Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Two French journalists held prisoners in Afghanistan for six months
by Milota Sidorova

April 8th that was the last time the world has seen Hervé Ghesquiére and Stéphane Taponier, two French journalists operating in Kapisa – Afghan province near Kabul. Ghesquiére and Taponier were kidnapped with their group consisting driver and editor during their way to Kapisa and held prisoners for 183 days. More than six months they spent in captivity without knowing their kidnappers. The suspicion falls on Afghan warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, but this fact hasn't been proved yet. The situation is getting worse, since the country has been ruled by several military groups of local warlords who join and split among themselves. That's why it is diffi! cult to target the current location of the prisoners. Last time they appeared on a videotape, they looked healthy, but warned if Afghan prisoners were not released, they would be executed. What was the most remarkable about this case was the information embargo laid over Ghesquiére and Taponier. Immediately after their kidnapping, French public TV station, France 3 asked to maintain the details of this accident in secrecy. The movement has started after Paris based NGO Reporters Without Borders unveiled large portraits of journalists in their cities. Then the campaign was released having had the same portraits in Luxembourg gardens displayed in Paris. This has been the case of the longest reporter caption so far. The information embargo remains of David Rhode's case. Rhode was New York Times reporter captured by Taliban year ago, but for seven months there was full silence about his presence. New York Times insisted that any public mention could end up in Rhode's death! .

related story (sgx17722):
by Milota Sidorova
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Dvaja francúzski reportéri v zajatí už vyše šesť mesiacov
by Milota Sidorova

Posledná verejná zmienka o dvoch francúzskych reportéroch Hervém Ghesquiérovi and Stéphanovi Taponierovi sa datuje na 8. apríla tohto roku. V tom čase už boli držaní niekoľko mesiacov v zajatí. Ghesquiér, Taponier spolu so svojou posádkou zloženou z kameramana, editor a vodiča boli unesení na ich ceste do provincie Kapisa neďaleko afghánskeho hlavného mesta Kábul. Avšak ani dnes, po viac ako 183 dňoch sa s určitosťou nevie, kto je ich únoscom. Podozrenie padá na miestneho veliteľa Gulbuddina Hekmatyara, avšak tento fakt ! nebol doteraz s určitosťou potvrdený. Situácii priťažuje fakt, že Aghanistan riadi niekoľko regionálnych militantných veliteľov, ktorí sa zvyknú načas spájať alebo proti sebe bojovať. Hekmatyar, známy svojou premenlivou stratégiou nemusí byť teda reálnym únoscom. Ghesquiér a Taponier sa na “verejnosti” posledný krát ukázali na zázname, v ktorom oznamovali, že pokiaľ nebudú z väzenia prepustení afghánski povstalci, budú popravení. Čo je však na tejto situácii najviac paradoxné, je informačné embargo, ktoré tesne po únose na všetky média uvalila francúzska verejná televízia France 3. Protesty a mediálna kampaň sa prevalila až potom, čo únoscovia zverejnili nahrávku zajatých reportérov! . V ich domovských mestách sa objavili ich rozmern&#! 233; por térty, ktoré neskôr nezisková organizácia Reportéri bez hraníc umiestnili do Luxemburských záhrad v Paríži. Za oslobodenie reportérov sa začali organizovať protestné akcie. Ghesquiér a Taponier sú v zajatí viac než šesť mesiacov, napriek tomu je táto informácia známa o málo viac ako šesťdesiat dní. Ich mediálna realita je veľmi podobná Davidovi Rhodeovi, reportérovi z New York Times. Rhode bol Talibanom unesený približne pred rokom, avšak sedem mesiacov okolo jeho zmiznutia panovalo totálne ticho. New York Times na svoju obranu uviedla, že nechcela publicitou ohroziť život zajatca. Naskytá sa však otázka, či mediálne ticho televízie, či novín v bezpečnej vzdialenosti naozaj pomôže človeku, ktorému hrozí bezprostred! ná smrť od ľudí, ktorí pre vyjednávanie nemusia mať najmenšie pochopenie.

related story (sgx17730):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Monday, June 28, 2010

A new era for Guinea
by Claudia Sonea

History records various waves of invaders that subdued other nations and controlled them. It was just another step in the process of civilization and it is justified by the fact that in the beginning there were only tribes looking to expand and set the basis for future nations. Yet, the colonial era was not for expansion, for creating an empire by adding the colonial territories; it was a cruel act of exploitation. The French, the Portuguese, the English, were in a race of conquering new lands for their profit and turning the inhabitants into slaves. USA was a colony belonging to the United King! dom, but after obtaining independence it is now one of the most powerful countries in the world. On the other hand, the current inhabitants are a mix of Europeans, Asians, and Africans that either fled their countries or travelled to America looking for gold, for a better life, or slaves brought there for work. The first inhabitants, the ones that Christopher Colombo found when he discovered the land, were the Indians- various tribes that were exterminated just like the Germans wanted to do with the Jews. Another colony that has managed to get independence not long ago is Guinea. In the 1890s the country became part of French West Africa, and only after almost 70 years it managed to declare its independence. However, the civilization in the colonies was neglected by the lack of interest of the colonizers who perceived the inhabitants as slaves, primitive beings. Therefore, the leaders that took control of the Guinea were autocratic! and the regimes were not stable making the country one of the! poorest in the world. On Sunday, a new era started as for the first time, the presidential elections took place in a civilized and peaceful atmosphere, there were no frauds committed and voters were allowed to express their choice. What expects them next? Don’t go away, more to come….

related story (sgx17703):
by Claudia Sonea
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietar! y interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

High-speed train killed 12 people
by Barbora Misakova

There are few things I will probably never understand. First of them is why some people have to hurt animals and the other is why people can’t learn from others’ mistakes. Latest news from Spain about tragic train accident just makes me wonder again. Why are some people so irresponsible and carefree? Why are they risking their own lives and what is more also lives of other people? Latest Wednesday’s night was the saddest one from a June 2003 when collision between a passenger train and a freight train in southeastern Spain killed 19 people. This time at least 12 people were killed and 13 were injured when a high-speed train struck a group of youths crossin! g a railway track in northeastern Spain. At the Castelldefels Playa station a group of revelers celebrating the annual San Juan (Saint John) mid-summer festival wanted to get to the beach and even though the station was equipped with a pedestrian underpass, they chose the shorter way – across the rails. Unfortunately, many of them will never get to the beach again and will never see bonfires and fireworks there. As Fernando Ortega, one of the witnesses told Spanish media, a large number of people got out of the train at the same time so “most decided to jump across the tracks and cross to the other side of the station” to avoid the crush of people. No one expected the northbound express train. Josep Maria Soto, the head of the regional emergency services, told Spain’s TV3 television that the cause of the accident is under investigation. The position of the first victims indicates so far they were hit by a train.

related story (sgx17693! ):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Bomb killed Greek civil protection minister's top aide
by Magdalena Rosova

Another parcel bomb exploded at Greek ministry on Thursday at 8.15 p.m. The explosion killed Georges Vassilakis, a top aid to the minister of civil protection. Ever since 2008 there were several bomb attacks of leftist militants in Greece. Thanks to police force the Greek cabinet minister successfully escaped unhurt from the ministry. The bomb exploded right next o his office on the seventh floor of the ministry and killed one of his closest aides. Civil Protection Minister Mihalis Chrysohoidis said he had losst a valuable and dear colleague. The killed minister's adjutant was father of two children. Police spokesman Thanassis Kikkalakis told that the bomb had been wrapped ! in a package and had exploded in the hands of the man as he had tried to open it. No one else was injured. The worst riots of leftist militants raged in 2008, since that there were several series of bomb attacks. This year Greek police arrested and suspended six members of the militant group Revolutionary Struggle. Chrysohoidis took the minister office in 2009 and promised to get rid of the militants in the country. He was in the function of minister also in a previous spell, when he successfully dismantled Greek lethal guerrilla group November 17. Greece is now in a deep economic crisis and last month it has literally won a bailout package of 110 billion euro from the countries of European Union an the International Monetary Fund. I may Greeks filled streets for an anti-austerity demonstration and three people died in a petrol bomb attack on bank. In March, a bomb exploded outside on a street in Athens, a boy was killed and his mother and sister were injured.

relat! ed story (sgx17691):
by Magdalena Rosova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Haywards does it again!
by Claudia Sonea

Romanians have a saying: “the country is burning and the old lady is brushing her hair”. It seems to be an accurate description of Tony Hayward, chief executive of BP. The oil leaking from one of BP plc’s deep water oil well in Gulf of Mexico continues to cause serious damages to the environment, while Hayward is out to a yacht race and having a wonderful time with friends and family. It is not the first time when BP’s management shows a total lack of interest for the harm produced and the bad handling of the situation attracted public outrage. The efforts of capping the spill! ed oil are bearing fruits, but the process is too slow and the damages could be too great. The relation between the global energy company and the public was compromised by the inability of fulfilling the promises. Hayward should never consider a career in Public Relations as he is doing everything that someone in his situation should not be doing. After the April 20 blast killed 11 workers and caused a devastating oil spill, as the chief executive of BP, Hayward promised to remain in SUA until the situation is clarified, but less than a week later he flew to Britain in order to celebrate his birthday with his family. Criticism of the company’s response and the fact that the executives preferred to ignore the safety measures in order to cut money and save time; doesn’t scare any of the CEOs. Hayward is having a great time with his family, racing, while Carl-Henric Svanberg, BP’s chairman, speaks at private conferences! about the feeling of being on top of the world. Bravo to them! , but wh at about the spill?

related story (sgx17652):
by Claudia Sonea
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Jamaican drug lord captured by police
by Magdalena Rosova

Jamaican police arrested suspected drug lord Christopher “Dudus” Coke on Tuesday. The police was trying to arrest the gang leader for almost a month, during which 76 people died in a manhunt. Coke was arrested out of the capital where he had his stronghold in a slum. U.S. authorities called Coke the most dangerous drug lord in the world. Now he will face trial in New York, he is accused of drug and arms trafficking charges. Last month he eluded a four-day long bloody police offensive in his slum, when 76 people were killed. Police Commissioner Owen Ellington said that Coke had been arrested during a vehicle checkpoint along a highway, other circumstances of his ! capture will be investigated soon. But reverend Al Miller, an influential evangelical preacher, that helped Coke's brother to surrender, said that Coke had wanted to give himself in at the U.S. Embassy in Kingston but had been stopped by police. Miller further said that Coke had been arrested on his way to the embassy and Jamaican police had taken him to their nearby police headquarters and just after that he had been flown to Kingston. Last month The Associated Press released news that Coke's lawyer was negotiating with the U.S. Justice Department about Coke's safe transfer to New York to face charges. Coke's father, also gang leader, died in a prison fire in 1992 while waiting for extradition to the United States. Coke is probably afraid the same thing will happen to him. Ellington affirmed everyone that there was no need for alarm, legal proceedings would happen quickly.

related story (sgx17679): http! ://www.j
by Magdalena Rosova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Indonésie a souffert de nouveau tremblement de terre
by Milota Sidorova

La saison des ouragans, tornades, tempêtes, des inondations, des volcans et des tremblements de terre. Il semble que l'année 2010 est extrêmement riche à des désastres et des catastrophes naturels. Ils ont rempli nos journaux télévisés et en ce moment ils envahissent littéralement toute surface terrestre. Tandis que nous avons été habitués d'entendre parler des tornades dans la région centrale des États-Unis et à la Floride, certains d'entre eux paraissent même en Allemagne. L'Europe centrale souffre des inondations, des récoltes détruites et de l'attaque intensive des moustiques. Les ! catastrophes ont couvert la carte du monde. Le dernier tremblement de terre a frappé l'île indonésienne de Yapan, l'endroit près du littoral occidental de la province de la Papouasie. Le tremblement de terre qui ne durait que 40 secondes a frappé avec magnitude de plus de 7.1 dégrées et a détruit au moins 150 bâtiments, a tué deux personnes et a forcé des milliers de personnes de s'évacuer. Les fonctionnaires et les scientifiques craignent que le tremblement de terre puisse produire le tsunami. L'île de Yapan est une île avec 70.000 habitants et la plupart d'entre eux a dû être replacée à des altitudes plus élevées, pour empêcher de possibles décès à cause du tsunami. Certains de réfugiés se sont échappés à l'île voisine de Biak et au Manokwari, le capital de la Papouasie occidentale. L'archipel de l'Indonésie se trouve &! #224; une longue plaque pleine de tensions et de lignes d'inte! rsection séismiques, donc les désastres ont lieu le plus souvent dans cette région. La plus grande catastrophe en 2004 a tué au moins 168.000 personnes. Un tremblement de terre de 9.3 dégrées a provoqué le tsunami. Le rythme des catastrophes est cependant, mortel. Plus de 1.000 personnes ont été tuées pendant le tremblement de terre de 7.6 dégrées dans le port de Padang, Sumatra occidental, en septembre précédent. Un autre tremblement de 7.8 dégrées s'est répété cet avril près de Sumatra du Nord, mais n'a heureusement endommagé aucune personne ni rien de significatif. Les projections ne sont pas optimistes, selon les scientifiques ce n'est qu'une question de temps lorsqu’un autre tremblement de terre, la tempête tropique, l'inondation ou le tsunami apparaissent.

related story (sgx17686):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Missing Plane Found, No Survivors
by Magdalena Rosova

A plane with mining executives from Australia, France, Britain and United States on board crashed in a dense forest in west Africa. The plane flew from Yaounde, capital of Cameroon, to Yangadou in northwest Congo-Brazzaville. Communications Minister of Cameroon, Issa Thiroma Bakary, said the plane got lost during a flight over a jungle. There were eleven people on board, 9 passengers and two crew members. The aircraft was operated by company Aero-Service based in Congo-Brazzaville and it was chartered by Cam Iron, which is the Cameroon subsidiary of Sundance Resources, an iron ore mining firm from Australia. The plane left Yaounde international airport on Saturday June 19 at 9:13 and it was supposed to arrive to Yangadou at 10:20 am. But the last contact with the plane took place at 9:51. The executives were in Yaounde because of their ordinary meeting of all directors of Cam Iron. Cameroon immediately started a search for the plane, it sent a C-130 Hercules and smaller Pipe! r and Dornier aircraft to search for it. Cameroon has also asked local officials, people and firms along the flight path of the missing plane to give any clues that might help. Paul Biya, President of Cameroon, set up a crisis panel which was coordinating the search. Brazzaville has also sent its plane help searching. Libreville joined with its helicopter and Gabon was helping in the search as well. Unfortunately, they found only the wreckage of the plane in the forest of the Republic of Congo. There were no survivors. The search team now have to recover the black box to find out what caused the crash.

related story (sgx17651):
by Magdalena Rosov! a
for Cantell TV (http://cantel! )

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Zmiznuté lietadlo sa našlo, nikto neprežil
by Magdalena Rosova

V africkej džungli sa po viacdennom pátraní po zmiznutom lietadle na palube s predstaviteľmi ťažobnej spoločnosti z Austrálie, Francúzska, Anglicka a Spojených štátov našiel vrak lietadla. Lietadlo letelo z Yaounde, hlavného mesta Kamerunu, do Yangadou, západného mesta v Konžskej republike. Kamerunský minister Isa Thiroma Bakary povedal, že lietadlo sa stratilo počas letu v džungli. Na palube bolo jedenásť ľudí, 9 pasažierov a dvaja členovia posádky. Lietadlo patrilo kongskej spoločnosti Aero-Service a premávala pod spoločnosťou Cam Iron, ktorá je kamerunským dodávateľom pre firmu Sundance Resources, austrálska banícka spoločnosť pre ťažbu železnej rudy. Lietadlo opustilo medzinárodné letisko v Yaounde v sobotu 19. júna o 9:13 miestneho času a ! malo doraziť do Yangadou o 10:20. Avšak kontakt s lietadlom sa prerušil o 9:51. Predstavitelia baníckej spoločnosti boli v Zaounde na ich pravidelnom stretnutí rady Cam Iron. Kamerun okamžite zahájil pátranie po zmiznutom lietadle a poslal lietadlo C-130 Hercules ako aj menšie lietadlá Piper a Dornier, aby prehľadávali džungľu. Kamerun tiež vyzval miestne úrady, obyvateľov a firmy, aby pomohli pri hľadaní a podali akékoľvek informácie, ktoré môžu napomôcť k nájdeniu lietadla. Kamerunský prezident Paul Biya okamžite zareagoval na situáciu a vytvoril krízový štáb, ktorý mal koordinovať všetky pátracie akcie. Kongo tiež dodalo jedno lietadlo, ktoré malo pomôcť pri hľadaní. Gabon sa tiež zapojil do hľadania a jeho mesto Libreville dodalo heli! koptéru. Nanešťastie, našiel sa iba vrak h! avarovan ého lietadla v džungli v Kongžskej republiky. Haváriu, žiaľ, nikto z pasažierov ani z posádky neprežil. Ďalšou úlohou bude nájsť čiernu skrinku, ktorá by mala vyšetrovateľom pomôcť zistiť príčinu, ktorá spôsobila nešťastný pád lietadla.

related story (sgx17655):
by Magdalena Rosova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily contro! l, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

No safety precautions, no life!
by Barbora Misakova

Every time some natural catastrophe takes its toll we are shocked and always unpleasantly surprised. Like we still expected that one disaster is enough and so we are always unprepared for another one. Heavy earthquakes and tsunamis, torrential rains and floods - they are repeating every single year, people are dying and towns are vanishing from the maps. Last week it was France which had to fight against heavy rains and floods which killed at least 15 people. Now it is Brazil but the toll is much higher. According to official sources at least 40 people have been killed by heavy floods in north-eastern Brazil. What is more, there may be as many 1,000 missing persons. Televis! ion pictures were showing survivors scrambling to rooftops or clinging desperately to lines of rope as rescuers in helicopters rushed to pluck them from the muddy floodwaters. Imagine rooftops and church bell towers as the only structures visible above massive brown expanses of floodwater and you will understand what is going on in some Brazilian states right now. As informed the governor of the state Teotonio, Vilela Filho: “We are worried [there will higher death toll] because bodies are starting to appear on the beaches and the rivers.” Almost 100,000 people in two states were left without a home or were forced to evacuate. Planes and helicopters are flying above the area, ferrying aid and delivering donated food, medicine, drinking water and mattresses. As officials announced, 55 million dollars in emergency aid will be used to help flooded areas. But when we look back to not so distant future – in April torrential rain killed at least 229 people in th! e Rio de Janeiro area. While rains and floods are repeating ag! ain and again, no safety precautions have been made so far! And that is the most tragedy of all!

related story (sgx17670):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Les Français devront travailler plus logtemps
by Zivka Deleva

L'état de la France a des intentions sérieuses d'améliorer son système de financement. Le gouvernement a décidé d'attirer l'attention des investisseurs créant une réforme à long terme dans le système de retraite. C'est-à-dire qu'à partir de 2018 les Français devront travailler plus longtemps - deux ans de plus de ce qu'ils travaillaient auparavant. Ainsi, dans huit ans, vous devez avoir 62 pour pouvoir partir à la retraite ! L'administration de Sarkozy n'est pas étonnée que le syndicat va montrer de la grande résistance, mais ils sont prêts à passer par l'extrémité, pr&#! 234;ts à réaliser un plus grand objectif. La réforme se présentera au parlement en cet automne alors que les ouvriers annonceront des démonstrations. Autour 100.000 personnes ont déjà protesté en mai dans tout le pays. Une autre nouvelle réforme consiste en ce que les personnes plus riches vont payer des impôts plus élevés, ainsi elles démettront le système de pensions hors de la zone rouge dans laquelle il est actuellement. Peut-être les Français sont bouleversés, mais ils oublient de regarder autour d'eux-mêmes et de voir que ce genre de changements sociaux est normal pour d'autres nations dans la zone euro. Ils ne se rendent pas compte que même avec cette réforme ils resteront l'une des nations développées dont l'âge de retraite reste assez bas. Pour que ça soit plus clair et compréhensible, par exemple, l'Allemagne projette d'amplifier l'âg! e de la retraite à 67 ans, ce qui est d'après moi, e! n dehors du champ de la santé mentale. Et si vous habitez en Grande-Bretagne ou en Italie, vous devez avoir 65 pour avoir le droit d'arrêter de travailler. « Travailler plus longtemps est inévitable. Tous nos associés européens ont fait cette démarche de travailler plus longtemps. Nous ne pouvons pas éviter le raccordement de ce mouvement. » a dit le Ministre de travail Eric Woerth. La réforme de retraite signifiera qu'un ouvrier doit travailler au moins 41.5 ans pour accomplir la droite pour une pleine pension à 62, ce qui est un an de plus de ce que si vous partiez à la retraite aujourd'hui.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting cou! pled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

La pluie intense et les inondations en France
by Barbora Misakova

Il pleut ici et là : les pluies torrentielles tourmentent l'Europe entière. Des maisons et des routes sont détruites, des arbres et des pelouses sont inondées, mais quelques régions de l'Europe doivent faire face aux scénarios bien plus catastrophiques. Dans la région méridionale de la France, Cote d'Azur, au moins 15 personnes ont été tuées et encore deux n'ont pas été encore trouvées. Les sauveteurs travaillent jour et nuit juste pour aider des centaines de personnes emprisonnées dans leurs véhicules, maisons ou au-dessus de leurs toits. Hugues Parant, le fonctionnaire supérieur pour le d! épartement de Var a indiqué : « Nous n'avons pas vu une catastrophé pareille depuis des décennies. » Il y a plus de 200.000 maisons sans électricité, mais ce qui est plus grave, il y a des vies humaines mises en danger. L'eau montante a également emprisonné un train à grande vitesse voyageant de Nice à Lille avec 300 passagers à bord. Pendant que autour de trois kilomètres de voies ferrées étaient complètement inondés, l'autorité ferroviaire de SNCF a arrêté tous les services de train entre Toulon et Saint-Raphaël. Depuis mardi plus de 30 centimètres (ce qui représente 12 pouces) de pluie étaient tombés, causant que le niveau d'eau a monté aux limites alarmantes dans les rues. Le chef de l'opération de secours à Draguignan a dit : « Ce matin, en nous réveillant nous avons retrouvé une ville qui a été dé! ;vastée, extrêmement battue avec les voitures retour! née s flottant dans les rues, les routes effondrées et les maisons démantelées. » Quoique le niveau d'eau ait baissé mercredi, la pluie continuait à battre les villes voisines. Le président Nicolas Sarkozy a exprimé des condoléances aux familles des victimes et a remonté des équipes de délivrance, mais le fait qu'une telle « pluie ordinaire » peut tuer aussi beaucoup de personnes au 21ème siècle est vraiment horrible.

related story (sgx17662):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (ht! tp://

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Nouvelle expérience de jeu
by Claudia Sonea

Le mois dernier Apple a réussi à surpasser Microsoft dans la capitalisation boursière et certains gens pensent que ce n'est qu'une question de temps jusqu'à ce qu'Apple parvienne au poste de leader quant aux ventes. Microsoft est cependant une compagnie avec une longue histoire et il a même parvenu à surmonter des conflits législatifs avec le Ministère de la justice des États-Unis et la Commission européenne. En conséquence, la marée est haute et il n'y a aucune manière de prévoir ce qui se produira après. À l'avant-show d'Electronic Entertainment ! Expo, Microsoft a montré de nouveau pourquoi il est digne de la confiance des consommateurs et pourquoi la compagnie est le leader sur le marché. Confirmant les rumeurs, le dirigeant de Treyarch studio, Mark Lamia, a présenté le contrôleur de mouvement Kinect attendu depuis longtemps, ancien 'Project Natal'. En fait Kinect est une console à libre contrôle dont les fonctions sont basées sur les mouvements de corps, fait lever le gamer au niveau d'« acteur ». Étant un produit fait particulièrement pour la plateforme de Xbox 360, le lancement du dispositif à libre contrôle a été accompagné par de nouveaux jeux intéressants et les séries des jeux lancées plus tôt sous le nom 'Fable 3'. La console n'est pas encore finie et il y reste encore quelques dispositifs à ajouter afin d'augmenter l'expérience de l'utilisateur. D'ailleurs, le but prin! cipal est d'améliorer le Xbox LIVE et de contribuer à! ; une me illeure cohésion parmi les utilisateurs. Un inconvénient facile à noter est l'aspect de la console qui est plutôt foncée et ennuyeux. Restez connecté et soyez au courant quand le dispositif soit disponible sur le marché et combien ça vous coutera…

related story (sgx17663):
by Claudia Sonea
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Cote d'Azur hit by floods
by Milota Sidorova

Summer moved on, I guess it says the old, famous song. Literally it has moved on, but somewhere far away. Europe, or at least its Central nad Western part has changed into one muddy platform. For weeks, heavy rainclouds twisted in strange South-East direction, bringing nothing but long and generous rains.Long ago, farmers projected their dark visions towards crops and harvest this year, the water did its part of the disaster. Past weeks have left thousands of kilometers of damaged fields, vulnerable to insects and another rain. The rivers grew and rose and spilled out of their ways. Floods and mosquitos hit many regions including France, Germany, Czech and Slovak Republic, ! Poland and Hungary.Consequences have been innumerable, thousands of people had to be relocated into temporary shelters, hundreds of them have lost their homes and several dozens died. Huge floods have taken place also in French Cote d'Azur where it forced to move around 2,000 people from their homes. Rainclouds didn't move further and in a week they dropped more than 350 millimeters that is more than its typical six-month period. Rains have also damaged significant parts of regional vineyards and with the rising water and mud level, hopes of local residents to survive another generous summer season pumped with thousands of tourists have failed. Businessmen as well as manufacturers, farmers and engineers suggest it would take more than a month to return to normal conditions. The flood barriers collapsed last days and the water flooded the streets, fields as well as vineyards. The situation has been so harsh that even President Nicolas Sarkozy visited South-Eastern Var region! . So far French government has started emergency funds, but on! e can gu ess it would cost much more than current plans. Everyone hopes the government will provide long-term donations for local industries.

related story (sgx17659):
by Milota Sidorova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Povodne zasiahli Azúrové pobrežie.
by Milota Sidorova

Jedna stará známa pieseň hovorí o tom, že leto sa pohlo ďalej. Naozaj, pohlo sa ďalej, inam, niekde mimo Európu. Jej centrálnu a západnú časť už niekoľko týždňov sužujú frontálne rozhrania, nezvyčajného cyklického juho-východného smeru. Už niekoľko týždňov tieto mraky prinášajú podpriemerné teploty a výdatné dažde. Tieto neodvratne poškodili úrodu, zanechajúc celé tisícky kilometrov rozbahnených polí, viníc, chmeľníc a lúk. Kvôl! i mäkkej pôde sa na polia nemôžu dostať farmári a ošetriť úrodu proti plesniam a škodcom. Nielen voda, ale aj hmyz a huby si vyberajú svoju daň. Rieky striedavo stúpajú a klesajú, vylievajú sa zo svojich korýt. Povodne zasiahli celé regióny Francúzska, Nemecka, Čiech a Slovenska, Poľska a Maďarska.Voda vytápa neraz aj celé dediny, mohí prišli o svoje domy a niekoľko desiatok ľudí zomrelo. Dôsledky sú zatiaľ ťažko vyčísliteľné.Podobný scenár zažívajú obyvatelia severovýchodného Francúzka pri Azúrovom pobreží. Za posledný týždeň tu spadlo viac ako 350 mm zrážok, čo je viac ako typický šesť mesačný priemer. Svoje domovy muselo opustiť viac ako 2000 obyvateľov. Av! šak stúpajúca voda a bahno vzala domácim n! ielen do movy, ale veľkú časť úrody hrozna, ktoré je typickým poľnohospodárskym artiklom tohto regiónu. Pokles výrazne zastihne aj turistický priemysel, povodne totiž nastali práve na začiatku letnej sezóny. Obchodníci, remeselníci, farmári a inžinieri sa zhodujú v tom, že návrat do pôvodného stavu bude vyžadovať viac ako mesiac intenzívnej práce a značné dotácie. Francúzska vláda už spustila program pohotovostných fondov postihnutým regiónom, je však jasné, že obnova výroby a bežných aktivít bude vyžadovať dlhodobejšie programy. Región v posledných dňoch navštívil aj prezident Nicolas Sarkozy.

related story (sgx17660): IN SLOVAK :
by Milota Sidorova
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Sunday, June 20, 2010

A nation under siege
by Claudia Sonea

June proves to be a baneful month for Bangladesh. After a fire killed 150 people in the capital city Dhaka at the beginning of the month, now the region Cox’ Bazaar has been hit by heavy rains that caused flash floods and landslides. The weather forecast for the following days is throwing the residents of the country's southeastern tip into despair as more rain and thunderstorms are to take place until the beginning of next week. Bangladesh is prone to flooding due to the geographical position and structure of the country-situated on the Ganges Delta with 80% flood plain. The worst p! eriod is from June to September when the monsoon season occurs. In spite of the country’s development, the protection against flooding is rather poor and superficial. After registering over 5000 deaths caused by floods, the country’s administration should focus on finding better means of protection and investing more on ways to prevent the killings and the destructions of properties rather than pay for the damages. The monsoon season just started and the Cox’s Bazaar already has a hard time in dealing with the floods and landslides. On Wednesday, after 2 days of torrential rain triggering flash floods and landslides, rescue workers had finally a chance to distribute food and tablets to purify water to the several thousands of people who saw their houses being engulfed by mud and water. The search operations have reported 55 dead and 34 injured in Cox’s Bazaar and in the remote communities around it. However,! there are still around 40 people missing and the search is no! t comple te.

related story (sgx17623):
by Claudia Sonea
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Israel lessens blockade restrictions
by Claudia Sonea

The Gaza Strip should have been an oasis of peace and tranquility for the refugees of the 1948 Palestinian exodus. Around 1 million Palestinian Arabs lost their homes and all other properties after being expelled by the Israeli government. In addition to the loss suffered, they have been for the past five years kept under isolation from the rest of the world with both Israel and Egypt blocking all access. Mainly the blockaede of the territory started in 2007 when Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip. Israel justified the sealing of the borders as a prevention measure against possible Palestinian rocket attacks and ! against Hamas taking hold of other weapons. Egypt refuses to open the borders due to the fact that it would mean the recognition of the Hamas control of Gaza. Nonetheless, the Egyptian government decided to lessen restrictions starting with this month. June also found Israeli government more open to compromises. Indeed, for the change of attitude nine Turkish activists had to lose their lives. The shooting of nine activists on board the Mavi Marmara by the Israeli commandos generated international pressures. In order to avoid more hustle about the incident, Israel agreed to ease the blockade by allowing the passage of civilian goods more easily and in larger quantities. As for the inflow of weapons and weapon material, security procedures will continue to exist. This diplomatic success is the result of the collaboration between the United States, the United Nations, the European Union and Russia that form! the Middle East peace Quartet. Furthermore, an important part! played Tony Blair who negotiated with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He once again proved to be not only an extraordinary politician, but also a skilled diplomat. The beneficiaries of the measures are the poor people of Gaza who after being banned from their places, had to submit to a dictatorial government and a smuggling of products then sold at preposterous prices.

related story (sgx17637):
by Claudia Sonea
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to e! asily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

When will this stop?
by Barbora Misakova

Why are we so stubborn? And when will we learn from all the mistakes which were made by a man? As it is said, idiot will learn from his own mistakes, intelligent ones from mistakes of others. But in cases like this all jokes must be keep aloof. Another coal mine tragedy trapped more than 70 people underground. Blast in one coal mine in Colombia is probably one of the Andean country’s worst mining disasters. At least 16 bodies were pulled from the wreckage after the midnight gas explosion at the San Fernando mine. Northwestern Antioquia province suffered death toll which was expected to rise as rescue workers worked their way down the mine shift. As Luz Amanda Pulido, ! a national disaster official, told radio there was little chance any miners would be pulled out alive. As rescue workers informed, the miners are trapped 6,500 feet (2,000 meters) below the surface and a new accumulation of gas had temporarily halted any attempts to reach them. Colombia has enjoyed a boom in energy and mining investment. San Fernando mine for instance produces 240,000 tons a year of coal for the local consumption. According to Mines and Energy Minister Hernan Martines the last mine inspection was on June 9 which found out there are lacking gas detectors. How long will it take till the miners’ relatives have a calm sleep? Just as news of the explosion was breaking, workers at Glencore’s La Jagua’s coal mine in Cesar province went on strike over conditions. Maybe this is the beginning of the end. Or maybe it is not.

related story (sgx17639): http://! www.fran
by Barbora Misakova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Clashes between Kyrgyz ethnic groups
by Claudia Sonea

Kyrgyzstan has forged its existence on the battlefield, but the struggle continues even nowadays. Various waves of migration and invaders have marked the foundation of the country. After being dominated by Arabs who brought the new religion, Islam, the Kyrgyz switched position and became invaders expanding the territory up to Tian Shan range. Following the Mongol expansion, the Kyrgyz assumed once again the role of submissive nation. The last to hold control over Kyrgyzstan was Russia and then the country gained independence in august 1991. Many battles had to take place and many peo! ple lost their lives on the battlefield in order to redeem their freedom and independence. The Kyrgyz were fierce warriors who managed to resist through all the changes and all the cultures they encountered, which justify the meaning of their names – unconquerable. In spite of keeping their identity and finally succeeding in obtaining independence, Kyrgyzstan is not currently in a process of strengthening the country’s stability and unity, and the civil unrest prevents it from developing. The main concerns in Kyrgyzstan are the inter-ethnic relations and the organized crime. In April civil unrest led to the resignation of the President Kurmanbek Bakiyev and the instating of a provisional government. This month a clash between two Kyrgyz ethnic groups led to a string of riots that continue to cause victims and displace persons inside the country. As many as 100000 people have fled across the border looking for a refu! ge in Uzbekistan. According to the official report the death t! oll is 1 91, while 2,000 people were seriously injured. Red Cross, Medecins Sans Frontiere, united Nations are all taking part to the aid missions undertaken in Uzbekistan.

related story (sgx17640):
by Claudia Sonea
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of enter! tainment at the tip of your fingers.

What law should apply on French soldiers in United Arab Emirates?
by Milota Sidorova

Frenchmen made a great deal by establishing permanent military base in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. At first it is the first permanent base after more than 50 years, they get exclusive entrance to the Persian and Oman Gulf and lie just at the backdoor of Iran. Teheran has already objected the presence of French soldiers so close to their borders. The military base lies and can control 40 percent of region oil shipment and 20 percent of world oil shipment. The “only” problem is whether French soldiers and their families will object to Sharia law, valid in United Arab Emirates. Even after the year since opening, diplomatic negotiations take place. The base is ! now providing marine, air and continental troop training. French officials suggest the base will cover more than 500 soldiers. It may be up to several thousands with their families. Both governments now discuss the law system that will apply on them. Sharia law for instance include death penalty that crosses French laws. But according French newspapers Le Monde there have been much more inconsistances between both systems. Le Monde also suggested French and Abu Dhabi representatives were negotiating exclusion of military personnel and their relatives.The example may be found on U.S. military bases all over the world where they claim for their own American law. United Arab Emirates and France signed a defense agreement which was signed in 1995, but according to French Defense Ministry spokesman Laurent Teisseire 15-year-old agreement needed to be updated and expressed hope both countries would make a new deal.

related story (sgx17641):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

These talks are going nowhere!
by Barbora Misakova

There are many points of view on social conflict. Some of them consider it to be a kind of deviant behavior; another theories talk about social conflict as necessary phenomenon which contributes to social changes which lead to progress. But the conflict between Israeli and Palestine is more than just ordinary conflict. Middle East conflict is special as it is the only national conflict in which both sides want not only part, but the whole disputable territory. Palestinians and Israelis stake a claim for the whole territory of Palestine and both sides have for these claims many political, economic, geographic, cultural and historical arguments. There is also a strong influen! ce and tense which is connected with different religion – Islamic Muslims and Jews. For me, as disinterested observer is the whole situation in the Middle East more than chaotic and impenetrable. What is more, the whole conflict seems to me as unsolvable. Some conceptions consider this conflict as tension between two national movements, where the only solution is in mutual compromise. But as we can see (and we are witnesses it takes much too long) this situation still blows the coals. US envoy George Mitchell traveled back to the Middle East on Wednesday just to try again to push forward indirect peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians. As State Department spokesman Philip Crowley told reporters: “He expects to have meetings with Israeli officials tomorrow (Thursday), Palestinian officials on Friday, and Egyptian officials on Saturday.” The meeting should include also discussion of Israel’s deadly May 31 raid on an aid flotilla seeking to break! a blockage on the Gaza Strip. I think I won’t be wrong ! when I s ay, that it is not only Palestine who thinks the US-brokered proximity talks with Israel are going nowhere.

related story (sgx17642):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Vidéo rarissime des militants d'Al Qaida
by Magdalena Rosova

La nouvelle cassette vidéo intéressante a été trouvée et elle démontre la vie quotidienne des militants islamistes liés à Al Qaeda vivant en Afrique du Nord. La vidéo montre les militants dans le désert de Sahel, ils entraînent de jeunes recrues et il y a beaucoup de scènes de leurs vies quotidiennes. La cassette a été trouvée chez un déserteur, qui a essayé de s'échapper mais il a été arrêté par le personnel de sécurité. La vidéo a été filmée quelque part dans le Sahel, c'est une région énorme qui divise le désert du Sah! ara et les savanes de Soudan. Il n'est pas clair où exactement le groupe a demeuré. La vidéo n'est pas datée et il n'est pas claire dans quel pays elle a été prise. Grâce à la vidéo nous pouvons voir la vie ordinaire des militants islamistes. La vidéo les montre en faisant de la bricole quotidienne, en jouant ou juste en étant ennuyeux. Il semble qu'il n'y avait aucune raison spécifique de filmer une telle vidéo. Il n'y a presque personne qui est armé dans la vidéo. Jusqu'ici le public n'a vu que les vidéos des militants islamistes couverts faisant des menaces au monde occidental. Dans cette vidéo il y a un homme qui lit le Coran et l'autre qui écoute la radio. Beaucoup d'hommes sont très jeunes, même adolescents. Ils parlent avec beaucoup de différents accents ce qui montre qu'ils viennent de pays variables. Certains sont Algériens, Marocains, Mauritaniens et d'aut! res. Les militants emploient également l'appareil-photo p! our pren dre des photos d'eux-mêmes afin de créer des photos d'identification pour les documents faux. Les hommes dans la vidéo font également la lutte corps à corps, mais ceci se voit plutôt amusant qu'un drill cruel. Un des hommes a été identifié comme Mokhtar Benmokhtar, un chef proéminent d'AQIM. Il est surnommé Laâouar, ou « l'aveugle » en arabe.

related story (sgx17647):
by Magdalena Rosova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, vie! w, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pentru 5 minute de faima
by Claudia Sonea

Visele pot devein realitate daca avem curajul de a lupta pentru ele si nu ne pierdem speranta. Michaele Salahi a aratat ca in viata nu poti obtine nimic daca nu indraznesti sa mergi dincolo de limite, sa exploatezi toate oportunitatile, sansel si de a persevera. Cine e ea? Unul din cele cinci concurente din seria "Adevaratele Neveste din DC", care va fi difuzat de canalul Bravo in aceasta vara in august. Unii oameni auzit deja despre aceasta femeie care, impreuna cu sotul ei, Tareq, si un antreprenor din Districtul Columbia, a reusit sa intre in Casa Alba pentru o cina de stat cu prim-ministru indian si dupa ce a trecut prin doua ! puncte de control, l-a intalnit chiar si pe Presedintele Obama. Incalcare a fost planificata si filmata in scopul de a fi acceptata pentru emisiunea "Adevaratele Neveste din DC", dar a avut consecinte mai importante asupra securitatii de la Casa Alba care s-a dovedit a fi defectuoasa si ca trebuie luate masuri urgente. Delegatia din India a fost socat ca o astfel de incalcare a fost posibila, in timp ce Serviciul Secret pierdut increderea oamenilor. In ciuda proceselor de judecata si anchetei Congresului, familia Salahi s-a bucurat de o cina mare in compania unora dintre cei mai importanti lideri din lume, iar acum visul de a participa la un show TV a fost indeplinit. Cum vaprimi publicul aparitia Michaelei a in spectacol? Dupa incidental de la Casa Alba, au fost investigati de catre mai multe organizatii si ziare. Integritatea lor este inca sub semnul intrebarii si motivele lor sunt puternic criticate. Ceea ce multi oameni uita este ca Salahi nu au! fost nimic mai mult decat niste oameni care si-au incercat no! rocul, p rofitand de o ocazie de aur. Ei nu au furat nimic, nici nu au produs vreo dauna. Cei care ar trebui sa fie pedepsiti si criticati, sunt cele responsabile cu securitatea.

related story (sgx17603):
by Claudia Sonea
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of! your fingers.

Flood killed 20 people in Southern France
by Zivka Deleva

You don't mess around with Her Majesty, the Nature. She knows how to give you a lot, but to take from you, as well. At one moment you are peacefully enjoying your coffee on the terrace with sea view, and the next moment your house is gone and you as well, from the earth. I am sorry for being obscure on the subject, but that's the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The southern parts of France are been flooded. Twenty people have lost their lives and few are missing, due to the tremendous rains that provoked floods. The disaster happened in the Draguignan area. Immediate mobilization was organized, hundreds of people were saved from. Everybody is surprised and shocke! d in he Var department. Such a bad weather is not remembered in years. And the number of the affected people is not something to move away. Around 200,000 homes stayed without electricity. Another 300 people that travelled by train from Nice to Lille, were caught in trap due to the rising waters. Few train lines have already been ceased till the next week, on the area between Toulon and Saint-Raphael. State's officials gave their compassion to the families of the victims, promising to do anything that is needed for the consequences to be more acceptable. Since Tuesday, more than 30 cm rain have fallen in the 40,000 residents town. More than one thousand people helped in the evacuation process. "This morning, we woke up to find a city that was devastated, extremely battered with overturned cars floating in the streets, collapsed roads and gutted houses. We are still in the rescue phase before moving on to the cleanup" - said the head of the emergency operation Corrine ! Orzechowski.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

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France rises retirement age from 60 to 62.
by Milota Sidorova

Here it comes. Country after country of EU is rising retirement age. The major reason is deepening economic deficit that appeared to be increasing after the crisis. This time, it is going to be France. France government released proposed reform to rise retirement age from 60 to 62 years. The cause should be economic, but defenders of more working years suggest people tend to live longer, so they are supposed to work longer. However, longer life doesn't mean good health for working and enough free jobs seeking for elder people. French opposition finds the proposal unfair and suggest it will hurt many people, especially women and vulnerable. Women after their fourties tend to! be the least employable group and still the amount of work is not growing. The reform may turn into growing number of unemployed people. The proposal should be passed in September, but the government is expecting several more public protests. The general neccessary period for retirement is now 40.5 years, but it is likely to be 41 years nad three month by 2012. Under current obligation, anyone can retire a full pension at 65, but if the proposal passes the Parliament, such person can retire at 67 years, but this order is supposed to apply bu 2018.French Labour Minister Eric Woerth said it was “inevitable to work more, since there was no magic solution”. 24 more working months should stabilize books by 2018. The proposal will end up on the table of President Nicolas Sarkozy next month, before sending it for final proposal back to Parliament.

related story (sgx17615): http://www.f! rance24. com/en/20100616-france-raise-retirement-...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

First humanitarian aid arrived to Uzbekistan
by Magdalena Rosova

First humanitarian aid from the United Nations arrived to Uzbekistan on Wednesday. The aid should help to more than 75,000 ethnic Uzbek refugees that left Kyrgyzstan after deadly attacks. The first plane with foreign aid landed in Andijan, city in the east of Uzbekistan. The supplies were from The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The plane brought 800 tents, two more planes are expected to come with another supplies. Uzbek government sent several trucks to the local airport which immediately distributed the aid to the refugees. According to Uzbek officials 75,000 refugees came to Uzbekistan. Last Friday tension between ethnic Uzbeks and K! yrgyzs in Kyrgyzstan eventuate in deadly attacks. In the second largest city of Osh, Kyrgyzs attacked districts where ethnic Uzbkes lived and they killed more than 65 people, hundreds of people were injured. Children were among the victims and many women reported they had been raped. Uzbekistan received huge number of refugees but then closed the border as it was not able to house more people. Kyrgyzstan's government asked Russia to help the country to stop the ethnic violence. Kyrgyzs government said it was powerless to stop the gangs which destroyed half of the city, burned down homes and businesses of Uzbeks and killed tens of people. Roza Otunbayeva, leader of interim government, said they need entry of outside armed forces to stop the violence. But spokeswoman of Russian president Medvedev, Natalya Timakova, said that Russia did not see the conditions for taking part in the internal conflict of Kyrgyzstan.

related story (sgx17618):
by Magdalena Rosova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Actions and consequences of human activity
by Claudia Sonea

Mother Nature is revenging for all the mistreatments of the mankind: pollution, deforestation, exploitation and depletion of the natural resources, and so on and so forth. Driven by greed and using the progress as excuse, humans have cut down trees, exploited mines until exhaustion, exterminated various species of animals, birds, and polluted the waters, the air. However, the consequences are overwhelming and the earthquakes, the floods, the new diseases, the cataclysms, are evidence that we in fact are securing our own destruction. Among the most frequently met consequences of humans’ reckless! ness are the floods. Europe, America, Australia, Asia, Africa, all these continents have been hit by devastating floods at one time or another and lately the floods have increased in frequency and in power of destruction. France records one of the worst floods that ever took place under the name of the 1910 Great Flood of Paris, while the deadliest flood is the 1931 China floods with a death toll of 3,700,000. In 2009 the West Africa floods caused damages across 12 countries and 1 million people have been affected. This year started with massive flooding in Australia right after the New Year and over 1000 people were evacuated from the region of Coonamble. There were no casualties, but the damages rose to several millions of dollars. In February Madeira Island was hit by floods and mud slides following a violent storm that lasted several days and 42 people were killed, while 120 suffered severe injuries. Massive flooding took place in USA! in April, Rhode Island and Massachusetts residents being forc! ed to ev acuate their homes, but fortunately there were only damages of hundreds of millions of dollars. The May 2010 Tennessee floods were devastating and registered over 26 deaths. Again in May China, Poland and Azerbaijan confronted with massive floods. Recently, Romania has been flooded following the storms that take place overnight, but there wasn’t reported any death. Bangladesh was not that lucky, as following the deadly flash floods and landslides, 55 people died and over 35 were seriously injured. Myanmar is still looking for 40 people that were declared missing. It just makes you wonder if the logs cut down to make money and roads and furniture worth the loss of so money lives. What do you think?...

related story (sgx17622):
by Claudia Sonea
for Cantell TV (
Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Tehran designing 'more powerful' nuclear reactor
by Magdalena Rosova

Iran is designing a new nuclear reactor which should be more powerful than one already existing in Tehran. Iran's nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi said Wednesday that the country will adopt a "dual-track" policy in dealing with other countries. Recently, new series of sanctions was imposed on Tehran because of its nuclear programme. Salehi said that the new reactor should produce radio more powerful isotopes. Western countries think that Iran is just masking developing of an atomic weapons. But Salehi said Tehran wanted to commission reactors in Iran soon. Iran wants to produce radio isotopes and sell and export them to regional and Islamic countries that need them. Since Oct! ober last year West was negotiating with Iran over the issue of nuclear programme. But Iran and the world powers did not come to agreement, Iran needs 20-percent enriched uranium to power its facility, which West can not tolerate. In spite of the anger of Western countries and imposed sanctions Iran decided to continue in using uranium. The resolution of the United Nations Security Council demanded stop of Iran's enrichment drive. However, Tehran did not obey and say its activities have no military aims. The “dual-track” policy which Iran adopted means that the country will communicate with other countries honestly and it also means Iran will push ahead its nuclear programme to confront the pressure from enemies. Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad criticized the policy of West and said now Tehran would be the one setting the conditions for future talks. Iranian parliament also agreed with programme to enrich uranium to 20 percent.

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Indonesia suffers from another earthquake
by Milota Sidorova

The hurricane season, tornadoes, storms, floods, volcanos and erathquakes. It seems the year 2010 is extremely rich on natural disasters and catastrophes. They have filled our evening news and this time they take place literally all around the world. While we've been used to hear about tornadoes in Central U.S. region and Florida, some of them appear even in Germany. Central Europe suffers from floods, destroyed crops and heavy attack of mosquitos. The catstrophes covered the world map.The last earthquake hit Indonesian Yapan island, the location close to the western coasto of Papua province. Only about 40 second lasting earthquake hit with more than 7.1-magnitude and destr! oyed at least 150 buildings, killed two people and forced to remove thousands of people. Officials and weather scientists fear the earthquake may unleash tsunami. Yapan island is and island with the population of 70,000 and most of them had to be relocated to the higher ground, just to prevent more deaths from tsunami. Some of refugees escaped to nearby Biak island and Manokwari, the capital of Western Papua. Indonesia archipelago lies on long plate full of tensions and seismic faultlines, therefore the disasters take place more often in this region. The biggest catastrophe in 2004 killed at least 168,000 people alone. An eartquake of 9.3-magnitude antisipated tsunami. The pace of catastrophes is however, deadly. More than 1,000 people were killed during the 7.6-magnitude earthquake in the port of Padang, Western Sumatra last September. Another 7.8-magnitude repeated this April near northern Sumatra, but luckily caused no deaths or significant damages. Projections are not o! ptimistic, according scientists it is just a matter of time be! fore ano ther earthquake, tropic storm, flood or tsunami appear.

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by Milota Sidorova
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Facebook pork party banned
by Barbora Misakova

Social network Facebook is a new form of epidemic. It is not network connecting former schoolmates or friends anymore. Sharing pictures and videos are not the only thing you can see there, these days. More often it is about sharing political and ideological views and their advocacy. Various events and not only those musical ones are shared with speed of light. The bright example of it was a case of some French Facebook users that were gathering in a predominantly Muslim neighborhood of Paris while encouraging invitees to eat pork and drink wine. This event presented not only a serious risk to public order, but it was kind of pure provocation, that should not been tolerated.! This controversial “pork sausage and wine” street party that was planned by extremist groups was banned by Paris police. Extremists considering this party as combat against “islamisation” of a city neighborhood planned it for Friday evening when the district’s streets are usually jammed with Muslims coming out of mosques. The original idea for this party came from a local woman who set up a Facebook page announcing the event. Sylvie Francois, what is her pseudonym told Liberation newspaper that she no longer felt at home in the neighborhood where she had lived all her life. As she said: “People of French origin can’t have a drink in peace there. If you are a woman you get hostile looks if you are not wearing an (Islamic) veil.” First idea to bring along a bottle of wine and a “saucisson” what is the sliced, cold sausage that is a staple of traditional French before-dinner drinks, was taken up by far-right and far-! left extremist groups. They published it on other Internet sit! es. Even though this party was condemned as “hateful, racist and xenophobic”, situations like these are not so crystal clear.

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by Barbora Misakova
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Israel guilty or not?
by Claudia Sonea

Humans are complex beings, gifted with reason as well as feelings. Some people prefer to listen to the voice of reason, while other leave themselves guided by the force of emotions, but at the end of the day everyone should honor and take advantage at maximum of the short span of time spent on Earth. Nonetheless, being complex beings with frustrations, desires, hopes, humans lose sight of what is important and follow goals that pose a threat to their own existence. There are wars, there is nuclear threat, there is greed, there are conflicts generated by differences in skin color, race, religion. Among the olde! st confrontations is the one between the Christians and the Muslims, more specifically, the one between Israel and Palestine. In the fight between the two nations, other countries have also been dragged and many people have lost their lives without getting to a solution. Mahmoud Abdel Rauf al-Mabhouh is one of the victims who departed following the disagreements, but he was not innocent. He too took part as a senior Hamas military commander to actions against Israel, like abducting two Israel militaries. Unfortunately, he did not manage to put aside all differences and simply benefit from the beauties of the world. In January, Rauf al-Mbhouh was assassinated in a five-star hotel and up to now there is no clear evidence leading to the criminal. The rumor that the Israel government ordered the assassination and Israel’s refusal to comment on the allegations attracted the rage of the international community. Moreover, the fact that the mu! rderers used forged European and Australian passports led to t! he expul sion of some Israeli diplomats. On Tuesday, the Irish government announced that a request to withdraw an embassy official in Dublin was formally sent to Israel. Australia and Britain have already expelled Israeli diplomats in connection with the use of fake passports. Will Israel respond peacefully or will the relations with the other nations worsen? Don’t go away, more to come…

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by Claudia Sonea
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Mexico train collision kills 10
by Magdalena Rosova

Collision of two cargo trains that happened on Tuesday morning in the western Mexican state of Sinaloa killed at least 10 people and wounded five other people. Among the killed people there were illegal migrants hitching rides. The crash was caused by a fault in changing tracks. Someone in Sinaloa did not change the tracks correctly. The train was in Sinaloa in the early morning hours. Martin Gastelum, spokesman for Sinaloa's public prosecutor's office said that the majority of victims were undocumented and the train operators were injured in the crash as well. One of the cargo trains was carrying tonnes of corn and so corn was spilled all over the place where the trains cr! ashed. Gastelum said rescue workers were still searching if there were some more bodies buried under the corn. Officials were not surprised that there were migrants in the cargo trains. Every year hundreds of migrants from Central America are illegally traveling to United States. They risk their lives to get to U.S. border and not all of them succeed. This time 10 of them were killed in the train accident in Mexico before they got to their dream U.S. border. Many migrants hitch rides on fast cargo train and often they just hang on the side of the trains. That is very dangerous as they many times slip and loose limbs or even die under the train. According to U.S. estimations, every year about 12 million immigrants successfully get to the United States, most of them enter from neighboring Mexico.

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