Tuesday, June 8, 2010

North Korea must be punished
by Zivka Deleva

The World's Policemen United States of America are angry with North Korea. They happen to lose their temper when it comes to the non-responsible action of N.Korea, due to the sinking of the South Korean warship, that happened few months ago. This event has provoked huge bilateral conflict and North Korea threatened to stop al kinds of connections with their southern neighbor. US politicians, led by the US  Defense Secretary Robert Gates, gathered in Singapore leaders of few Asian countries to discuss what's their possibilities and chances to fight the communist  North Korea.   South Korea is looking for a help and went even to the UN Security Council, expecti! ng for bigger punishment. The sinking of the ship is considered as one of the worst bilateral incidents in the history ever. Forty six South Korean sailors died.   Though the allies are not so pushy for violence toward North Korea, they are aware that it is possible for them to face violence.   The press secretary Geoff Morrell who communicated with the press, shared the attitude.  "When you're dealing with a regime as unpredictable as North Korea, that's always a concern. There has to be a consequence.  But a traditional consequence might not have an effect." - said Morrell.   The local leaders are even more afraid of the possible violent actions of Pyongyang. "The situation now is highly precarious", thinks Singapore Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean.  One thing is for sure - the countries that are the most concerned must act together.   Two months after the military provocation, North Korea still hasn't admitted responsibility, though! an international team has proved that their military forces a! re guilt y for the terrible "accident'. 
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

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