General Than Shwe accepted a meeting with Aung San Suu Kyi, although posing conditions among which the one that she stops instigating the monks. The UN Council weighed a non-biding statement signed by US, France and Great Britain that criticizes the violent repression of the military junta and urges them to cease all repressive measures and to free the political prisoners and other detainees, including Aung San Suu Kyi. UN envoy Ibrahim Gambari on his recent mission to defuse the crisis was allowed to meet with the democratic leader. No actions can be held against the dictators due to the resistance that China and Russia might oppose. Until the crisis is solved, there are many things to put in order, especially the situation created by the death of a Japanese reporter shot by the troops during September demonstrations. Japan is one of the country's largest donors and although Myanmar denies the allegations, until further results, Japan had threatened to cut back all financial aid. Don't go away, more to come.

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Blackwater is gong down
by Claudia Sonea

After the meeting between Iraqi's Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, and US President, George Bush, on 25 September 2007, Balckwater issue was covered extensively, the PM underlining the need of Iraqi's sovereignty to be respected. Therefore a joint Iraqi-US investigative committee for the tragic event on 16 September, when the killing of 11 Iraqi people outraged Iraquis and raised tensions between the two countries, was created. Blackwater USA is a private military company founded in 1997 by Eric Prince and Al Clark, named often by the international media as being a security contractor or a mercenary organization. It is currently one of the largest three US State Department's private security contractors. However, its mission raised numerous questions due to the casualties and inflicts created by its employees. Nowadays they are paid to provide security service in the Iraq War, each member being paid with 44500 dollars per year. Now they are being investigated for the 16 September incident and gun smuggle allegations. Kerry Pelzman, a USAID specialist on helping rebuild Iraqi businesses, schools and other infrastructure was transported that day on one of the three black GMC Suburbans who were led by a Balckwater gun truck and followed by another one, called Mambas and equipped with 7.62 mm machine guns. While she was in a secure compound making plans on Izdihar â€" a U.S.-Iraqi joint venture company that was working to rebuild Iraq's badly damaged services and funded by USAID on a three-year contract, a bomb-car exploded 200 yards away. An Iraqi report accompanied by witness' accounts comes down hard on Blackwater and demands them to leave in about six months from Iraq accusing them for the murder of 17 civilians and the last toll was 11. AP received the report and revealed what happened by keeping anonymity of the ones recounting because of the consequences. Blackwater's convoy in Nisoor Square opened fire on a white car where Ahmed Haithem Ahmed, a 20-year-old third year medical student was with his mother. The traffic policemen said they continued to fire even after the student was shot in his head and they tried to signalize to stop the shooting. There were reports on small helicopters shooting and the bodies' gun wounds proved that only from above it could had come the bullet. Another Blackwater convoy tried to pass through the city afterwards, but Iraqi police stopped them with water trucks until two U.S. military Humvees emerged from the nearby National Police Headquarters and convinced the Blackwater drivers and guards to return to the Green Zone. The epilogue is expected in the next few days. Stay connected!

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A security company made two other victims in Baghdad
by Corina Ciubotaru

It's very sad what's happening in Iraq right now. More and more security companies are being accused of killing civilians and the people justifiably feel betrayed by the people that were supposed to help them move on to better lives. This is a country where democracy and human rights are somewhat foreign concepts to locals and tragedies like the Blackwater shooting can only undermine their belief in the benefits of the West. This Tuesday, other innocent lives were forever messed up after an Australian-owned security company called Unity Resources Group killed two women in a car that ignored requests to stop. The white Oldsmobile they were in was used by 48-year old Marou Awanis as an unofficial taxi to raise money for her three daughters; when she failed to stop before a crossroads in Baghdad, she and her passenger Geneva Jalal were shot to death. The shooting is now under investigation as the company's story is not the one told by eye witness Riyadh Majid, an Iraqi policeman. He says the four-vehicle convoy of the security company approached the crossroads and immediately started shooting as the women's car entered it, while official statements from Unity claim the security forces used hand signals and a flare to determine the Awanis to stop her Oldsmobile and only began shooting because the vehicle continued its journey. The two women's bodies were buried Wednesday in an Armenian Christian church in Bagdad, while authorities are trying to determine who's to blame for the tragic deaths.

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Sarkozy-Putin talks lead to some closer agreements
by Corina Ciubotaru

The new President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy seems to be on a tour to visit all the world leaders. After seeing George W. Bush at his residence in Kennebunkport, Maine in August and having secret talks with him about a variety of topics, Mr. Sarkozy went to see Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Tuesday. The official discussions revolved around the situation in Iran, a topic on which the two men had very different initial points of view. They came to some agreements eventually, but not on the strong subject of Iran's nuclear weapons, a program that both the United States and the UN want to sanction. But while the U.S. don't want to wait and see what Iranians use their nuclear power for, Russia believes Iran's statement that nuclear plants would only be used for civilian purposes, until the contrary is proven. Sarkozy, a known protester against Russia's treatment of homosexuals, interpreted the talks in his own positive manner even at the press conference, but Putin was not impressed. Talks on another touchy subject, Kosovo, led to no results, even though during the French President's visit to the region, he was acclaimed for wanting to see the situation personally, a step that his predecessor Jacques Chirac wouldn't make. He also went to talk to students at Moscow's State Technical University, crediting them with the power to change their country into a truly democratic one and advocating the benefits of independent justice and free press. Sarkozy also invited Putin to visit France next year, after the latter's presidential mandate expires.

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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Afghan bombs kill Australian trooper
by Corina Ciubotaru

The Helmand province in Afghanistan is becoming ever more popular lately; it recently became the world's biggest producer of opium poppies and, not surprisingly, the center of Taliban power. It is here that the Talibans have their headquarters and the most attacks happen in this southern part of the troubled country. And it is also here that the Australian forces had their first casualty. Trooper David Pearce was killed by a roadside bomb as he was passing through the region in his light armored vehicle; the blast also injured another soldier and three children. He was a 41-year old loved and respected soldier who loved army life and served in the Reconstruction Task Force, and he also had a wife and two children. Australian Prime Minister John Howard takes full responsibility for sending troops in Afghanistan among growing opposition in regard to the war. Australians would much rather get their troops involved in battles closer to home, which carry greater significance for the country and do humanitarian actions in places like Afghanistan and this issue is shaping up to be the hottest topic for the next period of time, up to the coming elections. The country has the majority of its troops home and around 24,000 of them are ready to be sent to war-zones so Australia could become an important player in the area; in this case it is only natural that the winner of elections will be decided based on promises regarding future actions in the Afghan conflict.

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President or Army Chief?
by Barbie Kunkelova

The recent days' event - the Pakistan's Presidential Election of 2007 - has not put exceptional pressure only on Pakistan's Supreme Court but also on General Pervez Musharraf, the President of Pakistan since October 1999. Gen. Musharraf has been named for the Chief of the Pakistan Army at the beginning of his carreer which is one of the main issues his opponents point out when attacking his part in the presidential election of 2007; he is not exactly the minion of the Pakistan public. However, Musharraf won the election by a vast majority of votes. His competitors had no chance. Due to the combination of Gen. Musharraf's positions, the Supreme Court did not accept the results of the election yet and will not allow Musharraf to undertake any actions towards presidency until it publicizes its final decision on October 15. Pervez Musharraf promised he will quit the position of the Army Chief once he is elected, Musharraf's layer said for the BBC News on 18 September. If he gets lucky afterall, he should be back on top by November 15.

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Students protested against Iranian President
by Nina Gotzmannova

Monday visit of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Teheran University annoyed about 100 students that much that they held a protest, rare in the radical Islamic country. They called him a ‘dictator' during his speech and wished him death. The speech was held under strict security control. But the discontented students found the way how to get inside the auditorium. The beginning of the academic year was therefore memorable. Another group of the students, loyal to the regime, tried to stop the demonstrationists and shouted ‘Thank you, president' instead. Similar situation occurred in December 2006. When Ahmadinejad gave speech at Amirkabir University of Technology in Teheran, group of students interrupted him, began to throw firecrackers and burn several pictures of him. It was the first major public protest against the President since the election in 2005. Ahmadinejads response was quite unexpected. He said he feels joy, because people can enjoy their freedom and make demonstrations to show their opinion, something that was prohibited before the revolution in the eighties. But his claiming about the freedom might be not so truth as he sees it. Several newspapers supporting reformation of the system were shut down. Students who are pro-government are gaining strength and those who feel it different are ignored. Their demonstrations are not much politics; they usually want to have better school facilities or so. When Ahmadinejad was elected in 2005, he promised to reduce unemployment and fight poverty. Instead the prices have doubled or even tripled. Most possibly is only a matter of time when other citizens of Iran will use their right of freedom and demonstrate against Ahmadinejad like the students too.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

New chance for Putin to rule Russia
by Nina Gotzmannova

His days as a president may be soon over, but the future is bright for Vladimir Putin. The Russian ‘emperor' is not allowed to seek a third consecutive term in presidential election, but no one is written a word to apply for a prime minister chair. And that may be his chance to rule Russia longer. The law in Russia permits a successful president to stay in his place only for two terms. But the law doesn't regulate the same for the prime minister. Also if the president dies or is unable to do his job due to health or mental conditions the prime minister will replace him. Good to know for Putin, isn't it? Russia has a long tradition of one ruler like it was tsar in the Russian Emporium or the Communist Party Chief in Soviet Russia. The aspiration of Vladimir Putin to be the first and only man is just a tradition. If he will become the prime minister, he can easily concentrate the power in his hands and the president will remain a decorative function, someone just to represent the country, but with no real power or influence. It was thought the current president will have to change the constitution for reaching his targets, but it seems it is easier as it seemed. If the constitution will be changed, the presidential power will be shifted to the government, which will of course lead Putin. But he may just change the law and transfer the power over Defense Ministry from president to prime minister. When was Putin asked, how should the new president be, he said ‘decent, competent, effective, modern person'. It may be for example Gary Kasparov, the former chess champion, who recently entered the presidential race.

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More expensive drugs
by Claudia Sonea

According to US and Mexico officials there was achieved a new record in the drugs war by capturing some powerful traffickers, reducing the number of murders among gangs and US cocaine supplies. Therefore the price for a gram of cocaine on U.S. streets rose to $118.70 between January to June and the cocaine purity also fell 11 percent according to Rafael Lemaitre, a spokesman for the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. However, the official figures will be released on Tuesday by John Walters in San Diego. In comparison with the European drug market that is in continuous increase, the US and Mexico markets will have a long-term decline in cocaine trade predict some law enforcement agents. Still, the Colombian and Mexican drug lords have a history in finding new routes to smuggle the merchandise from South America to USA. The hope comes from the President Felipe Calderon who seems to hurt the drug smugglers who are turning towards North areas. Since he was officially named last December, he sent 25000 troops to settle things in areas like the western state of Michoacan. Also traffickers like Osiel Cardenas, head of the notorious Gulf Cartel based just south of Texas, were extradited to the US. Sandra Avila, known as the Queen of the Pacific, was caught by the police. That is why the gangs prefer to maintain a low profile and avoid the troops. US tries to give a hand of help and surveilles the coast along the Pacific and in Florida. However, Michael Sanders, a Washington-based special agent at the U.S Drug Enforcement Administration, stated that is hard to eliminate them due to the fact that once a leader is captured another member, right behind him on the Pyramid scale takes his place. Will this be the end? Stay connected more to come.

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Blackwater is in trouble after killing civilians
by Corina Ciubotaru

It seems Blackwater, the security firm involved in shootings in Iraq a little while ago, is in for some hard times. Not only did everyone hear of their misconduct, but a congressional committee checked their activity recently and what they found was not pretty. The company has fired dozens of guards over the past 3 years due to problems with alcohol and drugs, as well as other bad work habits and witnesses claim the September 16 killing of 11 Iraqi civilians was no accident and video footage agrees with them. Since 2005, the company employees have been involved in 1.4 shootings a week and left the scene immediately after they ended, which should really make us wonder about what kind of people they are. Instead of protecting American strategic buildings like the embassy, do they kill innocent people out of the blue? As Blackwater has been involved in more shootings than the two other security companies working in Iraq, Triple Canopy and Dyncorp, a hearing was scheduled for the company's founder Erik Prince to try and clear this situation. Most Iraqis don't even tell the difference between security guards and soldiers, so these shootings have worsened the relations between civilians and peace-keeping forces in a country that's not really very happy with what the Americans have done so far. And how could they be if they risk getting killed in the middle of the street for no reason? To them, the Americans probably seem worse now than the terrorists and Saddam supporters they are trying to get rid of.

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Monday, October 1, 2007

U.N.'s envoy did not speak to top leaders in Myanmar
by Corina Ciubotaru

After days of protests and dozens of people killed in Myanmar, the U.N. managed to send an envoy there, to try and talk some sense in the junta. Mr. Ibrahim Gambari went there asking to meet the top military leaders of the country and only succeeded in talking to the prime minister, the deputy foreign minister and the ministers of culture and information, with the two top generals refusing to dialogue. The envoy also had a meeting with the opposition leader and elected President of Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi, who has won a Nobel peace prize in 1990 and has been in house arrest for 4 years. Little is known about what Mr. Gambari accomplished so far in the country; the fact is that more military are now patrolling the streets of the former capital city Yangon, which has been the scene of the biggest anti-junta protests in almost 20 years. Peaceful rioting started in August after a major hike in oil prices and have been growing in scale until last week, when thousands of Buddhist monks have joined the marches. After hesitating to take drastic action against Myanmar's highest moral authority, the monks, the junta finally gave the order last Wednesday to shoot rubber bullets at protesters and arrest them. According to the government, 10 people were killed so far, but witnesses talk of many more, while some 1,000 were arrested. Early last week, some monks declared the protests will not stop until the junta is brought down after a reign of 50 years.

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by Corina Ciubotaru
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U.S. Embassy rips Senate plan on Iraq
by Delia Cruceru

U.S and Iraqi forces had an intense weekend as they killed more than 60 insurgents and militia forces, believed to be al-Qaeda fighters, most of the battles happening in the northern regions of Iraq. The U.S. Embassy joined some Iraqi politicians in criticizing a nonbinding U.S. Senate resolution seen in Iraq as a recipe for splitting the country along sectarian and ethnic lines. The U.S. command reported that American aircraft killed more than 20 al-Qaida fighters from Iraq, who opened fire on an American air patrol northwest of Baghdad. The insurgents were spotted by the aircraft carrying AK-47 assault rifles. "Coalition forces have dealt significant blows to Al-Qaida Iraq in recent months, including the recent killing of the Tunisian head of the foreign fighter network in Iraq and the blows struck in the past 24 hours," said military spokesman Col. Steven Boylan. The Iraqi Defense Ministry announced that Iraqi forces killed 44 "terrorists" over the past 24 hours in operations centered in Salahuddin and Diyala provinces and around the city of Kirkuk. The U.S. Senate resolution, adopted last week, proposes reshaping Iraq according to three sectarian or ethnic territories, calling for a limited central government with the bulk of power going to the country's Shiite, Sunni or Kurdish regions. The U.S. Embassy declared in an unusual statement that the resolution would seriously hamper Iraq's future stability. "Our goal in Iraq remains the same: a united, democratic, federal Iraq that can govern, defend, and sustain itself," the unsigned statement said.

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by Delia Cruceru
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