Thursday, July 29, 2010

Love or Madness?
by Claudia Sonea

Lately love and death seem to go hand in hand. Just open the TV and a shower of news will pour in with horrific crimes or suicides, most of them being performed from too much love. The most astonishing event that just took place recently, is the techno party Loveparade held in Duisburg, western Germany that was terminated abruptly by a stampede which killed 19 people. What went wrong? Apparently the urge to attend a celebration of love and understanding, of consideration to those next to you, of togetherness, determined people to do irrational things. As the former goods station was already crowded the police banned the e! ntry of new people, but that could not stop the more eager visitors from trying their best to take part to the event, so they tried to sneak in. Unfortunately, the attempt to enter through a fire escape ended with several young people’s fall into the void from an altitude of 8-10 meters. Witnesses gave various version of the way incident and most of them pointed fingers to the police and accused of negligence. However, the truth is that people stepped on each other without any remorse, forgetting about love and desire to help on one another. To top it all, in spite of the tragedy that took place outside, the festival continued because the organizers didn’t want to create panic among the attendees. According to the head organizer, Rainer Schaller, the 21 year-old event will never be held again. For all those who lost their lives in a foolish rush to get to a parade: May you rest in peace!

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by Claudia Sonea
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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Will new war begin?
by Barbora Misakova

There is nothing what we need “more” than another war. But as it seems there is nothing what we should expect less than that. After unsuccessful negotiations with North Korea and sanctions that were imposed on this communist country, the conflict looks like insolvable. The days with no solution were flashing by too quickly and United States with South Korea have lost their patience. And even though their next step was not exactly the right one, there was nothing else they could do. Or was it? On Sunday, US naval vessels started up large set of military exercises together with South Korea. In this way US tries to underscore deterrence against North Korea which wa! s accused of sinking a South Korean warship Cheonan in March where 46 men were killed. U.S. naval vessels together with the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington began the drills by setting off from South Korean ports. While China had objected to the drills, North Korea warns the drills could engulf the region in war. As the North’s powerful National Defence Commission vowed on Saturday, a “sacred war” against US and South Korea can be launched at “any time necessary”. There are more than 200 aircraft and three destroyers involved in the drills which will be controlled by four Japanese military officers on carrier’s board. Pyongyang, known for voicing its anger in the past, is expected to come up with further provocations in coming months, said U.S. officials. After all, it was the North’s foreign ministry spokesman who said: “We are not the one who would be surprised by military threats or sanctions.”
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by Barbora Misakova
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Duch verdict disappoints
by Magdalena Rosova

Cambodian former chief of Tuol Sleng prion was sentenced for 35 years for murder, rape, inhumane acts and torture and crimes against humanity. The tribunal was backed by the United Nations. Kaing Guek Eav, known as Duch, was senior member of the Khmer Rouge, Communist Party of Kampuchea, who were the ruling party in Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. The prison he led was a symbol of the horrors and terror of the communist regime that is blamed for the deaths of 1.7 million people. Duch is now 67 years old, originally he was a schoolteacher. He admitted that he oversaw the torture and killing of more than 14,000 people. Duch will serve only 30 years because he was illegally held b! y the Cambodian military between years 1999 and 2007. He showed no emotion in the court, while some Cambodians wept loudly as the verdict was read. Many people demanded life imprisonment for him and were not satisfied with the decision saying it was not fair. At least 12,273 people were killed in the Tuol Sleng prison. The president of the tribunal said that because of Duch's expression of remorse and his cooperation with the court as well as because of serious mitigating factors he was not given life imprisonment. It was the first verdict of the joint Cambodian court and it was watched by thousands of people all over the country. Duch, now born-again Christian, expressed remorse in the courtroom and asked for forgiveness. People hope that the verdict would help the country to move forward.

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by Magdalena Rosova
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Tougher EU sanctions on Iran
by Magdalena Rosova

The European Union and Canada decided to impose tougher sanctions on Iran because of its continuing nuclear program. As a consequence Iran said on Monday that it was open to negotiate. European foreign ministers decided for another sanctions as Tehran refused to stop its nuclear work. Canada joined the EU within hours. Just month ago United Nations imposed a fourth set of sanctions, but people were not united and therefore the sanctions were not very effective. The new sanctions should revive talks between Iran and Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States. This way European countries showed Iran that they are highly concerned about its nuclear program. ! Tehran responded saying that the new set of sanctions would fail and complicate the relationships with the West. Tehran does not fin sanction as an effective tool. The new sanctions ban new investments and the sale of equipment, technology and services to Iran's energy sector. Iranian Oil Minister Masoud Mirkazemi said the sanctions would not effect the oil production in the country as European countries were not present in Iran's energy sector. Although Iran is the forth biggest producer of crude oil in the world, it has to import 40 percent of its own fuel needs as it is not able to cover domestic demand. The measures hit also banking sector in Iran, every transaction over 40,000 euros must be authorized by the European Union. This restriction will effect about 41 individuals and 22 government entities. Canada imposed its own sanctions aiming at banking sector, as well as chemical, biological and nuclear activities.

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Začne nová vojna?
by Barbora Misakova

Neexistuje azda nič, čo by sme potrebovali „viac“ ako ďalšiu vojnu. Napriek tomu, ako sa zdá, sa k jednej s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou schyľuje. Po dlhých, no hlavne neúspešných rokovaniach so Severnou Kóreou a po všemožných sankciách, ktoré boli na túto komunistickú krajinu doposiaľ uvalené kvôli nukleárnemu programu, už Spojené štáty americké, ako aj Južná Kórea stratili svoju trpezlivosť. A hoci ich ďalší krok v tomto smere nemožno považovať za ten najspr&#! 225;vnejší, nebolo inej cesty. Či snáď áno? V nedeľu, americké námorné vojenské lode spustili rad vojenských cvičení spoločne s Južnou Kóreou. Týmto spôsobom sa Spojené štáty snažia zdôrazniť odstrašujúcu techniku voči Severnej Kórei, ktorá bola obvinená z potopenia vojnovej lode Južnej Kórei v marci tohto roku. Na Cheonane, ako sa táto vojnová loď volala, zahynulo spolu 46 mužov. Americké vojnové lode spolu s nukleárne poháňanou lietadlovou loďou USS George Washington začali cvičenia vyplávaním z Juhokórejských prístavov. Kým Čína má voči tomuto kroku námietky, Severná Kórea varuje, že podobné cvičenia môžu viesť k pohlteniu tohto ázijského regi! 3;nu vojnou. Ako Národná obranná komisia Severn! ej K 3;rei v sobotu prehlásila, „svätá vojna“ proti USA a Južnej Kórei bude zahájená „kedykoľvek to bude potrebné“. Nakoľko je do cvičení, ktoré budú kontrolované štyrmi Japonskými vojnovými úradníkmi, zapojených viac ako 200 lietadiel a tri torpédoborce, bolo by sa v skutočnosti aj čoho obávať. Od Pyongyangu, ktorý je známy priamym vyjadrovaním svojho hnevu, sa v nasledujúcich mesiacoch očakávajú ďalšie provokácie, tak aspoň informovali americké úrady. Koniec koncov, bol to práve hovorca ministerstva zahraničných vecí Severnej Kórei, ktorý povedal: „Nie sme jediní, kto by mohol byť zaskočení vojnovými hrozbami a sankciami.“

related story (sgx17892):
by Barbora Misakova
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French hostage killed to even the score
by Claudia Sonea

Make love not war is the advice given to people all over the world by John Lennon in his song Mind Games. Politicians are those who through the dices and they often choose the war as a mean of fulfilling their goals. Nonetheless, the ones that have to suffer are the poor people, the ones that have to fight in other people’s battles, the collateral victims. Michel Germaneau is an innocent victim who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong moment. His crime was that of wanting to help the others who were less fortunate than him. Yet, the war against al-Qaeda would engulf him just like many! others and it eventually led to his death. After joining the ONG Enminal as electronic engineer, he travelled to Africa to help construct a school and a dispensary in the small village d’In-Abangharet. This year in April, the 78-year-old French returned to the village full of hope and joy as the works were over and the school was ready to enlighten the children. He did not suspect even for a moment that it will be his last trip from which he will never return. After being captured by a terrorist group affiliate of Osama bin Laden, he suffered is terrible conditions the overwhelming heat and his heart illness aggravated. Germaneau was last seen alive on May 14 when the terrorists gave an ultimatum to the French President and his administration. He looked exhausted and desperate as he did not have any more medications, while the he heat was overbearing. Following a rescue raid organized by th! e French, the hostage was killed and the leader of AQIM, Abu M! usab Abd ul Wadud, released a video tape saying that the killing revenged the deaths of those who died in the raid. Moreover, his declaration seemed to be one of war against France.

related story (sgx17885):
by Claudia Sonea
for Cantell TV (

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Što kje napravat so Severna Koreja?
by Barbora Misakova

Zošto se grižat deka nikoj ne gi saka, koga imaat programi za nuklerano i balističko oružje što bi moželo da gi uništi site nivni neprijateli? Toa bi trebala da bide samo zafrkancija, no realnosta gi pokažuva porazlično. Severna Koreja vo suština im teži na mnogu stomaci na državi poradi ovie programi. Vašington planira vojna protiv nuklearnata programa na Severna Koreja so godini, no sé ušte nema pozitivni rezultati. Vo obid da gi suspendiraat lošite atomski ambicii na Severna Koreja, se isforsirani da koristat mala forma na zakana od novi sankcii za ovaa komunistička zemja. Kako št! o informiraše državniot sekretar Hilari Klinton vo sredata, ovie sankcii bea nameneti da go zaštitat Pjongjang od od finansiranje oruženi programi i od disperziranje na oružjata za masovno uništuvanje. Ovie merki ne bea nameneti za severnokorejskiot narod, kako što taa reče, no za destabiliziračkite, zlobni i provokativni politiki što gi pravi nivnata vlada. Klinton, koj ja poseti Južna Koreja zaedno so amerikanskiot sekretar za odbrana, Robert Gejts, pokaža poddrška posle potonuvanjeto na južnokorejskiot voen broj koga zaginaa 46 lugje. Tie isto taka razgovaraa so ministerot za nadvorešni raboti na Severna Koreja, Ju Miun-Hvan i ministerot za odbrana Kim. Toa beše prv takov sostanok "dvajca na dvajca" vo Seul. Nivnata zaednička izjava beše predupreduvanje za Severna Koreja deka kje snosi "seriozni posledici" zaradi svojata idna agresija. Amerikanskite sankcii služat za da ja "zgo! lemat našata možnost da ja zapreme Severna Koreja, d! a gi skr atat nivnite aktivnosti što bi im pomognale da soberat pari za programite za oružje i da obeshrabrime idni provokativni akcii." - reče Klinton. Vo četvrtokot, državniot sekretar ja zamoli Kina da "prezeme dopolnitelni čekori" za da ja pritisne Severna Koreja okolu nuklearnata i voena programa. No, dokolku obvinuvanjata na brojni amerikanski zakonodavci se ispolni, Kina nikogaš nema da raboti protiv Severna Koreja dokolku zakluči deka status-kvo kje bide od najdobar interes za nea.

related story (sgx17905):
by Barbora Misakova
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Frenchman killed by Al Qaeda
by Zivka Deleva

The illicit terroristic group Al Qaeda in the Maghreb took over the “responsibility” over the murder of the French aid worker Michel Germaneau on Sunday. The 75-year old Frenchmen was killed in Niger. He was under hostage about three months. As they usually do, the members of the Al Qaeda military group sent audio recording admiting the murder. They wanted to revenge the men from their group that were killed in a joint military raid few days ago. This was announced by the leader of AQIM, Abdelhamid Abu Zayd. French people are devastad by this act. French president had warned French citizens to avoid to visit Sahel, a region which is in North Africa and it is ver! y touristic place. He condemned the assassination/ "I condemn this barbarous act, this odious act, which has just left an innocent victim. Far from weakening our determination, his death must reinforce it." – said Sarkozy. Mr.Germaneau who was a retired engineer had a weak health and in May he had run out of medications. He was captured from the village of In-Abangharet where he stood up for building of health systems and schools in the behalf of the humanitarian aid agency Enimal. This wasn’t his first visit to Niger, but certainly was the last one. He first visited the region in 2006 wanting to observe a solar eclipse. This man with a big heart, simply couldn’t help himself and not do anything for the place. So together with few friends they decided to return to the country and start the “fight”. One more innocent victim of the terroristic thoughts. Germaneau, according to friends, was an avid traveller throughout his career and well in! to his retirement. The former electronics engineer from southw! est Fran ce was unmarried and had no children. After he retired, he devoted more and more of his time to volunteer projects throughout North Africa. There he became friends with an Algerian, Abidine Ouaghi, who he worked with in Niger to build clinics, schools and water purification systems among other projects. Ouaghi was with Germaneau on April 19 when a group of AQIM militants stormed the village to take the two men hostage. While Ouaghi was released a few days later, Germaneau was not as fortunate.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone ! calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Bettencourt questioned for the scandal
by Zivka Deleva

After the biggest money scandal rose in France few weeks ago in which few people were included, among them the president Sarkozy’s wife, and now it is the turn for the biggest suspect in the deal, the L’Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt. The 87-year old richest woman in France was asked by the police yesterday, to explain to them about the two undeclared bank accounts and the her participation in the deal at the island in the Seychelles. Madame Bettencourt was suspected for evading taxpaying, money laundering and the most, for giving money in a form of donation for Mr.Sarkozy’s presidential elections campaign in 2007. According to her advocate, the old la! dy had no direct touch with her money, because she had hired managers to do that for her and more so, she didn’t understand all the economical terms and actions and she signed only what she would have been advised to do. This is so stupid thing for one to say, don’t you thing? This lady has been rich since she could even speak, and it is unbelievable that she didn’t know what’s going on. "I wasn't present at the questioning, but I understand from my client that it was very courteous and as complete as possible given that these were sometimes old memories and that my client hasn't necessarily kept the details in mind," – Bettencourt’s lawyer shared with the reporters. Bettencourt’s former butler had recorded evident of her involvement and gave it to the media. The other suspected person in the deal, Labor Minister Eric Worth is about to be questioned in few days. He denied all the possible responsibility. Let’s wait and see ! what will happen with the biggest financial scandal in the lat! e French history.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Floods hit east China
by Magdalena Rosova

One of the worst flooding in decades hit China. More floods are expected to come on the Yangtze river. More than thousand people have already died in the floods or are missing. The Red Cross said that food supplies for the next six months were disrupted. Millions of people are affected and more than 300,000 were forced to move out from the affected are. Qing Hui Gu, the Red Cross's regional disaster management coordinator for east Asia, said that they were trying to provide enough tents and food supplies for people who were staying in temporary shelters. At this time of year floods often happen in the are, but this year floods are much more stronger. The heavy rain poured t! he river out and it will probably not get to normal until September. Qing is afraid that people would not have enough food as millions of hectares of farmland had been destroyed. The Chinese government is trying to support relief activities and support affected families with financial help. Because of the lost harvest there will be a huge need for support. The Three Gorges reservoir hit the record mark or 159 meters, which is just 16 meters below its maximum capacity. The authorities in the region now have to work on flood prevention. More than ten rivers were affected by weeks of heavy rains. Several Chinese rivers have exceeded their danger marks. The weeks long rains caused that the output of the dam's spill gates has risen from 25,000 cubic metres per second to 40,000 cubic metres.

related story (sgx17895):! -07/14/c_133...
by Magdalena Rosova
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Východnú Čínu zasiahli silné záplavy
by Magdalena Rosova

Čínu postihli záplavy, o ktorých sa nehovorí inak ako o najhorších za posledné desaťročia. Navyše sa očakáva, že rieka Yangtze sa vyleje ešte viac. Viac ako tisíc ľudí doteraz zomrelo kvôli záplavám, alebo sú nezvestní. Červený kríž v Číne sa obáva, že ľudia v postihnutej oblasti nebudú mať dostatok jedla na ďalší polrok. Záplavy zasiahli milióny ľudí a viac ako 300 tisíc ľudí bolo nútených sa vysťahovať zo zaplavenej oblasti. Qing Hui Gu! , koordinátor záchranných aktivít Červeného kríža vo východnej Ázii, komentoval záchranárske aktivity a povedal, že Červený kríž sa snaží dodať dostatok stanov a potravy ľuďom, ktorí sú nútení bývať v dočasných prístreškoch. V tomto ročnom období v Číne často dochádza k záplavám, avšak tento rok sú záplavy omnoho silnejšie než obyčajne. Silný dážď spôsobil vyliatie rieky, očakáva sa, že až do septembra sa rieka nevráti do normálneho stavu. Qing z Červeného kríža sa obáva, že ľudia v postihnutom regióne nebudú mať dostatok potravy, nakoľko záplavy zničili milióny hektárov poľnohospodárskej pôdy. Čí! ;nska vláda sa snaží podporiť záchran! árs ke aktivity a pomôcť postihnutým rodinám finančnou podporou. Červený kríž upozorňuje, že obyvatelia budú potrebovať veľkú podporu vzhľadom na to, že úroda je úplne zničená. Čínska priehrada Tri rokliny dosiahla rekordnú úroveň 159 metrov, čo je iba 16 metrov pod jej maximom. Miestna vláda teraz bude musieť zlepšiť prevenciu voči záplavám. Viac ako desať riek bolo postihnutých silnými dažďami, ktoré trvali viac týždňov. Hladina viacerých riek dosiahla nebezpečnú úroveň. Silné dažde trvali neprestajne niekoľko týždňov, prietok priehrady narástol z 25,000 kubických metrov za sekundu až na 40,000 kubických metrov.

related story (sgx17896):
by Magdalena Rosova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Military drills in South Korea start amid high regional tension
by Magdalena Rosova

US naval ships has started new set of military exercises in South Korea on Sunday. North Korea warned that it could worsen the war in the region. US vessels together with the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier began the drills. The tension between South and North Korea grew after South Korea's investigators accused North Korea of sinking South Korean corvette Cheonan. South Korea's military is accused of firing a torpedo into the corvette, which killed 46 men. Last week, the United States imposed new set of sanctions on North Korea. The states froze assets of Pyongyang's leaders as they were earned through unlawful activities. Some individuals were also banned from traveling.! China is strongly against the drills and criticized the use of new military equipment in the Yellow Sea. On Saturday, National Defence Commission of North Korea launched war against the United States and South Korea at any time necessary as a response to the drills. More than 200 aircraft will be involved in the drills. Four Japanese military officers will be present on the carrier, their duty will be to observe the drills. Pyongyang was always strictly against any military exercises of its neighbor. The United States are prepared to stand provocations from North Korea, which they expect to come in coming months. North Korea wants to resume talks with South Korea, the United States, Japan, Russia and China over nuclear disarmament that it had boycotted since 2008. Analysts say that Korea wants to cover the incident with sank Cheonan and get lucrative aid through negotiations.

related story (sgx17894):! sia-paci fic-10752746...
by Magdalena Rosova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Michel Germaneau Killed
by Magdalena Rosova

An emergency meeting orgazed by French President Nicolas Sarkozy will be held on Monday. On The meeting is a response to a murder of 78-year-old French hostage Michel Germaneau that happened on Sunday. Al Qaeda said a televised statement that it had killed the man. French national security team is meeting on Monday to discuss the issue. The victim Michel Germaneau was an aid worker in North Africa. He was held captive by the Islamic militants since April 19. Abdelhamid Abu Zayd, the leader of Al Qaeda in the Maghreb, claimed in the audio recording that after unsuccessful rescue mission on Friday, his group had killed the aid worker. French officials still did not receive an! y confirmation that Germaneau is dead. He was not seen since May 14 when Al Qaeda released his photo. He suffered from a serious heart illness and did not have medication. The weather conditions even worsened his health state. Germaneau worked in the Village In-Abangharet, north from Niger. His job was to build health systems and schools, he worked for aid agency Enimal. Germaneau came to Africa for the first time in 2006 with his friends. He fell in love with the country and the people and he had decided to do something for the region. Before he retired he worked as an electronics engineer. He was not married and had no children. As a retired man he devoted his life to volunteer projects in North Africa. On April 19 Al Qaeda attacked the village where Germaneau lived with his Algerian friend Abine Ouaghi. They both were captured, the Algerian was released a few day later, Germaneau was not that lucky.

related story (sgx17893): http ://
by Magdalena Rosova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Serbians cry for Kosovo
by Zivka Deleva

No one wants to lose part of its property. People fight for a single foot in their yard, not even when parts of your country are endangered by the enemy. In that situation, you get angry, you get emotionally, you just to anything not to let go the thing. That is not always possible, no matter how much one state does for it. the most actual case in which the ego is hurt, and especially if one knows that that people's ego is genetically always very big, now is Serbia. That is the biggest initiator of conflicts in the team of the countries from ex-Yugoslavia in the late 20 years. They started the bloody war in 1991 when countries split the union they lived in more than a cen! tury. However, the southern parts of the Serbian territory where Kosovo was situated is no longer Serbian part. Few years ago Albanians from Kosovo were explicit that they don't want to live in a brotherhood with Serbians, if they ever were unified. I don't see why shouldn't Serbians just let it go. You can't give someone something by force, you can only take away something by force. If certain community wants that, who are you to say no? Kosovo people are not the only ones that want to be "free". The same destiny follow the Basque people in Spain and many more. The world is afraid that if one achieves the independence, that would encourage others to do the same. The International Court of Justice these days opened the question of whether Kosovo's independence was legal. Though, the Court doesn't see what is the problem, Serbians' President Boris Tadic doesn't give up and said that Belgrade will never recognize Kosovo. “The government will now consider further st! eps” - what do you say about this, don't you see some ne! w proble ms in the neighborhood? Say what you want, Kosovo people got what they wanted.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Les controlleurs français retardent les vols aux aéroports
by Zivka Deleva

Aujourd'hui l'espace aérien de France a été fermé pour chacun qui a voulu voyager et employer le trafic de l'air. Les contrôleurs du ciel ne sont pas satisfaits de l'idée d'unification de l'espace aérien européen. Ils ont commencé la grève à partir le mardi soir et aujourd'hui ils ont décommandé tous vols à la ou de la destination de France. L'aviation civile de la République française a proposé les lignes aériennes pour déplacer environ 20 pour cent du vol à l'aéroport de Charles de Gaulle aujourd'hui et à plus de 50 pour cent &! #224; l'aéroport d'Orly. Je ne sais pas quoi les contrôleurs visent de réaliser avec la grève, mais ils ont toujours la possibilité de l'essayer. Le concept de l'espace aérien européen unifié signifie que le ciel de l'Europe est sur le point d'obtenir une meilleure commande, efficacité dans le trafic de l'air. Normalement, les contrôleurs français s'inquiètent comment cette situation les influencera. Je ne sais pas pourquoi les contrôleurs d'autres nations ne se révoltent pas sur la même question. D'accord, peut-être les Français sont plus inclinés à la protestation. Le transporteur national Air France a convaincu les gens que la situation se dirige vers la bonne direction. Mais toujours quand on mentionne un certain pourcentage de la réalisation, cela ne signifie pas que tout est sous le contrôle. Il n'est pas possible pour que quelque chose soit sous le contrôle! si les contrôleurs sont en grève ! Ce n'est pas to! ut à ; fait normal quand vous êtes un voyageur, personne ne sait pas d'où, et en arrivant à l'aéroport de France on vous annonce - nous ne savons pas quand retournerez à la maison ! Il est bon de protester, essayer d'atteindre plus de choses et de lutter contre l'injustice, mais ce n'est pas la faute des voyageurs, ça c'est sûr. Il n'est pas rare pour que les contrôleurs français luttent. Ils ont fait le même désordre en février.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls.! Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Kamen na sopnuvanje vo konfliktot Kosovo-Srbija!?
by Barbora Misakova

Kosovo, delumno priznato isto taka kako Republika Kosovo, e teritorija na razdor na Balkanot. Loši etnički tenzii pomegju populaciite na etničkite Albanci i Srbi vodat kon sozdavanje na samoproglasena nezavisna država bez dogovor od strana na Srbija. Dekadi so etnički predrasudi, stereotipi i zaemna nedoverba pomegju zaednicite rezultiraše so žestoka bitka do dobivanjeto na nezavisnosta na Kosovo. Ove se dobro poznatite fakti, no kako se razvivaat ovie srpsko-kosovski konflikti denovive? Kako što se čini, ništo ne se promenilo. Od 1999 godina, koga Srbija izgubi kontrola nad Kosovo koga NATO go zapre ubivanjeto na etnič! ;kite Albanci, Kosovo pravi sé za da ja ostvari svojata cel. Posle devet godini pod megjunaroden mandat, albanskoto mnozinstvo objavi nezavisnost i Koso beše priznato od 69 državi, megju koi i Soedinetite Amerikanski Državi. No, sé ušte ima mnogu državi bez jasen stav. Denes, sekoj gleda kon Megjunarodniot sud na pravdata, koj treba da odluči dali deklaracijata za nezavisnosta na Kosovo bila legalna ili ne. Srbija, koja na Kosovo gleda kako na albanski dominantna teritorija kako Erusalim na nivnata pravoslavna religija, smeta deka deklaracijata na nezavisnosta na Kosovo e nelegalna akcija. Iako mislenjeto na Megjunarodnuit Sud na pravdata e samo sovetodavno, sekogo go drži na rabot na stolot. Dvete partii mora da privlečat megjunarodni fondovi za da ja podobrat siromaštijata i narodnata frustracija, no toa e nevozmožno bez da se reši dvegodišiniot zaednički konflikt. Kako što reče Predrag! Simič, profesor na Belgradskiot Fakultetot za politi! 9;ki nau ki: " Dvete partii sakaat da razgovaraat, no na različni temi." Vo toa e problemot!

related story (sgx17884):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

US want more santions for North Korea
by Zivka Deleva

When you are the policemen of the world, than you don't know how to act some other way, but blaming other nations all the time. You know who I am talking about, when I speak of judging people on every issue possible. The United States of America can not forgive North Korean government for sinking the South Korean warship few months ago. Though it reacted right away trying to punish the communist state, still the USA didn't achieve to persuade the United Nations Security Council to somehow sanction North Koreans. They don't want to hurt the people of North Korea and are even expressing their feelings that "they are suffering too long due to the misguided and malign prioritie! s of their government". US-politicians are due to punish the N.Korean government that brings dangerous decisions allegedly in the name of its people. Americans are afraid that Pyongyang is ready to improve its weapons programmes. In the name of the "justice", The State Secretary Hilary Clinton and the Defense Secretary Robert Gates these days visit South Korea. In the ship accident, 46 South Korean sailors have lost their lives. That is the worst bilateral crises that the both countries which are biggest enemies in decades have had. On the other hand, South Koreans are preparing to be more prepared if in case their north neighbor decides to strike again. "There has been some indication over a last number of months, as a succession process gets under way in North Korea, that there might be provocation particularly since the sinking of the Cheonan. So I think it is something that we have to look at very closely, we have to keep in mind and be very vigilant - Gates sa! id. No end for the anger. That is the human condemnation. !
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

What will they do with that North Korea?
by Barbora Misakova

Why should they worry that nobody likes them, if they have nuclear and ballistic missile weapons programs that could destroy all their enemies? It was meant to be just a joke, but reality shows it differently. North Korea actually lies heavy on many states’ stomachs for these programs. Washington wages war against North Korea’s nuclear program for many years but there are still no positive results. United States in attempt to suspend North Korea’s illicit atomic ambitions are so forced to use a little threat in form of new sanctions on this communist country. As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton informed Wednesday, these sanctions were designed to prevent! Pyongyang from funding weapons programs and spreading weapons of mass destructions. These measures were not directed at the North Korean people, as she said, but at destabilizing, illicit and provocative policies pursued by their government. Clinton, who is visiting South Korea together with US Defense Secretary Robert Gates, show support after the sinking of a South Korean warship with the loss of 46 lives. They also held talks with the South’s Foreign Minister Yu Myung-Hwan and Defence Minister Kim. It was the first such “two plus two” meeting in Seoul. Their joint statement was a warning for the North Korea that will have to carry “serious consequences” for its future aggression. The US sanctions are aimed to “increase our ability to prevent North Korea’s proliferation, to halt their illicit activities that help fund their weapons programs and to discourage further provocative actions.” said Clinton. On Thursday Secretary ! of State asked China to “take additional steps” to! press N orth Korea over its nuclear and military programs. But if accusations of number of US lawmakers and pundits fill up, China will never go against North Korea as it finds the status quo to be in its best interest.

related story (sgx17868):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed ! to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Stumbling block of Kosovo-Serbian conflict!?
by Barbora Misakova

Kosovo, partially-recognized also as Republic of Kosovo, is a disputed territory in the Balkans. Severe ethnic tensions between its ethnic Albanian and Serb populations lead to creation of self-declared independent state without agreement of Serbia. Decades of ethnic prejudices, stereotypes and mutual distrust between the communities resulted into a fierce battle of obtaining Kosovo’s independence. These are the well known facts, but how is it going on with this Serbia-Kosovo conflict these days? As it seems, nothing has changed so far. Since 1999, when Serbia lost control over Kosovo when NATO halted the killing of ethnic Albanians, Kosovo has been doing its best to ! achieve its goal. After nine years under an international mandate, the Albanian majority declared independence and Kosovo has been recognized by 69 countries, including the United States of America. But there are still many countries without clear verdict. Today, everyone is looking at the International Court of Justice, that should decide if Kosovo’s independence declaration was legal or not. Serbia, which sees Albanian-dominated Kosovo as the Jerusalem of their Orthodox religion, considers Kosovo’s declaration of independence to be an illegal action. Even though the International Court of Justice’s opinion is only advisory, it keeps everyone on the edge of the chair. Both parties need to attract foreign funds to alleviate poverty and popular frustration, but that is impossible without solving two-year-lasting mutual conflict. As Predrag Simic, a professor at Belgrade Faculty of Political Science said: “Both parties are willing to talk but on differ! ent topics.” And that is the stumbling block!

re! lated st ory (sgx17870):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

SAD baraat sankcii za Severna Koreja
by Zivka Deleva

Koga ste policijajci na svetot, togaš vie ne znaete kako da se odnesuvate poinaku, ami da prodolžite da gi obvinuvate drugi nacii celo vreme. Znaete za kogo zboruvam, koga zboruvam sa osuduvanje lugje na sekoja možna tema. Soedinetite Amerikanski Državi ne možat da í oprostat na vladata na Severna Koreja za tonenjeto na južnokoresjkiot voen brod pred nekolku meseca. Iako tie reagiraa vednaš obiduvajkji se da ja kaznat komunističkata država, sepak, SAD ne uspeaja da go ubedat Sovetot za bezbednost pri Obedinetite Nacii nekako da gi sankcionira Južnokorejcite. Tie ne sakale da go povredat narodot na Severna Koreja i duri! izrazuvaat i sočuvstvo deka "tie stradaat predolgo poradi lošo vodenite prioriteti na nivnata vlada". Amerikanskite političari sakaat da ja kaznat vladata na Severna Koreja deka nosela opasni odluki navodno vo imeto na svojot narod. Amerikancite se plašat deka Pjongjang e spremen da ja podobri vooruženata programa. Vo imeto na "pravdata", Državniot sekretar Hilari Klinton i sekretarot za odbrana Robert Gejtsy denovive ja posetija Severna Koreja. Vo brodskata nesrekja, 46 južnokorejski mornari gi izgubija svoite životi. Toa e najlošata bilateralna kriza što dosega ja imale dvete državi što se najgolemite neprijateli. Od druga strana, Severnokorejcite se spremaat da bidat popodgotveni vo slučaj nivniot severen sosed da odluči povtorno da napadne. "Imaše nekoja indijacija vo poslednite meseci deka bi moželo da ima provokacija osobeno poradi tonenjeto na Čeonan. Jas mislam deka toa e neš! to što mora da go pogledneme mnogu odblizu, morame da ima! me na um i da bideme mnogu pretpazlivi" - reče Gejts. Nema kraj za gnevot. Toa e čovečkata kletva.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

French controllers delay flights on airports
by Zivka Deleva

The sky over France today was closed for everyone who wanted to travel and use the airtraffic. The air traffic controllers are not satisfied with the idea of the unified European airspace. They started the strike in Tuesday night and today they cancelled all the flights in and out of France. The civil aviation of the French Republic proposed the airlines to remove about 20 percent of the flight today at Charles de Gaulle airport and more - 50 percent at the Orly airport. I don't know what will the controllers achieve with the strike, but they still can try. The concept about the Single European Sky means that the sky over Europe is abo! ut to get better control, efficiency in the airtraffic. Normally, the french controllers are afraid how will this situation influence them. I don't know why other nation's controllers don't strike on the same issue. OK, maybe French people are more used to protesting. The National carrier Air France convinced people that everything is going to be fine. But still when one mentions some percentage of realization, that doesn't mean that everything is under control. It is not possible for something to be in control if the controllers are in strike! It is not all right when you are a traveler from who knows where and you reach to the airport in France and they tell you - We don't know when will go back home! It is good to protest, to try to achieve more and fight against injustice, but it is not travelers fault, that's for sure. It is not rare for French controllers to strike. They did the same mess in February.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Les enfants dans les émeutes de l'Irlande du Nord
by Milota Sidorova

C'était déjà le troisième matin que les gens d'Ardoyne au Nord de Belfast se sont réveillé dans les émeutes ayant lieu autour de la ville. Cette fois-ci les enfants à l'âge de seulement 9 ans même ont participé à des démonstrations à feu ouvert. Ces désaccords ont suivi la saison des déménagements protestants, typique pour l'augmentation des tensions. Selon des sources de médias, les démonstrants mettaient le feu à la police. Le premier ministre Peter Robinson a exprimé son admiration pour la police faisant face à « des plus difficiles circonstances ». Cep! endant, comparant les deux côtés il y a plus de ceux qui détestent les émeutes. D'après l'un d'entre eux, Martin McGuiness des Républicains catholiques Sinn Fein, un groupe dont l'objectif est l'Irlande unie, ce « malaise était un recul » contre tout progrès qu'ils ont fait dans le dernier temps. On a dit que les émeutes ont été évoquées par le petit groupe des « fauteurs de troubles » forçant même des enfants à jeter des pierres. Pour les témoins des émeutes c'a été un choc, certainement cela n'est pas été une bonne démarche. Si l'enfant grandit dans un tel environnement, les conséquences restent significatives pendant toute sa vie. C'est comme enseigner à la personne sans connaissance que détester sans n'importe quelle raison signifié quelque chose du bien pour lui. C'est comme forcer des fils à se combattre pour l! es problèmes de leurs pères, même s'il y avait ! un proc& #233;dé lent pour trouver une manière. Même si les deux côtés faisaient leurs petits pas l'un vers l'autre. Supporter des problèmes et l'injustice historiques est certainement un recul. Les statistiques indiquent que des enfants n'avaient été jamais impliqués dans la violence, pas même dans les temps les plus mauvais et les plus cruciaux des protestations de l'Irlande du Nord. On a ordonné à la police d'utilise des canons à eau en réponse à la foule.

related story (sgx17865):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Grda vistina za Francuzite?
by Barbora Misakova

Ne e baš zabavno da se bide bogat, bi rekol. Osobeno koga ste zavisni od vašite pari i sé ušte sakate povekje i povekje. Nekoj bi rekol deka običnite lugje se ednostavno ljubomorni na bogatstvoto na ovie lugje i možebi po malku e i vistina. No, koga skandal kako posledniot so "Madam" Batenkur kje izbie na površina, sekoj e srekjen so rabotite i (parite) što gi ima. Batenkur e edinstveno dete na Ežen Šiler, osnovačot na kompanija "Loreal". Taa beše mnogu mlada (na 15-godišna vozrast) koga í se pridruži na kompanijata na tatko í kako učenik. Podocna vo 1957 godina, koga počina nejziniot ! tatko, taa go nasledi bogatstvoto na "Loreal" i stana glaven sopstvenik. Denes, 88-godišnata kralica na kozmetikata i ubavinata e sram za nejziniot tatko, za celata familija Loreal i za Francija, isto taka. Koga izveštaite od razgovorite pomegju Batenjur i nejziniot finansiski sovetnik tajno snimeni od batlerot na milijarderkata se pojavija na internet, skandalot eksplodiraše. Batenkur ne samo što sakala da gi izbegne danocite, no isto taka e pod somnenie deka nelegalno donirala za vreme na izbornata kampanja an pretsedatelot Nikola Sarkozi vo 2007 godina i na nekolku drugi desnoorientirani politički ličnosti. Francuskata policija uapsi četvorica maži za da gi isprašuva vo vtornikot, vklučuvajkji go i finansiskiiot menadger na Betenkur, Patris de Mestre i nejziniot dolgogodišen prijatel, fotografot Fransoa-Mari Banie. Isto taka, nejziniot poranešen advokat Fabris Gogel i Karlos Veharano, koj ja vodi "Aros Ajland" n! a Sejšelskite ostrovi koj verojatno e sopstvenost na Bete! nkur, be a vo pritvor. Teško e da se kaže dali naporot na Sarkozi da go zamačka skandalot na televija vo ponedelnikot kje bide od pomoš. Policijata prebaruva po domovi i kancelarii na nekolku lugje povrzani so Betenkur. Ako najdat što bilo za da gi potvrdat somnežite, tie kje imat mnogu za objasnuvanje.

related story (sgx17866):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and ! share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Grda vistina za Francuzite?
by Barbora Misakova

Ne e baš zabavno da se bide bogat, bi rekol. Osobeno koga ste zavisni od vašite pari i sé ušte sakate povekje i povekje. Nekoj bi rekol deka običnite lugje se ednostavno ljubomorni na bogatstvoto na ovie lugje i možebi po malku e i vistina. No, koga skandal kako posledniot so "Madam" Batenkur kje izbie na površina, sekoj e srekjen so rabotite i (parite) što gi ima. Batenkur e edinstveno dete na Ežen Šiler, osnovačot na kompanija "Loreal". Taa beše mnogu mlada (na 15-godišna vozrast) koga í se pridruži na kompanijata na tatko í kako učenik. Podocna vo 1957 godina, koga počina nejziniot ! tatko, taa go nasledi bogatstvoto na "Loreal" i stana glaven sopstvenik. Denes, 88-godišnata kralica na kozmetikata i ubavinata e sram za nejziniot tatko, za celata familija Loreal i za Francija, isto taka. Koga izveštaite od razgovorite pomegju Batenjur i nejziniot finansiski sovetnik tajno snimeni od batlerot na milijarderkata se pojavija na internet, skandalot eksplodiraše. Batenkur ne samo što sakala da gi izbegne danocite, no isto taka e pod somnenie deka nelegalno donirala za vreme na izbornata kampanja an pretsedatelot Nikola Sarkozi vo 2007 godina i na nekolku drugi desnoorientirani politički ličnosti. Francuskata policija uapsi četvorica maži za da gi isprašuva vo vtornikot, vklučuvajkji go i finansiskiiot menadger na Betenkur, Patris de Mestre i nejziniot dolgogodišen prijatel, fotografot Fransoa-Mari Banie. Isto taka, nejziniot poranešen advokat Fabris Gogel i Karlos Veharano, koj ja vodi "Aros Ajland" n! a Sejšelskite ostrovi koj verojatno e sopstvenost na Bete! nkur, be a vo pritvor. Teško e da se kaže dali naporot na Sarkozi da go zamačka skandalot na televija vo ponedelnikot kje bide od pomoš. Policijata prebaruva po domovi i kancelarii na nekolku lugje povrzani so Betenkur. Ako najdat što bilo za da gi potvrdat somnežite, tie kje imat mnogu za objasnuvanje.

related story (sgx17867):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and ! share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ešte to neskončilo!
by Barbora Misakova

Dôležitá informácia: únik ropy, s ktorým už od apríla bojuje Mexický záliv bol konečne zastavený, ako informoval funkcionár spoločnosti British Petroleum. Ak sa však tešíte, že je to konečne za nami, asi vás sklamem. Inžinierom zo spoločnosti British Petroleum, britskej nadnárodnej energetickej spoločnosti zodpovednej za túto ekologickú katastrofu, sa síce konečne podarilo pozastaviť prúd ropy unikajúci do Mexického zálivu, no nie je to nadobro. Je to totiž len test. Ako informoval starší viceprez! ident spoločnosti, Kent Wells, je to len začiatok horlivého testovania, ktorý potrvá 48 hodín, aby sa preskúmal stav a odolnosť podzemného vrtu. Dough Suttle, hlavný prevádzkový referent spoločnosti len potvrdil Wellsove slová keď povedal, že čas na oslavy ešte nenadišiel. „Myslím si, že je to povzbudzujúce znamenie. Za pár dní to možno bude ešte povzbudzujúcejšie, no stále nebude čo oslavovať. Ak sa spýtate ľudí, ktorí v postihnutej oblasti žijú, určite vám povedia, že „oslava“ je nesprávne slovo.“ povedal Suttles reportérom. A mal pravdu, nakoľko únik ropy v Mexickom zálive je najhoršou environmentálnou katastrofou v dejinách Spojených štátov pričom čoraz sa zväčšujúca! ropná škvrna zrazila na kolená dva hlavné! zdroje ekonomického života v tejto oblasti – rybolov a turizmus. Rybárske revíre museli byť uzatvorené a turisti vydesení z pohľadu, ktorý sa im naskytol na ropou znečistené pláže, húfne túto oblasť obchádzajú. Doposiaľ si táto katastrofa vyžiadala od British Petroleum 3.5 miliárd dolárov, no kompenzácie, ktoré bude treba vyplatiť obyvateľom postihnutej oblasti budú bezpochyby oveľa vyššie. Prvé predpoklady dokonca hovoria o desaťnásobku doposiaľ zaplatenej sumy. Veď ako povedal guvernér Louisiany, Bobby Jindal: „Milióny galónov ropy uniklo do Mexického zálivu a niektoré odhady ukazujú, že ropa bude naďalej zasahovať na naše pobrežia celé mesiace ba možno aj dlhšie.“ A to je asi na celom to najhoršie!

! related story (sgx17853):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

It is not over yet!
by Barbora Misakova

Big news: oil leak which has been afflicting Gulf of Mexico for months is stopped, as BP official informed. But if you think the whole problem is over, I will probably disappoint you. Engineers from British Petroleum, the global energy company responsible for this ecological disaster, succeeded in stopping oil flowing into the Gulf of Mexico, but anything is for sure. This is just a test. As senior vice president of British Petroleum Kent Wells announced it was only the start of a painstaking testing process set to last 48 hours to analyze the condition of the underground wellbore. Doug Suttles, BP’s chief operating officer just confirmed Wells’ words when he sa! id it is not yet a time for celebration. “I think it is an encouraging sign. In a couple of more days it may even be more encouraging, but no celebrations. If you go talk to these people that live here, celebration is the wrong word.” Suttles told reporters. And he was right as this is the worst environmental disaster in US history which stroke down two vital economic lifelines for this southern region – fishing grounds and tourists. Grounds for fishermen have been closed and tourists have been scared away from the beaches dirty from oil. The Gulf disaster has so far cost British Petroleum 3.5 billion dollars but the compensation claims from devastated residents of the region will be probably much higher. Some estimates 10 times higher figure. As Louisiana Governor, Bobby Jindal said: “Millions of gallons of oil are still in the Gulf and some estimates show that oil will continue to hit our shores for many more months or maybe even longer.” And! that is the worst thing of all.

related story ! (sgx1785 0):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Floods killed 107 Chinese in 15 weeks
by Zivka Deleva

The rope is ceasing where it is the thinnest! This time, the southeastern parts of China have been hit by the angry nature. And not only there – China is being under landslides’ invasion. Landslides have forced more than ten thousands of people to evacuate from their homes. Disastrous rains have provoked the movement from the Poyang County in northern Jiangxi province. This is a pretty much bad moment for China! Not only this area, but in the last few weeks different kinds of storms attack the China people. According to the news agency Xinhua, 41 people have died in western China, and dozens of people are being concerned missing. Everybody agrees that the wors! t hit region is Xiaohe in Yunnan province, where 17 people died when a landslide simply passed through the town. Children are not secured as well. Unfortunately, among the victims there are children as well. Workers, emergency teams were obligated to dig waterways, using bulldozers. The rain is nothing new for these regions, but this time it came right after the snow started to melt from the near mountains. The death toll is scary if we look through the figures from the beginning of July – total 107 people in two weeks! Even for the most populated nation, that is too much! There are other scary numbers like 59 people missing and almost one million people that have left their homes and don’t know if they will ever return! As synoptic say the rainy seasons are not yet over, so Chinese must be as prepared as possible to answer to this danger.
by Zivka Deleva
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Children in the riots in Northern Ireland
by Milota Sidorova

It´s been the third morning that people of Ardoyne in northern Belfast have awoken into the riots taking place around the city. This time even nine-year-old kids were taking their place in open fire demonstrations. These clashes followed Protestant marching season, typical by increasing tensions. According media sources, demonstrants were firing at the police. First Minister Peter Robinson expressed his admiration for the police handling the “most difficult circumstances”. Yet, there are more on the both sides who disliked the riots. According one of them, Martin McGuiness of Catholic republicans Sinn Fein a group aiming for united Ireland this “unres! t was a setback” against all the progress they have done past times. The riots were said to be evoked by the small group of “troublemaker” involving even children throwing the stones. For witness of the riots it's been a shock, definitely not a fair step. If the child grows up in such environment, the consequences are significant all his life. It's like teaching unconscious person to hate without any reason that would meant something for to him. It's like forcing sons to fight for the problems of their fathers, even if there was a slow process for finding a way. Even if both sides made their small steps towards each other. Bearing historical problems and injustice is definitely a setback. Statistics says that children had never been involved in violence even in the worst and most crucial times of Northern Ireland protests. Police was said to use a water cannon in response to the crowd.

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Africans marched in the name of their independence
by Zivka Deleva

The world is still stunning about French president Nicolas Sarkozy decision to invite former colonial countries to participate in the Bastille Day march. They were suppose to celebrate 50 years of independence exactly from the country that impoverished them for good for decades. What an irony, once again the politics stuck. The forces from 13 colonies have come to France to march down the Champs-Elysees on the countries national day’s celebration. As politicians say the invitation is a form for the French state to pay attention to “African veterans”. The public didn’t praise the fact that some African state’s leaders have participated in the! parade. Out of all the sub-Saharan former colonies, only Ivory Coast didn’t accept the invitation in the behalf of the bad relations between the two countries. By this event, France may be proud that it has given the African countries their independence, when on the behalf of the truth, African people had to fight against French to win over their liberty – the principle that the French state literally is based on. But, there is another point of view. According to some Human Rights organizations, some of the African leaders weren’t supposed to participate on the celebration, due to their dirty past on the human rights issue. They even wrote to Sarkozy that “it would be no small paradox that during a celebration of the values of the Republic, these values should be flouted by the presence of torturers, dictators and other predators of human rights, and that instead of pursuing them, France honours them." Sarkozy denied all the accusations of the ! 220;colonial nostalgia”. 14 July 1789 is considered the ! date whe n modern French republic has been constituted.
by Zivka Deleva
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Ugly truth to the French?
by Barbora Misakova

It is not funny to be rich, I would say. Especially when you are addicted on your money and you still want more and more. Some would say that common people are simply jealous of these people’s wealth and maybe it is truth a bit. But when scandal like the last one with “Madame” Bettencourt comes out in the wash, everyone is happy with the things (and money) he has. Bettencourt is the only child of Eugene Schueller, the founder of L’Oreal Company. She was very young (at the age of 15) when she joined father’s company as an apprentice. Later in 1957 when her father died, she inherited the L’Oreal fortune and became the principal shareholder.! Today is this 88-year-old cosmetics and beauty queen shame of her father, the whole L’Oreal family and France as well. When transcripts of conversations between Bettencourt and her financial advisor secretly recorded by the billionaire’s butler showed up on the internet, the scandal exploded. Bettencourt not only plotted to evade taxes, but there is also suspicion she was illegally donating President Nicolas Sarkozy’s 2007 election campaign and also several other right-wing political figures. French police detained four men for questioning Thursday, including Bettencourt’s financial manager Patrice de Maistre and her long-year-friend, photographer Francois-Marie Banier. Also heiress’ former lawyer, Fabrice Goguel and Carlos Vejarano, who runs Arros Island in the Seychelles allegedly owned by Bettencourt, were held in custody. It is hard to say if Sarkozy’s effort to defuse the scandal on television Monday will be helpful. Police is searc! hing homes and offices of several people linked to Bettencourt! . If the y find anything what will confirm allegations, they all will have a lot to explain.

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by Barbora Misakova
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Afrikancite marširaa vo ime na nezavisnosta
by Zivka Deleva

Svetot sé ušte se čudi na odlukata na francuskiot pretsedatel Nikola Sarkozi da gi pokani poranešnite kolonijalni državi da učestvuvaat na maršot na Denot na Bastilja. Tie trebaše da ja proslavat 50-godišninata od nezavisnosta tokmu od državata koja dobro gi osiromašuvaše so decenii. Kakva ironija, politikata ušte ednaš smrdi. Voeni sili od 13 kolonii dojdoa vo Francija da marširaat na Elisejskite polinja na proslavata na nacionalniot praznik na državata. Kako što velat politirarite, pokanata bila forma za francuskata država da obrne vnimanie na “Afrikanskite veteran”. J! avnosta ne go pofali faktot deka liderite na nekoi francuski državnici učestvuvale na paradata. Od site supsaharski poranešni kolonii, samo Bregot na slonovata koska ne ja prifati pokanata, navodno poradi lošite odnosi pomegju dvete zemji. Spored nastanot, Francija bi možela da likuva deka na afrikanskite državi im ja podarila nezavisnosta, koga za volja na vistinata, afrikanskiot narod moraše da se bori protiv Francuzite za da ja osvoi svojata sloboda – principot na koj bukvalno e bazirana francuskata država. No, nema drug pogled na neštata. Spored nekoi organizacii za čovekovi prava, nekoi od francuskite lideri ne trebalo voopšto da učestvuvaat na proslavata, poradi nivnoto gnasno minato vo odnos na prašanjeto na čovekovite prava. Tie duri mu pratija i pismo na Sarkozi vo koe velat deka “ne e mal paradoksot deka za vreme na proslavata na vrednostite na Republikata, ovie vrednosti da bidat ! izgnaseni od prisustvoto na lugje što vršat tortura,! diktato ri i drugi predatori ns čovekovite prava, i namesto da im se sprotivstavi, Francija faktički gi počstuva so pokanata.” Sarkozi gi odbi site obvinuvanje na osnova na “kolonijalnata nostalgija”. 14 juli 1789 godina se smeta za data koga bila konstituirana modernata francuska republika.
by Zivka Deleva
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True or false?
by Barbora Misakova

There exists only one truth: we are living in a world where you never know what is true! And there are thousands of cases that prove that. Shahram Amiri is an Iranian nuclear scientist and an expert on radioactive isotopes for medical uses at Malek-Ashtar University of Technology in Tehran. He disappeared during an umrah pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia year ago. The same man arrived in Tehran on Thursday. Where was he? Who is responsible for his disappearance? And was he really kidnapped? These are the questions that need to be answered, but if the answers are true we will never know for sure. Shahram who arrived at Tehran’s airport at around 5.30 a.m. have a lot ! to explain, and not only to his wife. His mysterious disappearance followed by few video footages of a man claiming to be Amiri. On the tape alleged Amiri claims he was kidnapped. On Tuesday, the “real” Amiri took refuge in Iran’s Interests Section office in Washington and gave interviews to Iranian television. His abductors should be US spies from the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States, Iranian officials claim. Washington denied these allegations. Amiri who remembers everything mysteriously clearly claims he had been under “intense mental torture” and promised to reveal full details of his ordeal when he returns home. I don’t know how about you, but I would really like to know the “truth” especially when there are too many options and all of them look more than possible.

related story (sgx17846):! ran-tehr an-shahram-amir...
by Barbora Misakova
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Škaredá pravda pre Francúzov?
by Barbora Misakova

Byť bohatým nie je práve najzábavnejšie, povedala by som. Najmä ak ste bohatý až príliš a nestačí vám to. Niekto by mohol tvrdiť, že toto sú len reči závistlivých „smrteľníkov“ a možno to tak aj je. Na druhej strane, vždy keď na svetlo sveta vypláva škandál podobný tomu s „madam“ Bettencourtovou, každý obyčajný človek je zrazu spokojný s tým čo má. Bettencourtová je jediným dieťaťom Eugenea Schuellera, zakladateľa spoločnosti L´Ó! reál. Bola veľmi mladá (mala len 15 rokov) keď začala v otcovej firme pracovať ako učnica. Neskôr, v roku 1957 keď jej otec zomiera, sa stáva dedičkou veľkého bohatstva a tiež hlavnou akcionárkou. V súčasnosti je táto 88-ročná kráľovná ženskej kozmetiky a krásy s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou nielen hanbou svojho otca, ale celej rodiny L´Óreal a tiež Francúzska. Keď sa na internete objavil prepis tajného rozhovoru medzi Bettencourtovou a jej finančným poradcom, ktorý nahral jej komorný, vznikol tak nielen jeden z najväčších škandálov v dejinách Francúzska, no začali sa naň nabaľovať i ďalšie vrstvy. Bettencourtová sa nielen že chcela vyhnúť plateniu daní z už aj tak hriešnych pr! 37;jmov, no tiež údajne ilegálne dotovala voleb! nú kampaň Francúzskeho prezidenta Nicolasa Sarkozyho ako aj viacerých ďalších pravicovo orientovaných politikov. Francúzska polícia zatiaľ zatkla štyroch mužov na štvrtkové vypočúvanie, vrátane finančného manažéra Patrice de Maistrea ako aj Bettencourtovej dlhoročného priateľa, fotografa Francois-Marie Baniera. Rovnako tak aj bývalý právnik Fabrice Goguel a Carlos Vejarano, ktorý spravuje Arros Island na Seycheloch, ktorý údajne Bettencourtová tiež vlastní, sú držaní vo väzbe. Momentálne je ťažké povedať, či Sarkozyho vystúpenie v televízií, ktorého snahou bolo zmiernenie škandálu, pomôže. Polícia prehľadáva domy a kancelárie viacerých osôb, ktoré majú spojitosť s pani Bettencourtovo! u. A ak sa niečo zaujímavé nájde, budú mať viacerí čo vysvetľovať.

related story (sgx17848):
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Will the killer be found?
by Barbora Misakova

There still exist places in this world where human rights are breaking. There is fear, sadness and desperation on everyday’s list. Every time we hear or read about it we are shocked and scared. But fortunately there are still few persons who are brave enough to point out that something like that is happening. Natalya Khusainovna Estemirova was one of them. This Russian human rights activist was a board member of the Russian human rights organization Memorial. This 51-year-old activist graduated in history from Grozny University and taught history in a local high school until 1998. Except that she worked as a correspondent for the local newspapers The Voice and The Wo! rker of Grozny and also for local TV station. During that period she filmed thirteen short documentaries about victims of the Russian punitive practices. She also gathered evidence on human rights violations and filmed child victims of the war on hundreds of photographs. For all her work she received several prizes such as Right Livelihood Award, Anna Politkovskaya Award and she also received Robert Schuman Medal. She worked with many human rights activists such as investigating journalist Anna Politkovskaya and human rights lawyer Stanislav Markelov. Both were murdered, just like Estemirova. Now the killer of Estemirova has been identified and is now the target of an international search. As Russian President at a summit with German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said: “Now an investigation is under way to not only establish the killer, who is the target of a search, but also the one who ordered this terrible crime.” But Memorial activist are skeptical as they bl! ame the authorities of ignoring leads that could point to the ! involvem ent of security structures in the Caucasus region of Chechnya.

related story (sgx17847):
by Barbora Misakova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.